Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Название Bovine Reproduction
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119602460

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artifacts (BW),...Figure 40.35 Mirror image artifact: fetus (F), pelvic bone (PB), mirror imag...Figure 40.36 Prison bar artifacts.Figure 40.37 Crystal defects.

      35 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 Effect of decreasing calving interval on a dairy cow's lifetime ...Figure 42.2 Example of a Kaplan–Meier survival curve showing effect of a hea...

      36 Chapter 43Figure 43.1 When diagnostic measurements of affected and unaffected populati...Figure 43.2 If the test has imperfect test diagnostic specificity (i.e. <100...Figure 43.3 After an initial diagnostic test, one test result direction (tes...

      37 Chapter 44Figure 44.1 Pregnancy distribution showing percentage pregnant by 21‐day per...Figure 44.2 Pregnancy distribution depicting a prolonged breeding season, po...Figure 44.3 Pregnancy distribution in a spring‐calving herd following multip...

      38 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Reproductive efficiency metrics.Figure 45.2 Twelve‐month pregnancy rate table of heat detection rate (red) a...Figure 45.3 Twelve‐month pregnancy rate summary table of heat detection rate...Figure 45.4 Conception risk by breeding number (DairyComp, BREDSUM\B, Exampl...Figure 45.5 Diagram of key dairy reproduction program components.Figure 45.6 Scatterplot of first service insemination pattern (x‐axis shows ...Figure 45.7 Conception by breeding trigger limited to first service. Highlig...Figure 45.8 Histogram of days in milk at first TAI breeding (DairyComp, Exam...Figure 45.9 Days since last breeding (DSLB) histogram. Area in red shows the...Figure 45.10 Conception rate by breeding code table. Displayed as 95% confid...Figure 45.11 Conception risk table by breeding interval (DairyComp, BREDSUM\...Figure 45.12 Conception risk by technician (PCDart, Conception Tracker, Exam...Figure 45.13 Weekly conception risk table. Red bars indicate a potential pro...Figure 45.14 Calculating disease incidence.Figure 45.15 Monthly incidence of fresh cow disorders – limited to metritis ...Figure 45.16 Maternity pen analysis: limited to first lactation cows (PCDart...Figure 45.17 Abortion incidence calculation.Figure 45.18 Crude abortion rate calculation.Figure 45.19 Distribution of age at first calving shown in years–months (Dai...Figure 45.20 Distribution in age at first breeding shown in days of age (Dai...Figure 45.21 Age at first breeding scatterplot. This farm followed a 400‐day...Figure 45.22 Distribution of herd mean CR for heifers bred with conventional...Figure 45.23 Conception risk comparison – heifer breedings to non‐sexed and ...Figure 45.24 Microsoft Excel partial budget template.Figure 45.25 Value of reproductive improvement tool.

      39 Chapter 47Figure 47.1 Grade 1 eversion: vaginal eversion occurs intermittently, partic...Figure 47.2 Grade 2 eversion: floor of the vagina everts and stays everted....Figure 47.3 Grade 3 eversion: floor and cervix evert and they stay everted....Figure 47.4 Grade 4 eversion: either a grade 2 or grade 3 that has become ne...Figure 47.5 Caslick's suture being applied to a non‐pregnant cow with grade ...Figure 47.6 Caslick's suture procedure.Figure 47.7 Buhner stich procedure. Note locations of dorsal and ventral ret...Figure 47.8 Bootlace technique.Figure 47.9 (a and b) Example of horizontal mattress technique. Note locatio...Figure 47.10 Example of deep vertical mattress technique applied where butto...Figure 47.11 Example of modified Minchev technique (a) with schematic illust...Figure 47.12 Gerlach needle (left) and Buhner needle (right).Figure 47.13 “Syringe case tops” prepared for use.Figure 47.14 External view of bilateral completed modified Minchev technique...Figure 47.15 Example of trocar and plastic buttons used for modified Minchev...Figure 47.16 Schematic representation of Winkler technique for cervicopexy....Figure 47.17 (a and b) Special needle used for Winkler technique for cervico...Figure 47.18 Everted uterus with evidence of contamination.Figure 47.19 Uterus is further traumatized by knocking between the hocks....Figure 47.20 “Okie position:” note extension and elevation of hind legs.Figure 47.21 Cow is placed in a chute (a squeeze chute is preferred) for sta...Figure 47.22 Elevation of uterus by a sheet helps in reduction.Figure 47.23 A probang is used to fully invert uterine horns. Note that the ...Figure 47.24 A child's wiffle bat can be used in place of the probang.Figure 47.25 A closed approach of uterine amputation. Note location of ligat...

      40 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Progesterone is synthesized to estradiol following the upregulat...

      41 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 Management strategies to prevent dystocia. Mg, Magnesium; I, iod...Figure 49.2 Risk factors affecting calving difficulties. ↑, Increase; ↓, dec...

