His Pregnancy Ultimatum. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Название His Pregnancy Ultimatum
Автор произведения HELEN BIANCHIN
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472030764

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      Between them they were gradually building up her profile, and she mentally chastised herself for her own cynicism in wondering if it wasn’t some preconceived test.

      Mia sipped water from her glass, and when it came to dessert she passed on the baklava and settled for fresh fruit.

      Another hour, she perceived, then she could plead a need to leave.

      ‘Are you intent on seducing my grandson?’

      Now there was a question!

      Nikolos fingered the stem of his wine goblet as he waited to see how Mia would handle the elderly lady’s irascible manner, intrigued by the slight tilt of her chin, the faint edge of defiance deepening her dark brown eyes.


      ‘You are a refreshing change from the simpering socialites who trip over themselves to attract my grandson’s attention.’

      Costas’ appearance was a welcome intrusion. ‘Coffee is served in the lounge, ma’am.’

      Thank heaven the evening was almost at an end. For the past few hours she’d felt like a specimen beneath a microscope…dissected, analysed, and categorised.

      Mia requested tea, and when she finished she stood up, thanked Sofia, Angelena, then she turned towards Cris.

      ‘Would you mind calling me a cab?’

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ His protest was immediate.

      ‘I’ll drive Mia home,’ Nikolos inclined smoothly.

      A silent scream rose and died in her throat. Oh, dear Lord, no. She didn’t want to be alone with him. Hell, she didn’t want to have anything to do with him!

      Except somehow she couldn’t dismiss an instinctive feeling he intended to allow her no choice.

      ‘A cab is fine,’ she managed evenly, tempering her firm tone with a polite smile.


      If she thought he’d let her escape so easily, she was badly mistaken. Nikolos leant down and brushed his lips to Angelena’s temple, then accorded Sofia a similar gesture of affection.

      ‘Goodnight. I’ll be in touch.’

      Mia cast Cris a desperate glance, and received a faintly raised eyebrow indicating a silent What’s the fuss?

      If he only knew!

      ‘This isn’t necessary,’ Mia said quietly minutes later as Nikolos opened the passenger door and stood waiting for her to slip into the front seat.

      ‘You want to cause my mother distress by beginning an argument on her doorstep?’

      She flung him a dark glance as she slid into the car, and the door closed with a refined click before he crossed to the driver’s side.

      The instinct to get out and run was uppermost, and she banked it down.

      ‘I’ll accept a ride to the nearest cab-stand,’ she indicated stiffly as Nikolos eased the vehicle towards the gated entrance.

      ‘Afraid, Mia?’ he posed as the Mercedes gained the leafy avenue and gathered speed.

      Sheer bravado was responsible for her answer. ‘No.’

      ‘You should be.’

      ‘I don’t see why.’

      He spared her a brief glance. ‘No?’ She looked so delightfully petite seated against the opulent leather. ‘You’d have me believe what we shared was of little consequence? A one-night stand between two consenting adults?’

      Her heart thudded in her chest, then kicked to a faster beat. ‘Something like that.’

      ‘The hell it was.’

      She wanted to hit him, and would have if he hadn’t been in control of a car. ‘There’s a cab-stand at Double Bay. You can drop me there.’

      Nikolos’ hands tightened on the steering wheel as a knot tightened in his gut. Something primeval stirred deep within in the knowledge he’d been her first and only lover. He tamped down the need that rose so swiftly, and stifled a husky oath in self-castigation.

      He was far beyond the ready lust of a teenager. Yet this woman had the power to test his control, and it irritated him. Worse…thoughts of her kept him awake nights, and ruined him for any other woman he could easily have bedded. Heaven knew there were a number from whom he could choose.

      Except it was Mia’s features he wanted to see, the warmth of her smile…and he gently extricated willing fingers, made a seemingly reasonable but regretful excuse and went home alone.

      ‘When we’ve talked,’ Nikolos declared. ‘I’ll take you home.’

      ‘We have nothing to discuss.’

      He brought the vehicle to a halt at a set of traffic lights and turned towards her briefly. ‘Yes,’ he reiterated hardily. ‘We do.’

      ‘Do you insist on a post-mortem with every woman with whom you’ve had sex?’

      The lights changed, and he moved the vehicle forward with the flow of traffic. Minutes later he entered Double Bay and after finding no convenient parking space he swung the car into the entrance of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, requested valet parking, then led her into the hotel lounge.

      Refined elegance, she perceived as a waiter hurried forward to usher them to a table, took an order for tea, then unobtrusively retreated.

      Mia schooled her features as she deliberately met Nikolos’ dark gaze. ‘Can we get this over with?’

      Was that her voice? She sounded so calm, when inside her nerves were shredding into a tangled mess.

      ‘Why did you leave?’

      Her eyes widened slightly, then became shadowed. Twelve weeks had passed since that fateful night, yet every detail was etched in her mind. The magic of his touch, the unleashing of emotions she hadn’t known she possessed…

      Dear God, how could she have stayed and faced him in the morning? Calmly risen from the bed, showered, dressed, shared breakfast, then walked away as if the night had meant nothing more than the sharing of good sex?

      Instead of an earth-shattering experience that had changed her perspective, her life?

      ‘There was no reason to stay.’

      ‘No name, no contact number,’ Nikolos pursued silkily. ‘No means by which I could get in touch with you. Why?’

      ‘I was unaware there was any protocol involved. What would you have had me write on a note? “You were great?”’ She was on a roll. “‘Call me some time and we’ll do it again?” Would that have fed your ego? Salved your conscience?’

      He didn’t move, but she had the sensation his body coiled like a tightly wound spring.

      ‘You gifted me your virginity. That had to mean something.’

      His words were silky smooth and dangerous, and Mia barely repressed a shiver as sensation unfurled deep within at the memory…his disbelief, the husky curse, and his gentleness as he’d led her through the threshold of pain to pleasure beyond her wildest imagination.

      And afterwards…dear heaven, afterwards he’d held her all night long as she’d become a willing wanton eager for his touch. Again and again.

      ‘It wasn’t such a big deal.’ And knew she lied…big time.

      ‘No?’ His gaze didn’t shift.

      ‘The prophylactic broke, remember?’

      One of them.

      The waiter arrived and laid out their tea, then took his leave.

      ‘If you