Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Название Bovine Reproduction
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119602460

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Dorsal view of reproductive tract. U, Uterus body; Ov, ovary; Uh...Figure 22.6 Uterine horns positioned to better view the intercornual ligamen...Figure 22.7 The uterine lumen. Pm, Perimetrium; Mm, myometrium; Em, endometr...Figure 22.8 Vaginal and cervical lumen. V, Vagina; C, cervix; U, body uterus...Figure 22.9 Close‐up of vaginal and cervical lumen allowing visualization of...Figure 22.10 External view of perineum. A, Anus; Vs, vestibule; Uo, urethral...Figure 22.11 Arterial blood supply to the reproductive tract. Aa, Abdominal ...

      22 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Relative changes in circulating concentrations of luteinizing ho...Figure 24.2 Sagittal view of the lower portion of the bovine brain and the h...Figure 24.3 Proposed model for the neuroendocrine control of the pulsatile s...Figure 24.4 Patterns of release of luteinizing hormone (LH) during the estro...Figure 24.5 Estradiol‐induced GnRH and LH surges in cows. Estradiol (1 mg) w...Figure 24.6 Neuropeptide Y (NPY) inhibition of release of GnRH in cows. The ...Figure 24.7 Timeline and mediating influences underlying the postpartum anov...

      23 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Left and right ovaries from a cow in proestrus (top to bottom: s...Figure 25.2 Histological section (stained with H&E) and diagram of the ovary...Figure 25.3 (Above) Model of bovine fetal ovarian development and follicle a...Figure 25.4 Histological section (stained with H&E) and transmission electro...Figure 25.5 Theories of ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrous cycle...Figure 25.6 Mapping ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle by seri...Figure 25.7 Follicular dynamics during two‐wave (upper) and three‐wave (lowe...Figure 25.8 Temporal and causal relationship between surges in circulating c...Figure 25.9 Hormonal interplay controlling follicular wave dynamics during a...Figure 25.10 Suppressive effect of progesterone on the growth of the dominan...Figure 25.11 Steriodogenesis in ovarian follicles entails the cooperation be...Figure 25.12 Growth (mean ± SEM) of dominant and subordinate follicles in ca...Figure 25.13 Images of the bovine cumulus‐oocyte complex (COC). (a) Ul...Figure 25.14 Stages of nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes. (a) Phase‐contr...Figure 25.15 Development of the corpus luteum in cattle. (a) Histological se...Figure 25.16 Diameter profiles of the dominant follicle of follicular waves ...Figure 25.17 Frequency distribution of Hereford‐cross beef cows in a herd (n...

      24 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Capillary number density, area density, surface density, and siz...Figure 26.2 Time‐line of bovine fetal development. See text for references....

      25 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Percentage of total lifetime in each phase of beef production fr...Figure 27.2 Positive association between calf birth weight (y‐axis) versus p...Figure 27.3 Model of prenatal programming in cattle.

      26 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 The risk analysis approach should center on specific epidemiolog...

      27 Chapter 31Figure 31.1 Effect of supplement type1 and intake level on total digestible ...Figure 31.2 Effect of supplement protein concentration on total digestible d...Figure 31.3 Effect of corn grain supplementation on intake1 of low‐quality (...

      28 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Periods of the lactation cycle with regard to profitability.Figure 32.2 Methylation pathways (DNA, proteins, lipids).

      29 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Onset of cyclicity (data presented as cumulative percentages) in...Figure 34.2 P/AI to first service by interval from calving to first ovulatio...Figure 34.3 Schematic representation of types of anestrous conditions based ...Figure 34.4 Results of a study of 911 lactating dairy cows assessed for BCS ...Figure 34.5 Frequency distribution of standing estrus behavior associated wi...Figure 34.6 Frequency of occurrence of standing estrus and its association w...Figure 34.7 GnRH‐induced LH release in early postpartum dairy cows when chal...Figure 34.8 Fixed TAI protocols for anestrous dairy cows. A.1 is a standard ...

