His Pregnancy Ultimatum. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Название His Pregnancy Ultimatum
Автор произведения HELEN BIANCHIN
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472030764

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rationalised her cycle hadn’t been in the fertile zone.

      So much for the norm, the majority!

      She became aware of Nikolos’ intent gaze, and held it with difficulty.

      ‘And was it unnecessary?’ he pursued quietly.

      Oh, dear Lord, how did she answer that?

      His eyes darkened and assumed a ruthless intensity as her silence stretched too long. ‘Mia?’

      ‘My body, my responsibility,’ she managed quietly, aware she was just barely holding it together.

      ‘Dammit, you weren’t alone in that bed.’

      ‘What do you want me to say? “Was it as good for you as it was for me?” Or are you afraid I’ll slap you with a paternity suit, demand a large financial settlement, or run to the media and besmirch the Karedes name?’ She was like a runaway train that couldn’t stop. ‘Or maybe all three?’

      ‘The truth will do for a start.’

      She held his gaze fearlessly. The truth? ‘I took a pregnancy test three weeks ago, and had the positive result confirmed by a doctor the following day.’

      He waited a beat as he attempted some measure of control. ‘Tell me, was I never to know?’

      Her hand shook a little as she took time out to add milk to her cup. ‘Reality check, Nikolos. Just as you didn’t know my name, you hadn’t given me yours.’

      The breath hissed from his mouth. ‘Have you had—?’

      ‘An abortion? No.’ The foetus inside her was a living entity. The thought of having it forcibly removed from her body made her feel ill. ‘This child is my responsibility.’

      ‘Mine, also. I’ll ensure you have specialist obstetrical care, and take care of all medical expenses.’

      ‘I don’t want anything from you.’

      ‘If you think I’ll walk away from this, you’re mistaken.’

      ‘You have no rights—’

      ‘Yes, I do.’

      The thought of sharing the child hadn’t entered her head. Now that it did, it began to assume gigantic proportion.

      ‘I intend bringing up the child alone.’


      ‘What do you mean…no? The decision isn’t yours to make.’

      ‘The child will bear the Karedes name.’

      Mia replaced the cup carefully down onto its saucer, then sank back in her chair. ‘Fredrickson,’ she corrected.

      ‘Karedes,’ Nikolos declared with chilling softness.

      ‘As I don’t intend changing my surname, Fredrickson will appear on the birth certificate.’ She rose to her feet and caught up her bag. ‘It’s been some evening. Your grandmother suspects I’ve snatched Cris for a toy boy and showed no mercy in her interrogation.’ She glared at him, and barely restrained herself from picking up the ashtray and throwing it at him. ‘As if that’s not enough, you shanghai me and take up where they left off.’

      ‘Sit down.’

      ‘Go to hell.’

      ‘Sit down—please.’

      The please almost did it, except she refused to give in. ‘I’ll have the concierge summon a cab.’ She fixed him with an angry glare. ‘If you try to stop me, I’ll—’

      ‘Do what?’ Nikolos drawled.

      ‘Call Security and file a harassment charge.’

      ‘You might care to rethink that.’

      ‘Why?’ It was a cry from the heart. ‘You’re bent on detaining me against my will.’

      ‘This conversation would have been better served in private.’

      ‘We’ve said all there is to say.’

      ‘No,’ Nikolos drawled imperturbably. ‘We haven’t.’

      She was tired, she had a headache, and she’d had enough. ‘It’s simple. I’m going to keep the baby. I don’t want your help…financial or otherwise. And I’d rather not see you again.’

      His appraisal remained steady, and unnerved her…as he meant it to. ‘Tough. Because not seeing me again isn’t an option. Nor is refusing my help.’

      Mia didn’t like his imperturbability, or the hint of elemental ruthlessness beneath his deceptively mild exterior.

      Nikolos Karedes possessed an animalistic sense of power that was vaguely frightening. He had no hold over her, no means to force her into any situation she didn’t want or covet.

      So why did she have the feeling he was intent on taking control? With or without her consent.

      It was crazy.

      Without a further word she turned and walked to the concierge’s desk, requested the attendant summon a cab, then when it swept into the entrance she made her escape.

      As the cab eased forward she saw Nikolos emerge from the entrance and lift his hand in silent acknowledgement as he slid behind the wheel of his car.

      Any satisfaction she experienced at initiating independence diminished with the knowledge Nikolos Karedes knew who she was, where Alice lived, and her anonymity no longer existed.


      ‘THE guy you slept with and Cris’ brother are one and the same? You’re kidding me…aren’t you?’ Alice challenged with a stunned expression as they shared lunch together at a café overlooking the harbour.

      It was by way of being a celebration, given Mia had successfully confirmed a three-week placement in a local pharmacy. There was also an indication she’d be offered part-time work during the long summer holidays.

      Alice expelled a long drawn-out breath, concern clouding her features. ‘Unbelievable.’

      A slight understatement, if ever there was one, Mia acknowledged silently. ‘It made for an uncomfortable evening.’

      ‘Added to the subtle grilling re your friendship with Cris?’

      ‘Subtle didn’t enter the equation.’ Mia rolled her eyes expressively. ‘Cris’ grandmother breathed fire and brimstone.’

      ‘A dragon, huh?’

      ‘Oh, yeah. And then some.’


      She met her sister’s gaze, interpreted the silent query, and fielded it. ‘You’re not going to let up, are you?’

      ‘Got it in one.’

      ‘Nikolos insisted on driving me home, we stopped off for coffee, and we…talked.’

      ‘As in?’

      ‘He asked, I told him, he offered help, I refused,’ Mia declared. She paused to sip chilled water from her glass. ‘Then I walked out and caught a cab.’

      ‘Not the best move.’

      ‘It seemed a good idea at the time.’

      ‘So what happens now?’

      ‘Nothing, hopefully.’

      ‘You think he’s going to dismiss the fact you’re carrying a Karedes heir?’ Alice’s voice held a slightly incredulous note.

      She’d known for three weeks, and in that time she’d considered the baby hers. Her responsibility, therefore her decisions were the only ones that would count.

      Now she was forced to accept the father of her child intended to take