Название | Tuttle Compact Japanese Dictionary, 2nd Edition |
Автор произведения | Samuel E. Martin |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462910823 |
gíkai n 議会 parliament, assembly, congress; (the Japanese) Diet (= kokkai 国会)
gikochinái adj ぎこちない awkward, clumsy
gimon n 疑問 question, doubt
gimón-fu n 疑問符 question mark
gímu n 義務 duty, obligation
gimu-kyō´iku n 義務教育 compulsory education
gín n 銀 silver
gín-gami n 銀紙 silver paper
gin-iro (no) adj 銀色(の) silver (color)
gín-ka n 銀貨 silver coin
gin-sekai n 銀世界 snowy world
Gínga n 銀河 The Milky Way
ginjō n 吟醸 produce from the use of selected ingredient(s): ginjō-shu 吟醸酒 quality sake brewed from the finest rice
ginkō n 銀行 bank
ginkō´-in n 銀行員 bank clerk
ginmi n 吟味 investigation: ~ shimásu 吟味します examines
ginnán n ギンナン・銀杏 gingko nuts
ginshō n 吟唱 intonation: ~ shimásu 吟唱します intones
ginyūshijin n 吟遊詩人 minstrel
girei n 儀礼 courtesy
girí n 義理(o-gíri お義理) obligation, sense of obligation, honor: girí no … 義理の … …-in-law: girí no ane 義理の姉 elder sister-in-law
Gírish(i)a n ギリシャ・ギリシア Greece
Girish(i)a-go ギリシャ・ギリシア語 Greek (language)
Girish(i)a-jin ギリシャ・ギリシア語 Greek (people)
gíron n 議論 discussion: ~ shimásu 議論します discusses
giryo n 技量 skills, abilities
gisei n 犠牲 a sacrifice: … o gisei ni shimásu … を犠牲にします makes a sacrifice/scapegoat of …; gisei ni narimásu 犠牲になります falls a victim, is sacrificed
giséi-sha n 犠牲者 victim
gíshi n 技師 engineer
gíshiki n 儀式 ceremony, ritual
gítā n ギター guitar
gítcho (no) adj (discriminatory term) ぎっちょ(の) left-handed (person) (= hidari-kiki (no) 左利き(の))
giwaku n 疑惑 doubt, suspicion
gí(y)a n ギア・ギヤ gearshift
gizō n 偽造 forgery
gó n 碁 the board game Go (= ígo 囲碁): go-ban 碁盤 a Go board
gó n 五・ 5 five
go-ban n 五番 number five
go-banmé (no) adj 五番目(の) fifth
go-dai n 五台 five machines/vehicles
go-dó n 五度 five times (= go-kai 五回)
gó-do n 五度 five degrees
gó-hiki n 五匹 five (fishes/bugs, small animals)
go-hon n 五本 five (pencils/bottles, long things)
go-kái n 五回 five times
go-kai n 五階 five floors/stories; fifth floor
gó-ko n 五個 five (pieces, small objects)
go-mai n 五枚 five sheets (flat things)
go-nen n 五年 the year 5: go nén-kan 五年間 (for) five years
go-nín n 五人 five people
gó-satsu n 五冊 five copies (books, magazines)
go-tō n 五頭 five (horses/oxen, large animals)
gó-wa n 五羽 five (birds, rabbits)
go-… prefix ご・御 … honorific (personalizing) prefix (cf. o- お・御)
go-chisō n ごちそう・ご馳走 treat (of food): ~ shimásu ごちそうします provides a treat; gochisō-sama (deshita). ごちそうさま(でした). Thank you for the treat (the reply is o-sómatsusama (deshita). お粗末さま(でした).)
go-fujō n ご不浄・御不浄 [HONORIFIC] toilet, rest room, lavatory (= tóire トイレ)
go-jibun n ご自分 you, yourself [HONORIFIC]
go-jísei n ご時世 the times [HONORIFIC] → jísei 時世
go-kazoku n ご家族 (your/someone else’s) family [HONORIFIC] → kázoku 家族
go-kigen n ご機嫌 mood, feeling: Go-kigen ikága desu ka ご機嫌いかがですか. How are you (feeling)?: Go-kigen yō´ ごきげんよう. Good-bye./Hello. [HONORIFIC] → kigen 機嫌
go-méiwaku n ご迷惑 trouble, bother [HONORIFIC] → méiwaku 迷惑
go-mottomo interj ごもっとも You’re absolutely right.
go-ón n ご恩 (your/someone else’s) kindness, my obligation to you [HONORIFIC] : kono go-on wa isshō wasuremasen. このご恩は一生忘れません I will remember your kindness forever. → ón 恩
go-riyaku n ご利益 divine help/grace
go-ryō´shin n ご両親 (your/someone else’s) parents [HONORIFIC] (= oyago-san 親御さん) → ryō´shin 両親
go-shinpai n ご心配 [HONORIFIC] : go-shinpai naku ご心配なく Don’t worry about it. → shinpai 心配
go-shínsetsu n ご親切 (your/someone else’s) kindness [HONORIFIC] : go-shinsetsu ni dōmo arigatō (gozaimásu) ご親切にどうもありがと う(ございます) Thank you very much for your kindness. → shínsetsu 親切
go-shújin n ご主人 (your/someone else’s) husband [HONORIFIC] → shújin 主人
go-téinei (na) adj ご丁寧(な) polite; careful [HONORIFIC] : go-teinei na henshin arigatō gozaimásu ご丁寧な返信ありがとうございます Thank you for your polite reply. → téinei 丁寧
go-tsugō n ご都合 convenience [HONORIFIC] : go-tsugō ga yoroshikereba … ご都合がよろしけ れば … If you are available …: itsu ga go-tsugō yoroshiidesuka いつがご都合よろしいですか When is it convenient for you? → tsugō 都合
go-yō´ n ご用 (your/someone else’s) business [HONORIFIC] → yō´ 用
gó-zen n ご膳 low meal table, dining tray (= o-zen お膳); meal (= o-shokuji お食事) [HONORIFIC]
go-zónji v ご存知: gozónji désu ka? ご存知 ですか? Do you know? [HONORIFIC] (= shitte(i) másuka? 知って(い)ますか?); zónji(age)masén 存知(あげ)ません don’t know [HONORIFIC] (= shirimasén 知りません)
go-… prefix ご・誤 … wrong