I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название I Am
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873048459

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I think it was just like that. (Antonio)

      — I understand it. It is very difficult indeed. (The seer)

      — Have you seen a specialist? (Rafael)

      — Yes. With no concrete results. (Gildete)

      — In my despair, I even consulted a holy priest. (Antonio)

      — I have already told them that nothing and nobody can help me. They are stubborn. (Rafaela)

      — Don’t talk like that. Nothing is impossible. (Renato)

      — She is depressed, young man. It is normal feeling like that. (Uriel)

      — Oh, pardon me, Rafaela. (Renato)

      — It is not your fault. What to do, my God? I feel lost and with no chances of surviving. What else could happen? (Rafaela)

      — The answer you are seeking is in my father. When I was in the dark night of the soul— a dark period when I went away from God— he looked for me and with great love he saved me from perdition. He can even do more for you through me. For that reason, I ask permission from your parents and you, to let me try to help you. (The seer)

      — I don’t know. Although I am afraid, I have trust on what.

      —What must I do, dad and mom? (Asks Rafaela)

      — We have nothing to lose. For the little we have talked, I have understood the greatness of this man’s heart. I have got faith. (Gildete)

      — What have you got in mind? (Antonio)

      — Get to know your daughter, and through knowing her be able to help her. I also want her to come with us in a short journey. (The seer)

      — Everything is alright with me. However, keep us up to date. (Antonio)

      — If you agree, I am also in agreement. I am going to try. (Rafaela)

      — Thank you for your trust. (The seer)

      — Would you like something to eat or drink? (Gildete)

      — Water for me. (The seer)

      — I want juice. (Renato)

      — Anything. (Rafael)

      — Thank you. (Uriel)

      — If you excuse me. (Gildete)

      Gildete got up, ruffled her hair and with steady steps headed to the kitchen. In a few strides she gets there and begins preparing some snacks. While waiting, the conversation continues lively in the lounge, relating to other subjects. When she finishes preparing the food, the hostess call everyone to the kitchen table, were everything was well organized. They respond to the call, and for twenty minutes, they continue to interact, in an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and union, as if they were a large family. What has a touch of truth, for they are all part of the great family called humanity.

      At the end, Rafaela goes to pack her suitcases to take on the long journey. A journey still not defined and unforeseen which could change the future of the entire world. Let’s wait and see.


      With the help of her new friends, Rafaela finalises things and then the group leaves the house. Outside, the seer hires a car with destination to the first place that comes to mind. The chosen place is Ipojuca, in the municipality of Arcoverde. They get in the car and depart to the mentioned place.

      They pass the neighbourhood of St. Cristopher, reach the centre, pass “Boa Vista” and at the end of the main avenue they make a detour towards the village. At this point everyone is attentive and expectant. “The destiny lines are being drawn even without them being aware of it. Surely success was awaiting them”.

      On the way, they try to amuse themselves the best way possible with laughs, jokes, gossip and disorder. Only the seer was very serious and pensive. At least on the surface.

      And so, the fifteen kilometres separating them from the village, were quickly covered without much stress. They arrive at the village, with only a main road with houses here and there. They ask to stop in front of the local small church, take the driver’s telephone number, say goodbye, pay the hire, and alight. They watch the car disappear in the horizon and decide to walk at random a few metres. It is a this point that the seer speaks:

      — I feel that everything is changing. I will finally find my destiny, I will enchant the public and will solve many conflicts. Do you believe, brothers? (The seer)



      — Yes, you are the man— Praised Renato.

      — Thank you. (The seer)

      — Everybody has the capability of attaining success. However, many are carried away by the destiny’s occurrences and give up. I know that this is not your case and I admire you for it. (Rafael)

      — Rafael, I am not superman. I am human, and I am very proud of it. I am like any other normal person, with fears, frustrations, deceptions, anxieties, worries and many problems. Everything conspires to failure, but I don’t accept defeat. I have decided to fight until the end and I call my brothers to my father’s midst, “I am “loves you and through me he can heal your wounds. It is enough to believe in Yahweh, in my name and of that of my superior brother. Have faith! (The seer)

      — Teach me! I have lost hope and I don’t know where to find it. (Rafaela Ferreira)

      The seer gets emotional. There, by his side, it was a suffering sister, fighter, full of scratches from the ungrateful life. He understood well her situation and her pains, and by his own experience knew that it was not going to be easy handle them or even heal them. Full of compassion, he approaches the lass gives a strong hug, kisses her on the face and murmurs something in her ear. The message calms her down.

      After, with a signal ask the other to accompany him. The group crosses the village on foot, enters the woods and soon after stops in front of a fig tree. The seer then speaks again:

      — As once a tree like this saved my life, I want save you from darkness and sin. Make a circle holding hands.

      They obey. The seer approaches and touch his newest friend. The forces of two hearts meets as “Take one” from the presentation starts:

       “It was January 1 st , 1990. A new day begins, tranquil and moderate sun, at the beloved Arcoverde. More exactly at the neighbourhood St. Cristopher, near the local faculty, the couple of Gildete and Antonio Ferreira have just arrived from the hospital where the first has given birth to a beautiful baby. As it was the first and probably the last daughter, because of complications during the birth, she was being spoilt by both. It was the concretization of the couple mutual love, after 5 years of comings and goings.

      The little girl was an enchanting creature and it seemed smiling, despite probably not being able to see them. After hugging her tightly, the mother makes a prophecy:

      — My daughter will be happy even if she suffers the vagaries of life. I feel that something special will happen in her life.

      The atheist father did give importance to the message, but the catholic mother, faced it as a road to destiny. She piously believed that she was special. Of common agreement, they chose the name Rafaela, and thus she was baptised the week after at the neighbourhood’s church. Afterwards, life continued normally.

      Little by little, Rafaela grew up, gaining body size, crawling and then walking at about her first year of life. On the way, she tripped, fell, hurt herself and finally won. These stages would accompany her in any project and with a little dedication, guts and faith, had won. “Every human being is predisposed to succeed. However, most give up at the first difficulty. For those, “I am” says: You are capable, and nothing is impossible to those who believe