I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название I Am
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873048459

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around to the millimetre.

      With a little effort they all fit in the simple but cushioned settee. Then the conversation begins:

      —And you, Aldivan? Don’t you introduce your friends to me? (Bernadete)

      — Yes, of course. I beg your pardon. This is Rafaela Ferreira, a friend from Arcoverde, these two are Rafael and Uriel, pointing out each one of them. (The son of God)

      — Pleased to meet you. Welcome all. (Bernadetete)

      — Thank you. (The others simultaneously)

      — How are you? (The seer)

      — You know it. I have not recovered yet. Everything is very recent. (Bernadete)

      — What has happened? What is her problem, master? (Rafaela)

      — Bernadete Sousa was a rape victim. Consequently, she got pregnant and under her patents’ pressure, who wanted to see her married and virgin, she left home and had an abortion. This happened three days ago. (The son of God)

      — I am sorry. (Rafaela)

      — Thank you. (Bernadete)

      — We came here to invite you to go on a journey with non—defined destination.

      — What is the objective? (Bernadete)

      — To show you God. (Uriel)

      — I don’t know. God seems to have forgotten me, for he allowed that beast to rape me. Since then, my life became an inferno and I didn’t deserve it— Said Bernadete with bitterness.

      — Do not repeat that! My father never allows evil things to happen. We cannot make God responsible for the actions of a delinquent part of humanity. I saw it. I was there, in the beginning of everything. God made an agreement with the universe, that he would not interfere with anything happening. This is a consequence of the free will —Explained the son of God.

      — Then who must I make responsible? Destiny? Explain it to me, please. (Bernadete)

      — Destiny is also a creative force. I cannot make it responsible either, because we are responsible, in a great way, for our happiness. (The seer)

      — Then I don’t know what to say. (Bernadete)

      — It was a fatality. It must be overcome so that you continue your life head high up. (Rafael)

      — As for the abortion, I understand you. (Renato)

      — Indeed, Renato? That is not what most people do. I have already been judged and condemned by them. (Bernadete)

      — I know it. But I am not like the rest of the world. (Renato)

      — How good. Thank you. (Bernadete)

      — What do you say, son of God? (Uriel)

      — Life for me and my father is sacred, whatever the situation is. But I was sent here to say that I don’t condemn. I am here to call you to my midst and to cover the darkness of your sin with my light and my father’s, do you accept? (The seer)

      — Yes, I don’t know how but I need you, you person. Your words fill me with hope and expectations. What must I do? (Bernadete)

      — Join Rafaela and become also my apostle. Soon, we will make an interesting enriching journey through this world. Is it alright with you? (The seer)

      Bernadete thinks for a few moments. Lately, her life was summed up, working as municipal servant and her private pain. Everything seemed lost up to this moment. Would it be wrong to accept the proposal? She didn’t know, but for the little she knew about Aldivan he was trustworthy, a symbol of persistence, guts and fight. There were no more doubts.

      — I want it! It seems madness, but I think it is my only chance. When do we leave? (Bernadete)

      — Right now. (The son of God)

      — Wait a moment. Just need time to have a bath and pack the suitcases. (Bernadete)

      — Ok. (Aldivan)

      Bernadete goes away to get ready for the journey. While this happens, the conversation continues lively in the lounge about other subjects. Sometime later, the hostess returns to the lounge and everything being ready, they depart. They go through the door, lock it and return to the streets.

      Outside, they go through the centre, turn the corner again and head to the small chapel of Saint Sabastian. There, they make a stop. The seer takes advantage to speak:

      — Renato, do you remember? It was here that our adventures started, a mad journey through time. I had an experience in the desert, faced ghosts and demonic men, fought the final battle and survived. See! Nothing is impossible to those who believe in God.

      — Yes, I remember, partner. I was only a child then and with my help, we balanced the opposing forces, solved injustices and helped someone to find himself. It was incredible! (Renato)

      — And now I remember our encounter in Arcoverde. How good it was to have accepted your invitation. Every minute, I feel better and more hopeful. (Rafaela Ferreira)

      — I was before God begging for the success of both— Revealed Rafael.

      — And I was the angel who helped you in the final battle. (Uriel Ikiriri)

      — Goodness! I never suspected! (The seer)

      — Yes. At that time, everything ought to be a secret, for your own good. (Uriel)

      — Mysteries of the universe! (Exclaimed Renato)

      — It is so! (The seer)

      — I also want to be part of your life! I am afflicted by the circumstances and I only have you to turn to. Help me son of God! (Pleaded Bernadete)

      Aldivan became emotional again. In front of him, was another suffering woman, affected by the circumstances and the human evil. He knew very well what that was. Numerous times, he had been violated corporally and spiritually by the human scum. Despite everything, he forgave the infamies and offences, even if they did not deserve it. As their brother and father, he loved all, friends and foes. For if he loves only your friends, what award would he get? Don’t the pagans also do it? Be perfect like his father and sons, who give sun and rain for the righteous and the evil, indistinctly”.

      Armed with this sentiment, he approaches the lass, gives a smile, stretches the arm and softly touch her face with the tip of his fingers. In those fragile and well-made curves, he can see a little of the inside of that creature, in a quick vision:

      “It was a clear night, peaceful and with little movement in the village of Mimoso, in middle November of 2014. Bernadete had just come from mass and being the only catholic in the family walked alone. Initially heading home was intercepted by a stranger asking for directions how to reach the cousin’s home at the back the road. Trying to be polite, she explained in detail to him how to get there, but the stranger appeared very confused. At the end of the explanation, he asked her if she could go with him and personally show him the way. Very naïve and full of pity, Bernadete accepted the proposal and went with him to the back street. They passed the centre, turn towards south, and at the first time they were alone, the man grabbed her, gagged her with tape so she didn’t shout, and finally took her to an empty plot. There, using violence, he had sex with her. In the end, he beat her up and threatened to kill her if she reported him. After, disappeared towards the road so wouldn’t be caught and identified. There started Bernadete’s despair. Now, she was dishonoured and marked forever by a strange, who in her opinion, was sent by the devil. However, the worse was still to come”.

      The seer, in shock, takes his hand away. What a thing! This was one more example of how far human evil has gone. If it weren’t for his constant prayers, surely the world and mankind would no longer exist.

      Full of compassion, he embraces the apostle, comes away a little and says:

      — I can