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    Leg Pain

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    This small volume is devoted to one of the most common patient complaints encountered by practitioners of adult medicine, and one that frequently presents the initial examining physician with a diagnostic conundrum. Few internists, primary care physicians, emergency room physicians, or medical or surgical subspecialists are thoroughly familiar with the neurologic, orthopedic, immunologic, and vascular causes of leg pain, and help from the literature requires access to multiple texts from diverse medical and surgical specialties. Leg Pain brings together, in a compact and easily transportable volume, expertise from the fields of vascular surgery, neurology, orthopedics and rheumatology, to offer insights into the clinical signs and symptoms associated with leg pain of diverse origins. · Emphasizes distinguishing features of the various types of leg pain, most of which can be determined by a simple history and physical examination. · Much important data are presented in tabular form to aid in arriving at a correct diagnosis. · Contains practical illustrations including a large section showcasing normal anatomy of the lower extremity.

    Essential Reproduction

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    Essential Reproduction provides an accessible account of the fundamentals of reproduction within the context of cutting-edge knowledge and examples of its application. The eighth edition of this internationally best-selling title provides a multidisciplinary approach integrating anatomy, physiology, genetics, behaviour, biochemistry, molecular biology and clinical science, to give thorough coverage of the study of mammalian reproduction. Key features: Contains discussion of the latest on conceptual, informational and applied aspects of reproduction New pedagogical features such as clinical case studies at the end of each chapter Better use of boxed material to improve separation of narrative text from ancillary information Highlighted key words for ease of reference relate to summary of key points Introduction now split into two sections Expanded content in Fetal challenges, and Society and reproduction Substantial rearrangement and updating in Making sperm, Controlling fertility, and Restoring fertility

    Leukaemia Diagnosis

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    UP-TO-DATE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LEUKAEMIA DIAGNOSIS Written by a renowned expert this practical guide had been fully revised and updated. The book covers recent advances in the fields of immunophenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. It illustrates how laboratory techniques are used for the diagnosis and classification of leukaemia and includes images of abnormal cells to aid diagnosis. This fourth edition: Incorporates the recommendations of the 2008 WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues Includes 300 high quality full colour digital images of abnormal cells in leukaemia and lymphoma – 50 of which are completely new Every haematologist and haematopathologist should keep a copy close at hand for quick reference.

    Blood Cells

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    Blood Cells has been written with both the practising haematologist and the trainee in mind. It aims to provide a guide for use in the diagnostic haematology laboratory, covering methods of collection of blood specimens, blood film preparation and staining, the principles of manual and automated blood counts and the assessment of the morphological features of blood cells. The practising haematologist should find this book sufficiently comprehensive to be a reference source while, at the same time, the trainee haematologist and biomedical scientist should find it a straightforward and practical bench manual. Enables both the haematologist and laboratory scientist to identify blood cell features, from the most common to the more obscure Provides essential information on methods of collection, blood film preparation and staining, together with the principles of manual and automated blood counts Completely revised and updated, incorporating much newly published information: now includes advice on further tests when a specific diagnosis is suspected Four hundred high quality photographs to aid with blood cell identification Highlights the purpose and clinical relevance of haematology laboratory tests throughout

    Leukaemia Diagnosis

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    Now in its third edition Leukaemia Diagnosis has been completely revised and updated throughout to include the latest developments in the fields of haematology and oncology. Written by Barbabra Bain, an acclaimed haematologist and morphologist, Leukaemia Diagnosis is a highly practical guide and reference source, which reflects the latest changes in the fields of morphology, cytochemistry, immunophenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. The third edition of Leukaemia Diagnosis includes: Over 180 superb four-colour photographs of normal cells and abnormal variants The latest WHO leukaemia classification guidelines

    Haemoglobinopathy Diagnosis

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    This unique book is written by Barbara Bain, a leading haematologist with a reputation for her educational prowess in the field. It provides a concise overview of the haemoglobinopathies and focuses on the selection, performance, and interpretation of relevant laboratory tests. The tests dealt with are mainly those done regularly in diagnostic haematology laboratories. Where more specialist tests are required, the reader is given an overview of what the specialist centre will do, with guidance on what the result will imply. This book is extremely practical in orientation and is an essential reference volume in the haematology laboratory. Haemoglobinopathy Diagnosis is ideal for: Trainees and residents in haematology Hematologists in practice Laboratory scientists Why Buy This Book? New Edition – Fully updated, with 43 new pictures and 37 pages of illustrated clinical cases to use for teaching and self-evaluation Essential reference volume for the haematology laboratory Focuses on diagnosis Very practical in its approach In addition to the self-assessment case studies, contains «test your knowledge» sections at the end of every chapter Remarkably comprehensive for a compact book

