Название | His Pregnancy Ultimatum |
Автор произведения | HELEN BIANCHIN |
Жанр | Современная зарубежная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Современная зарубежная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781472030764 |
A chill shiver slithered the length of Mia’s spine. Why did she get the feeling she was losing a battle that had yet to be fought? It was crazy.
If only she hadn’t decided to spend the long summer break in Sydney…except she had, and it wasn’t possible to go back and change a set of circumstances that had brought her into contact with the man with whom she’d conceived a child.
So…she’d deal with it. All she had to do was remain resolute. Nikolos Karedes might imagine he possessed a few rights. But they had to be limited, surely?
‘I’m self-supporting, and entitled to make my own decisions,’ Mia reminded gently.
A half-share in their parents’ estate had allowed her to purchase her own apartment and have an investment portfolio. An apartment she’d leased out when she’d entered university. Her furniture had been placed in storage, and most of her clothes were stored at Alice’s home.
‘With regard to yourself,’ Alice agreed, frowning with concern. ‘However, when it comes to the child, Nikolos Karedes can insist on a DNA test, and with proven paternity he has legal rights with regard to custody, education.’
Mia felt the blood drain from her face. ‘You’re positive about this?’ A ridiculous query, given Alice worked as a para-legal, and possessed an extensive knowledge of the law. ‘What if he doesn’t choose—’
‘To stake a claim?’ Her sister paused for a few seconds, then offered gently, ‘Hasn’t he already stated he intends to be part of the child’s life?’
That put a different perspective on going solo. ‘So what do you suggest?’
‘Establish a convivial friendship with the man.’
‘Are you mad?’
Alice shook her head. ‘It wouldn’t be wise to make an enemy of him.’
The mere thought of him in that role sent a chill shiver feathering the length of her spine, and she placed a protective hand to her waist.
A silent groan of despair rose and died in her throat. How could she have been so foolish as to think she was in control, and able to call the shots?
As to Nikolos Karedes backing down…forget it.
Friends. How could they be friends?
She didn’t want to think about it. In fact, she refused to consider anything about the man for the rest of the afternoon.
Mia checked her watch. ‘We should go do some shopping before we collect Matt from school.’
‘A bid to divert the subject of conversation?’
‘Got it in one.’
Alice lifted both hands in a gesture of defeat. ‘Okay, time to butt out.’
‘No,’ Mia contradicted gently. ‘I love you dearly, and value your opinion, your advice.’
‘I’d prefer not to spend time second-guessing Nikolos Karedes’ next move.’
‘So let’s go enjoy the rest of the day, huh?’
Mia’s cellphone pealed within minutes of leaving the café, and she took the call.
‘Mia? It’s Cris.’ His voice held amusement. ‘Last night. You and Nikolos. What was that?’
If only you knew! ‘You could have rescued me.’
‘Darling, you were doing just fine on your own.’
‘You think?’
‘Sweetie, if I was hetero I could almost be jealous of how fast he moved in for the kill. So he drove you home, and…?’
‘There was no and…’
‘Of course not. But—’
‘I left and took a cab.’
His soft chuckle almost undid her. ‘No woman walks out on Nikolos Karedes.’
‘This one did.’
‘Wish I’d been there.’
‘Any fallout from last night?’
‘Oh, you could say that.’ His humour was infectious. ‘Yiayia lectured me on the age difference, my studies, the family honour. Sofia added her concerns, and brother Nikolos subjected me to one of his discerning looks over breakfast. Incidentally,’ he added following a fractional pause. ‘Nikolos has your phone number.’
‘You gave it to him?’ she demanded incredulously.
‘You mind?’
Yes, she did. Very much.
‘Oh, hell.’ Cris swore quietly. ‘Want me to go into damage control?’
There was little point. ‘No.’ She drew in a deep breath, then released it slowly. ‘I’m out shopping with Alice.’
‘Enjoy. We’ll talk soon.’
‘Cris?’ Alice queried as Mia cut the call.
‘I think,’ Alice offered cheerfully, ‘we need to do some serious retail therapy.’
‘It’s that or chocolate,’ Mia hinted darkly, and led the way into the next trendy boutique.
It was after four when they arrived home, and it took little prompting for Matt to tend to his homework before dinner.
Mia deposited an assortment of bright carrier bags in her room, then changed into cargo pants and a tee shirt before joining Alice in the kitchen.
They were about to begin preparations for a steak salad when the doorbell rang.
Alice dried her hands, and smoothed a hand over her hair. ‘I’ll get it.’
A few minutes later she returned carrying a large bouquet of pale roses in cream, peach and apricot. ‘For you.’
Mia felt the nerves in her stomach tighten. Who would send her flowers? It couldn’t be… She plucked the card, and read the slashing signature.
No message, just his name.
‘Should I guess?’ Alice prompted, and Mia shook her head as she extended the card.
‘Kind of makes a statement, don’t you think?’
‘I’ll get a vase.’
Mia drew a deep breath and released it slowly. ‘How do you feel about discarding dinner and we’ll take Matt and go grab a burger? My treat.’
‘Yes.’ Matt’s victory gesture clinched it, although his mother added the rider, ‘Finish your homework first.’
It was a futile act of defiance, but it felt good as Mia switched off her cellphone en route to the nearest burger outlet.
‘You think that’s going to work?’ Alice queried mildly as they collected their order and made for one of the outdoor tables.
‘It’s something I can control.’
Matt’s enthusiasm for a departure in routine was catching, and his natural flair for humour brought laughter during the ride home.
Until Alice turned the car into their street and Mia caught sight of Nikolos’ Mercedes parked at the kerb.
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