I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название I Am
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873048459

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preparation, Rafaela took several tests at public universities in the Capital. A month later, the results came out simultaneously, and she had failed them all. This gave her a great shock even despite the few chances. Let me explain. For being poor, Rafaela had always attended basic governmental schools, where the teaching was of a lower standard than at private schools. Despite being intelligent, that fact was undisputable. The other important factor was the lack of studying material during the preparation. However, with everything against her, she was expecting something good or a miracle, and the total failure it was a shock, although it was the most probable thing to happen.

      From then on, she spent two weeks at home, in isolation and suffering until a school mate paid her a visit, who had also failed the same exams. In an honest talk, they consoled each other and promised to carry on. In the end, they were young and failing the exams, was not going to mark them forever as inefficient. “There is no indefinite failure nor success. Life was made of ups and downs, and the secret of happiness consisted of always believe in a way out.”

      “Both then restarted their lives”

      The seer takes the hand away. How much has this young girl suffered! It was not fair to her or anyone else to live with so many failures and pain. It was then that with a penetrating look he faced her and the group, declaring:

      — I know better than anybody else what is suffering. In my childhood, I have lived with poverty daily, lack of understanding, subjection and human injustice. In my adolescence, in order not to hurt my relatives, I lived a personality and consequently I didn’t live life in full. A while later, I reached the extreme of darkness and criminality. It was at this point that the father acted and rescued me. Today I am a reborn man, honest and happy. Is there any secret? It is easy. Take your crosses, renege the world, give yourselves to the live force of the universe, that we usually call God. He is the only one who understand us completely. He is calling you now to enter his kingdom. In it, there will be no misery, pain, suffering or injustice. This kingdom will not end.

      — Yes. The way is open for everyone, righteous or sinners. (Rafael)

      — Big and small will gather at the mount Sian and will worship the father and the sons. It will a time of peace and happiness. (Uriel)

      — When will that be? (Renato)

      — The date is marked from the beginning of times but belongs to the Almighty. The day will come like the thief and, however, it is necessary to be ready— recommended the son of God.

      — What must I do to enter the father’s kingdom? (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — A few things are necessary. Work, faith, humbleness, charity, tolerance, patience, forgiveness and above all love. Who does not know the latter, has not got the essence of God. (The son of God)

      — Thank you for sharing this with us, friend Aldivan. (Said Rafaela ending the talk)

      The group then went ahead towards the road, beside of BR 232. Without much ado, they cover the distance in about eight minutes. They waited for the bus to come, what took about forty minutes.

      There is only six kilometres to get to the beginning of Caraíbas and it was so quick that there was no time to get to know other passengers. They climb down, say goodbye to the remaining people, pay the fare, cross the road, starting the ascent in the shape of a curve.

      At this point everything seems to change.

      The ground disappears under our feet. The angels act quickly and hold the humans. Even so, a powerful force pushes them towards the abysm at speed. In a question of seconds, they are falling into a dark space, cold and deserted. What to do? Where were they going to end? At that moment, everyone’s hope and faith were shaken, for they were dying without being rescued.

      The time passes, and they continue falling. In a time, impossible to measure such is their predicament, they can see the end: On the right side, a cross and on the left, immense darkness, in the centre, Sheol, full of tormented evil spirits. The more they approach the elements, the shock of the opposing forces was enormous as five years ago, at the first adventure of the series “The seer”.

      Just before they were going to be smashed on the ground, the son of God, inspired by the holy spirit starts reciting the following prayer: “Father, I call upon you to act. We are in deep contrition, misery and danger and we have no one to resort to. Remember us now just as you have remembered and took pity of Noah and the slave Israelites. I beg for your love, understanding and for the mercies of the blessed cross that has freed us from sin and open the doors to eternal life. So be it.”

      About a millimetre from falling, the attraction force ceased. The angels then flipped their wings and started flying again. They began the return way at the speed of light. In a short time, they come out of the abysm and it disappears without trace. As by magic, they find themselves at the ascent in “s” of Caraíbas, right at the beginning. Rafaela did not hold back:

      — My God! What was that?

      — It was an illusion caused by a powerful malign mind. If it weren’t for the seer’s prayer, we would be lost – Explained Rafael.

      — How come, Aldivan? Where from comes the inspiration? (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — I am going to explain. Through the communion phenomenon, I and Yahweh are interlinked in such a way that my words become his. There is no difference. (Aldivan)

      — Incredible! I have never heard anything like that. Despite appearing to be blasphemy, I believe it. (Rafaela)

      — How nice friend, you are beginning to learn the greatness of this heart that one day will conquer the world. (Renato)

      — I don’t exist without him (Uriel)

      —Thank you everyone and specially my friend archangel Uriel Ikiriri. At the most difficult moments of my life, he has been a tool of the Almighty who has supported and liberated me. I don’t have any more words to say. I am the only human to know his guardian angel, to know his own future and to penetrate the human soul. I am blessed. (The seer)

      — I would like to be like you. (Said Rafaela in a melancholic tone)

      — Don’t want to be. Every human being is beautiful for his own characteristics. God loves you as you are and is only waiting for a yes to act in your life. (The seer)

      — I understood it. Pardon me. (Rafaela)

      — Don’t worry. I understand you. (The son of God)

      — Thank you. (Rafaela)

      — Let’s continue, then. There is still a long way to go. (Aldivan)

      The group obeyed. The walk continued. Walking for a few metres, they turn the bend, and went ahead. On the way, they meet two private cars leaving the village, some horse riders and a bicycle rider. As they were good mannered and polite, they greeted them and continue walking forwards. A short distance ahead, the first houses appear, and the ascent becomes flat. The seer stops, and so do the others, and then he takes advantage to speak to his adventure companions:

      — Do you see all this around? It is splendid terrain with its peculiar traits, this is a little of the outback caatinga. Every day for a year, I sweated walking this way. However, this did not make me less worthy. On the contrary, I felt honoured to perform my role as administrative assistant of the school secretary.

      — I have never worked. But I understand what you say. It is indeed good to be useful, what I am not now. (Rafaela)

      — Don’t talk like that. You have got a beautiful family that loves you and the spiritual father too. Now, you have got us as friends. Do you see? You are not useless. You are important for those around you. (Aldivan)

      — Your words… make me emotional… Bua, Bua, Bua…. (Rafaela Ferreira, sobbing)

      Everyone became emotional. Instinctively,