    Obstetric Ultrasound

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    This evidence-based book shows how to use ultrasound to identify potential problems and how best to manage them. Working backwards from the fetal finding or maternal problem, this practical resource explores potential diagnostic routes and management plans. Throughout the book, the author uses ‘case in point’ examples to focus on how to extract the most useful information from a standard ultrasound examination. Dr. Hobbins, who has spent more than three decades using ultrasound in a perinatal setting, also thoroughly explores vital issues such as comprehensive examination of the fetal anatomy, the meaning of various abnormal findings, how ultrasound can be used to enhance the management of obstetrical complications, dealing with discrepant biometry, diabetes and hypertension, advanced maternal age, preterm labor, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and safety of ultrasound.

    Male Infertility

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    This unique book deals almost wholly with the clinical aspects of the subject. Male Infertility is a book written by a clinician for clinicians, most frequently gynaecologists who are battling to understand reproductive pathology in the infertile male patient. It is intended to familiarize the gynaecologist and other interested clinicians in the clinical management of an infertile man and provide that individual with practical guidance to a clinical problem.

    Clinical Pancreatology

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    Most patients suffering from pancreatic diseases are managed by general internists, gastroenterologists and/or surgeons in non-specialized centers. Basic and clinical research in pancreatology is continuously leading to changes in the management of pancreatic diseases, but these advances are applied to the clinical practice almost exclusively in specialized centers by specialized groups. The books and journals currently available are directed at pancreatologists and the information does not reach most general clinicians and surgeons who treat patients suffering from pancreatic diseases. The aim of this book is to provide practising gastroenterologists and surgeons with clear information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic diseases.

    Insulin Resistance

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    Insulin resistance, defined as a reduced biological action of insulin, has emerged as a major factor in the development and progression of a number of common non-communicable diseases in man. The role of insulin resistance in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes is particularly well-established. However, insulin resistance has also come to be regarded as a key component of a broader syndrome of common metabolic defects that conspire to increase the risk of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. The ramifications of insulin resistance now embrace many different medical specialties. The objective of this book is to summarize the current state of knowledge about insulin resistance. Section 1 (Pathophysiology of Insulin Resistance) considers the development of current concepts of insulin resistance. This is followed by a critical review of techniques for the assessment of insulin action in humans. The section concludes with an outline of current hypotheses concerning the molecular defects responsible for insulin resistance. Section 2 (Insulin Resistance in Clinical Medicine) broadens the discussion to include physiological and pathological conditions with which insulin resistance is associated; the effects of drug treatment on insulin sensitivity are also considered. Section 3 (Management of Insulin Resistance and Associated Conditions) focuses on the avoidance and treatment of insulin resistance in its clinical manifestations. A discussion of the potential benefits of non-pharmacological measures prefaces a review of the range of drugs used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and related disorders. References are confined to key articles at the end of each section. Improved nutrition allied to increased levels of physical exercise are of crucial importance in the battle to stem the increasing incidence and prevalence of insulin resistance; however, translation of such advice into action has proved difficult in practice. Thus, other approaches have been explored. Recent years have witnessed considerable progress in the pharmacological management of insulin resistance. In particular, the thiazolidinediones (and other insulin-sensitizing drugs) appear to provide a more specific assault on insulin-resistance. Clinical experience with these agents remains relatively limited and serious hepatotoxicity has clouded the first agent in this class – troglitazone. With its introduction into the USA in 1995 and driven by the publication of the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study, metformin has enjoyed a renaissance. This well-established agent is finding application for new clinical indications. In parallel, the development of anti-obesity drugs continues apace. The molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying some forms of insulin resistance are being revealed. Original intellectual concepts such as the fetal origins hypothesis are challenging traditional views about the aetiology of insulin resistance and its clinical sequelae. These exciting scientific advances notwithstanding, the evolving global epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes represents an enormous public health challenge. Now more than ever, research must focus on identifying solutions that are applicable on the level of entire populations. By definition, these must also be practical and cost-effective.