      42 Chapter 50Figure 50.1 Embryo and associated embryonic membranes recovered from the vag...Figure 50.2 (a) Uterine horn containing a fetal mummy exteriorized through t...Figure 50.3 Skeletal remnants from macerated twin fetuses extracted per vagi...Figure 50.4 Duplication of the fetal head and neck. Fetuses with duplication...Figure 50.5 Schistosomus reflexus fetal monster. Arthrogrypotic limbs and ab...Figure 50.6 Vaginal prolapse with eversion of vaginal wall and external cerv...Figure 50.7 Reduction of prolapsed vaginal tissue following cleansing and de...Figure 50.8 Relative positions of the broad ligaments of the uterus. Top ima...Figure 50.9 Positioning of obstetrical chains and a detorsion rod for treatm...Figure 50.10 Schematic representation of the “plank in the flank” technique ...Figure 50.11 Holstein cow with hydrops allantois. Note the bilateral abdomin...Figure 50.12 Cow pictured in Figure 50.11 following a standing cesarean sect...Figure 50.13 Complete uterine prolapse following unassisted delivery. Hemorr...

      43 Chapter 51Figure 51.1 Basic obstetric equipment: (A) 152‐cm obstetric chain; (B) 76‐cm...Figure 51.2 Additional obstetric equipment: (A) fetal head snare; (B) de‐tor...Figure 51.3 Fetotomy equipment: (A) Utrecht fetatome; (B) threader or insert...Figure 51.4 The author's recommended placement of a fetatome head for remova...Figure 51.5 An alternate “cut” that incorporates the head and one shoulder, ...Figure 51.6 Wire placement for mid‐abdomen cut.Figure 51.7 Wire placement for bisection of fetal pelvis.Figure 51.8 Circumferential incision.Figure 51.9 Incision started at the scapula of the fetus and extended toward...Figure 51.10 Alternative incision originating from the edge of the circumfer...Figure 51.11 Skin dissection with use of an obstetrical chisel.

      44 Chapter 52Figure 52.1 (a) Lifting a newborn calf by its rear limbs will duplicate aspe...Figure 52.2 “Tickling” the nasal openings of the newborn with an enteral fee...Figure 52.3 Surgical pack.Figure 52.4 The rumen is identified and pushed cranially to allow access to ...Figure 52.5 In the case of a fetus in a normal anterior position, a hind lim...Figure 52.6 Initiating the Utrecht suture pattern, begin the suture line pro...Figure 52.7 (a) and (b) Once the knot is secure, back place each bite at a 4...Figure 52.8 Tighten the incision by pushing the uterus away from the suture ...Figure 52.9 Completion of the Utrecht suture line to bury the knot.Figure 52.10 Note that as the Utrecht knot is tightened, the remaining sutur...Figure 52.11 This image demonstrates the accumulation of blood clots along t...Figure 52.12 Injection of oxytocin into the uterine wall prior to abdominal ...Figure 52.13 Cow cast in dorsal recumbency with both head and forelimbs tied...Figure 52.14 Regional anesthesia supplied by a line block utilizing 2% lidoc...Figure 52.15 (a) and (b) The gravid horn has been placed like a “sack” insid...

      45 Chapter 53Figure 53.1 Caruncles are arranged in four rows with each row approximately ...Figure 53.2 A schematic depicting changes required for normal fetal membrane...Figure 53.3 A fresh case of retained fetal membrane with minimal changes....

      46 Chapter 54Figure 54.1 Known (solid arrows) and proposed (dotted arrows) mechanisms for...Figure 54.2 (a) and (b) Uterine discharge from cows diagnosed with metritis....Figure 54.3 Different grades of vaginal discharge visualized on vaginoscopy ...Figure 54.4 Ultrasonographic image of a dairy cow diagnosed with clinical en...Figure 54.5 Ultrasound image of a dairy cow diagnosed with pyometra at 125 d...

      47 Chapter 55Figure 55.1 With the suture “doubled,” the first bite is made at the lateral...Figure 55.2 After first suture bite is taken, pull the needle through the lo...Figure 55.3 Continuous suture bites.Figure 55.4 After reaching the end of the wound, return. This would look sim...Figure 55.5 A rumen trocar placed from within the abdomen and directed outwa...Figure 55.6 Fluid flow through the trocar cannula from the abdominal lavage....Figure 55.7 Suture placement for circumferential suture in the vestibule of ...Figure 55.8 Deschamps needles. One of the instruments has been made longer. ...Figure 55.9 Transverse bridge formed by continuous mattress suture placed in...Figure 55.10 The uterus (uterine horn containing a mummified fetus) exposed ...Figure 55.11 Incision into the exposed uterine horn.

      48 Chapter 56Figure 56.1 Fetus, omphalitis, and ascending bacterial infection from the pl...Figure 56.2 Chorioallantois and placentitis. The cotyledons