Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Название Bovine Reproduction
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119602460

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16.29 Thomas splint/cast and external fixators to immobilize severely...Figure 16.30 Fractured humerus with mild radial nerve involvement in a matur...Figure 16.31 Trimming the overgrown claw resulting from chronic subclinical ...Figure 16.32 First step in trimming of the hoof is shortening the claw to an...Figure 16.33 Completed trimming of a grossly overgrown hoof.

      16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Inverted L. Ventral branches of labeled T13 and L1 to L4 are des...Figure 17.2 Proximal paravertebral.Figure 17.3 Distal paravertebral.Figure 17.4 (a) Needle placement for caudal epidural. Source: Image courtesy...Figure 17.5 Dorsal view (a) and lateral view (b) of S3, S4, and S5 foramina ...Figure 17.6 Sacral paravertebral.Figure 17.7 Injection of 2 ml local anesthetic in the skin at the ischiorect...Figure 17.8 Needle placement for pudendal nerve block.Figure 17.9 Pudendal nerve block.

      17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Ultrasound of normal testis in transverse plane. Mediastinum tes...Figure 18.2 Sagittal ultrasound of normal bovine testicle. Mediastinum testi...Figure 18.3 Normal thermographic pattern of bull scrotum.Figure 18.4 Thermograph of scrotum of bull with unilateral pathology. Note d...Figure 18.5 Ultrasound of scrotum of a bull with a hydrocele. Note anechoic ...Figure 18.6 Bull with acute bilateral scrotal enlargement secondary to traum...Figure 18.7 Inguinal hernia in a bull. Note characteristic swelling confined...Figure 18.8 Generalized edema of scrotal wall due to Mycoplasma weyenoii.Figure 18.9 Elliptical skin incision on lateral aspect of scrotum.Figure 18.10 Testicle within parietal vaginal tunic bluntly dissected from s...Figure 18.11 Parietal vaginal tunic incised and testicle exposed.Figure 18.12 Schematic of double ligation and transection of spermatic cord ...Figure 18.13 Transected stump of vaginal tunic following inverting suture cl...Figure 18.14 Schematic of inverting closure of vaginal tunic.Figure 18.15 Ligation of spermatic cord for a closed castration.Figure 18.16 Scrotal skin incision closed with continuous interlocking patte...Figure 18.17 Postoperative bandaging of scrotum to minimize swelling.Figure 18.18 Resection and anastomosis of herniated bowel removed from ingui...Figure 18.19 Incision over inguinal ring.Figure 18.20 Herniated bowel exposed after incising parietal vaginal tunic....Figure 18.21 Exposure of inguinal ring. MB, Medial border of inguinal ring; ...Figure 18.22 Caudal retraction of internal abdominal oblique (IAO) muscle. M...Figure 18.23 Sutures preplaced through medial and lateral borders of inguina...Figure 18.24 Completed closure of inguinal ring.

      18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Penile fibropapilloma identified during routine BBSE.Figure 19.2 Proper placement of towel clamp under dorsal apical ligament to ...Figure 19.3 Subcutaneous injection of local anesthetic over dorsum of penis....Figure 19.4 Catheterization of urethra.Figure 19.5 Penile hair ring.Figure 19.6 Urethral fistula that is of a size and location to require repai...Figure 19.7 Persistent frenulum preventing complete straightening of erect p...Figure 19.8 Persistent frenulum with two branches attached from prepuce to p...Figure 19.9 Very short persistent frenulum preventing separation of penis an...Figure 19.10 Transfixation ligatures on each end of persistent frenulum.Figure 19.11 Excision of frenulum adjacent to transfixation ligatures.Figure 19.12 Completed excision of frenulum.Figure 19.13 Severe preputial stenosis due to frostbite.Figure 19.14 Paraphimosis secondary to preputial laceration.Figure 19.15 Phimosis secondary to preputial laceration.Figure 19.16 Preputial prolapse on presentation. Note “elephant trunk” appea...Figure 19.17 Moderately severe preputial prolapse with tear on ventral aspec...Figure 19.18 Fresh preputial prolapse with edema and minimal necrosis.Figure 19.19 Preputial prolapse with severe laceration and minimal edema.Figure 19.20 Preputial prolapse with laceration and severe edema.Figure 19.21 Soaking injured prepuce.Figure 19.22 Orthopedic stockinette applied over prolapsed prepuce.Figure 19.23 Latex tube inserted into preputial lumen for urine drainage.Figure 19.24 Prepuce bandage with Elasticon and with tube held in place.Figure 19.25 Support sling fashioned from burlap material and bungee cords....