I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название I Am
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873048459

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Certainly. She has already gained my admiration. (Rafaela)

      — Thank you. And you, Rafael and Uriel, since when have entered the seer’s life? (Jackeline)

      — We have always been part of his life but only recently God allowed us to reveal ourselves. We are archangels and we are always in the presence of God— Explained Rafael.

      — Archangels? Here on earth? How is it possible? And why? (Asked the incredulous Jackeline)

      — Just that. Specifically, I am Aldivan’s guardian angel, I am an Ikiriri, and was created together with him. We are living important and decisive times and our presence is necessary here on earth. (Uriel)

      — Cool. I would like the opportunity of knowing my angel. I think that would change my life completely. (Jackeline)

      — Me too. (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — We are everywhere. Each person one way or another is in contact with his angel. It is only necessary to pay attention to the signals. (Rafael)

      — For example? (Jackeline)

      — Have you ever heard that inner voice guiding and advising you? The humans call it intuition. (Rafael)

      — Yes. To a lesser extent, yes. (Jackeline)

      — Me too. Several times. Only sometimes some voices influence us to evil. (Rafaela)

      — In that case, they are messengers, also known as demons. They belong to the darkness, act on the week points of the person, serve the purposes of the God of darkness. (Uriel)

      — It was what has happened with me. Those voices almost lead me to perdition. However, at the moment I most needed, the forces of goodness became present and liberated me. (Aldivan)

      — It is exactly what I need now. I need that restoring force to progress living with expectations. Teach me, son of God! (Rafaela Ferreira)

      The son of God got emotional stood up positioning himself in front of everyone. Rafaela was another anguished, desperate and lost person, who cried out for help and with his experience he knew how painful was to feel alone in life. For a moment, he looks towards his inner and waits an answer from his father who loved him so much. He knew that if he asked he would listen, for in him Yahweh God found his pleasure.

      With a sure and steady voice, he then speaks to his friends:

      — My brothers, have faith in me. God Yahweh is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and even having so many attributes, he still loves us as children. The only condition is that we follow his commandments written in the bible and up-dated in the Best—seller “God’s code”. The rest happens consequently.

      — I want it. How can I enter the kingdom of God? (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — Our kingdom is the kingdom of justice, peace and love and is open to everyone. My mission now is to look for people, spread God’s message and hope that it will spread by itself. You are part of that project. Do you accept? (The son of God)

      — Yes. (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — Then from now on you are the first apostle. We need 11 more to complete the team. Welcome. (The seer)

      — Thank you. (Rafaela)

      — I also want it. (Renato)

      — And us? (Jackeline)

      — You a part of another plan. My apostles are all those that need my urgent help, specially the sinners— Explained the son of God.

      — According to tradition, there are twelve that will become billions. (Rafael)

      — Let the prophecy be accomplished. (Uriel)

      — Thank you all. (The seer)

      Saying that, the seer returned to his place and everyone restarted eating. At the end of the meal, they finally say goodbye, take their suitcases and leave the house. Now, towards Mimoso— Pesqueira, a village about twelve kilometres from where they were. It was there that everything has started.

      Getting to the streets, they try to enjoy the last minutes at the wonderful land of the beloved Caraíbas, suggestively called Carabais in the book “The encounter between two worlds” and in “The opposing forces the mystery of the cave”. The reason for the change in name was the preservation of this magic place, surrounded by beauty, but now this wasn’t so important. “I am” in the person of Aldivan Teixeira Torres was ready to reveal itself.

      They walk through the centre, turn left and follow the last street towards the asphalt road which would take back again to the edges of the highway BR 232. When they were at a safe distance and with no witnesses, Rafaela speaks:

      — I am ready! Touch me, son of God!

      Aldivan didn’t answer. While the others waited for his reaction, he approached his first apostle and gently embraces her. After, he moves away, concentrates and stretches the arm again touching the end of her hair. At that point, the ground shakes, the darkness of the knowledge reaches them all and then he has access to another part of the story of his dear friend:

      “Rafaela continued ahead with her a life after the admission exam failure. She temporarily gave up enrolling at the faculty face the difficulties and concentrate on the home chores and in the sporadic social events. Without understanding, it was there that the danger lied. In one of outings, she met Marciano Fonseca, a forty years old young man saying he was single. They started a relationship, with comings and goings to her home. In time, the relationship becomes solid, they made love for the first time and then Rafaela demanded to meet his family to become engaged. From that moment on, everything changed. Marciano Fonseca practically disappeared and whenever showed up, gave lame excuses to the demands of his girlfriend. Dissatisfied, Rafaela suspected and pressed even more. It was then that he exploded and confessed everything, he was a married man with children and could not make a commitment. Nothing made sense after this profound deception that she suffered. It was then she met this enchanting group, led by the seer who promised to help. The beginning of a new story”.

      The seer takes the hand away and with a smile exclaims:

      — Let’s go brothers! There is no more place for sadness. Let bygones, be bygones. I now promise a great commitment to your causes. Accompany me to the destination, apostle and friends.

      Nobody says anything, the seer starts to walk again and instinctively all obey and follow him. There start going down Caraíbas’ bend and being in the morning, the sun is not too strong.

      Revisiting known landscapes, touching with his toes that enchanting place, they go ahead in the bends of destiny. In a good mood, the 1.5 km (A kilometre and half) of the distance feel very short. And so, they complete it in twenty minutes.

      At the edge of the highway, they wait for an incoming bus. Luckily, one comes quickly, they board it and in a matter of minutes they are in the centre of Mimoso. They climb down, pay the fare and say goodbye to the others. Now a new story is coming up.

      The group advances, pass Joaquim de Brito square, turn right, go straight and arrive at the centre. They pass a few houses, on the right-hand side and they stop at number twenty. In front of the door, they knock on it. In a flash, the door opens. From the house, appears a tall young woman, blonde, pretty, normal body, wearing sunglasses, cap, sandals, white Bermuda shorts, knitted shirt and blue panties showing through the see-through clothes. With a captivating smile, she starts talking.

      — My God! The seer and his partner Renato and his class in my house! What honour! How can I help you?

      — Hi, Bernadete Sousa! Everything Ok? I and my friends ask permission to have a chat with you. I heard that you are not well. (The seer)

      — Oh, thank you. Please come in!

      The hostess goes inside followed by the visitors. With six rooms (Two bedrooms, lounge, bathroom, kitchen and service area) it was a typical medium size house. They settled in the living room,