      30 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 (a) Holstein heifer and (b) crossbred Brahman cow displaying pri...Figure 35.2 Holstein cows showing secondary signs of estrus: (a) long string...Figure 35.3 Rump‐mounted alert patches. Holstein heifers showing pressure‐se...Figure 35.4 (a) and (b) All‐weather Paintstik® livestock marker can be used ...Figure 35.5 Teaser bull wearing a chin‐ball.Figure 35.6 Caudal epididymectomy.Figure 35.7 Holstein bull surgically altered showing lateral deviation of th...Figure 35.8 (a–c) Automated activity monitoring system (AAMS). Holstei...Figure 35.9 A cow wearing a pedometer attached to her right rear leg to coun...Figure 35.10 (a) and (b) Brahman cows wearing HeatWatch patches (blue and or...

      31 Chapter 36Figure 36.1 AI gun with protective sheath.Figure 36.2 Locating and grasping the cervix.Figure 36.3 Locating the external os of the cervix.Figure 36.4 Avoiding the vaginal fornix.Figure 36.5 Locating the tip of the AI gun in the anterior vagina.Figure 36.6 Puncturing the AI gun protective sheath at the external os of th...Figure 36.7 Passing the AI gun through the cervix.Figure 36.8 Feeling the AI gun in the uterine body.Figure 36.9 The tip of the AI gun in the uterine body.Figure 36.10 Semen deposition site (uterine body).

      32 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Phases of follicular wave. A follicular wave consists of growing...Figure 37.2 Interval from PGF administration to estrus. (a) Animals w...Figure 37.3 Synchronization of estrus using PGF. (a) Single PGF...Figure 37.4 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.5 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.6 Estrus synchronization protocol with progesterone supplementatio...Figure 37.7 Ovulation synchronization protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH fo...Figure 37.8 Ovulation synchronization protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH wi...Figure 37.9 STAI protocol using GnRH–PGF–GnRH with addition of proges...

      33 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Slipping of the chorioallantoic membrane.Figure 38.2 Two‐ to six‐month‐aged fetuses.Figure 38.3 Palpation of fetal head.

      34 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 (a) A 26‐day pregnancy and embryo (E). (b) A 28‐day pregnancy an...Figure 40.2 (a) Normal 35‐day pregnancy: amniotic vesicle (A), head (H), bod...Figure 40.3 (a) Dead 65‐day fetus: head (H), body (B). (b) A 60‐day male fet...Figure 40.4 Fetal mummy.Figure 40.5 Three corpora lutea (cl) on one ovary.Figure 40.6 Twin line (TL).Figure 40.7 A 73‐day male fetus: head (H), forelimbs (FL), hindlimbs (HL), g...Figure 40.8 A 65‐day female fetus: tail (T), genital tubercle (GT), hooves (...Figure 40.9 A 98‐day male fetus demonstrating penis covered by prepuce: rume...Figure 40.10 A 98‐day male fetus demonstrating teats: teats (T), pelvic bone...Figure 40.11 A 60‐day female fetus with specular reflection artifact: head (...Figure 40.12 Estrous uterus in cross‐section: lumen (L), endometrium (E), sp...Figure 40.13 Split screen image of diestrous uterus in longitudinal section ...Figure 40.14 (a) Solid CL seven days after estrus. (b) Cavitary CL seven day...Figure 40.15 Mature cavitary CL with specular reflections.Figure 40.16 Multiple follicular cysts.Figure 40.17 Luteinizing follicular cyst.Figure 40.18 Benign follicular cysts with CL.Figure 40.19 Granulosa cell tumor.Figure 40.20 Pyometra.Figure 40.21 Subclinical metritis: endometrium (E), purulent material (P) in...Figure 40.22 (a) Uterine lymphoma. (b) Pelvic lymph node.Figure 40.23 Uterine abscess: capsule (C), purulent material (P).Figure 40.24 Vaginitis due to urine pooling: vaginal walls (V), urine poolin...Figure 40.25 Reverberation artifact due to pneumovagina.Figure 40.26 (a) Multiple corpora lutea on embryo flush day. (b) Cavitary co...Figure 40.27 Abembryonic vesicle.Figure 40.28 Schistosomus reflexus: fetal stomach (FS), fetal body (B).Figure 40.29 Fetal ascites: abdominal organs (O), ascites (S), abdominal wal...Figure 40.30 Fetal anasarca: skin (SK), fluid (F), head (H), spinal column (...Figure 40.31 Umbilical hernia: herniated umbilicus (UM), ribs (R).Figure 40.32 Amorphous globosus: normal fetus (F), amorphous globosus (AG), ...Figure 40.33 Conjoined fetus with two heads: heads