Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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      Lowliness, n. 1. Humility, humbleness, meekness, self-abasement, submissiveness.

      2. Lowness, meanness, abjectness.

      Lowly, a. 1. Low, not high.

      2. Humble, meek, resigned, submissive.

      3. Mean, not great, without dignity.

      4. Modest, unpretending, not lofty.

      Low-minded, a. Base-minded, base, mean, servile, vile, grovelling, slavish, abject, low.

      Low-priced, a. Low, cheap.

      Low-spirited, a. Dispirited, dejected, depressed, disheartened, discouraged, down-hearted, desponding, cast down, in low spirits.

      Low spirits, Dejection, dejectedness, depression, despondency, melancholy, hypochondria.

      Loyal, a. Faithful, true, not perfidious, not treacherous.

      Loyalty, n. Allegiance, fealty, fidelity.

      Lozenge, n. 1. Rhomb, rhombus, oblique-angled parallelogram (with equal sides).

      2. Troche.

      Lubber, n. Clown, boor, lout, bungler, fumbler, clumsy fellow, awkward fellow.

      Lubberly, a. Clumsy, awkward, bungling, fumbling.

      Lubricate, v. a. Smooth, make slippery.

      Lubricity, n. Smoothness, slipperiness.

      Luce, n. Pike, pickerel, true-jack (Esox lucius).

      Lucid, a. 1. Shining, radiant, luminous, bright, beaming, resplendent, effulgent.

      2. Clear, transparent, pure, pellucid, limpid, diaphanous, crystalline.

      3. Distinct, intelligible, perspicuous, plain.

      4. Sane, sober, sound (in mind).

      Lucifer, n. 1. Venus, Phosphorus, the morning star.

      2. Satan, Belial, Apollyon, Devil, arch-fiend, the tempter, the evil one, the man of sin, the wicked one, the old serpent, the prince of darkness, the foul fiend, the enemy, the author of evil.

      Lucifer match, Locofoco match.

      Luciferous, a. Luminiferous.

      Luck, n. Chance, fortune, hazard, hap, haphazard, fate.

      Luckily, ad. Fortunately, by good luck, as good luck would have it.

      Luckless, a. Unfortunate, unlucky, unprosperous, unsuccessful, ill-fated, ill-starred.

      Lucky, a. 1. Fortunate (in an unexpected way), happy, blessed, in luck.

      2. Prosperous, auspicious, propitious, favorable.

      Lucrative, a. Profitable, remunerative, gainful, paying.

      Lucre, n. Gain, profit, emolument, pelf, riches, wealth, mammon.

      Lucubration, n. 1. Study (by night), meditation, speculation, cogitation.

      2. Composition, writing.

      Luculent, a. Lucid, clear, transparent, bright.

      Ludicrous, a. Laughable, comical, odd, ridiculous, droll, funny, farcical, absurd.

      Luff, v. n. (Naut.) Sail nearer the wind, bring the bow into the wind.

      Lug, v. a. Pull, tug, haul, drag.

      Lug, n. [Low.] Heavy load.

      Luggage, n. 1. Baggage, bag and baggage.

      2. Effects, traps, things, stuff.

      Lugubrious, a. Mournful, sorrowful, doleful, sad, gloomy, melancholy.

      Lukewarm, a. 1. Tepid, blood warm, slightly warm.

      2. Indifferent, unconcerned, listless, cold, torpid, dull, dead, not ardent, not zealous.

      Lull, v. a. Compose, quiet, calm, still, hush, tranquillize, put to rest.

      Lull, v. n. Subside, cease, become calm.

      Lull, n. Calm, calmness.

      Lumbago, n. (Med.) Rheumatism in the loins.

      Lumbar region, Loins, reins.

      Lumber, n. 1. Trash, trumpery, rubbish.

      2. [U. S.] Sawed or split timber.

      Lumber, v. n. 1. Heap in disorder.

      2. Fill with trumpery.

      Lumber, v. n. 1. Trudge, move heavily.

      2. [U. S.] Cut timber, prepare logs for lumber.

      Lumbering, a. 1. Trudging, moving slowly.

      2. Cumbrous, cumbersome, clumsy, awkward, unwieldy.

      Luminiferous, a. Luciferous, producing light.

      Luminous, a. 1. Bright, shining, radiant.

      2. Lucid, clear, perspicuous.

      Lump, n. 1. Shapeless mass.

      2. Whole, gross, aggregate.

      Lump, v. a. Throw into an aggregate, take in the gross.

      Lumper, n. Laborer, (employed in loading or unloading a ship).

      Lumpish, a. Dull, heavy, stupid, gross, inactive.

      Lump-fish, n. Lump-sucker.

      Lump-sucker, n. Lump-fish (Cyclopterus lumpus).

      Lunacy, n. Insanity, madness, mania, derangement, craziness, mental aberration.

      Lunar caustic, Nitrate of silver (fused).

      Lunate, a. (Bot.) Crescent-shaped.

      Lunated, a. (Bot.) Crescent-shaped.

      Lunatic, a. 1. Insane, mad, deranged, crazy, out of one's head.

      2. For lunatics.

      Lunatic, n. Madman, maniac, insane person.

      Lunatic asylum, Madhouse, bedlam, insane asylum, insane hospital, hospital for the insane.

      Lunch, n. Luncheon.

      Lunch, v. n. Take a lunch.

      Luncheon, n. Lunch, slight meal.

      Lune, n. Crescent, half-moon.

      Lunge, n. Pass, thrust, allonge, longe.

      Lungs, n. pl. Organs of respiration, lights.

      Lurch, n. (Naut.) Sudden roll.

      Lurch, v. n. (Naut.) Roll suddenly.

      Lure, n. Enticement, bait, attraction, allurement, decoy, temptation.

      Lure, v. a. Entice, allure, attract, decoy, tempt, seduce, inveigle, lead by the nose.

      Lurid, a. Gloomy, murky, ghastly, dismal.

      Lurk, v. n. 1. Lie hid, lie concealed, lie in wait.

      2. Skulk, keep out of sight, keep out of the way.

      Lurking-hole, n. Ambush, ambuscade, retreat, cover, hiding-place.

      Lurking-place, n. Ambush, ambuscade, retreat, cover, hiding-place.

      Luscious, a. 1. Honeyed, excessively sweet.

      2. Delicious, savory, palatable, grateful.

      Lusern, n. Lynx.

      Lush, a. Juicy, succulent, watery, sappy, moist, full of juice.

      Lust, n. 1. Cupidity, inordinate desire.

      2. Concupiscence, carnality, lechery, pruriency, lasciviousness, carnal desire, animal appetite.

      Lust after, 1. Long for, desire eagerly.

      2. Have carnal desire for.

      Lustful, a. Concupiscent, libidinous, lecherous, lascivious, prurient, lickerish, rampant, carnal.

      Lustration, n. Purification, cleansing.

      Lustre, n. [Written also Luster.] 1. Brightness, brilliancy, splendor, gleam, radiance, resplendence, refulgence.

      2. Distinction, repute, renown, eminence, celebrity, glory, honor, eclat.

      3. Chandelier, candelabrum.
