Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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rigging, trappings, toggery, wardrobe.

      Apparel, v. a. Dress, clothe, attire, array, robe, rig, accoutre, equip, fit out, trick out.

      Apparent, a. 1. Visible, discernible, perceptible, open, external, in view, in sight, to be seen.

      2. Manifest, obvious, patent, clear, evident, indubitable, plain, conspicuous, legible, unmistakable, in plain sight.

      3. Seeming, specious, ostensible, not real.

      Apparently, ad. 1. Evidently, obviously, clearly, manifestly, plainly.

      2. Seemingly, ostensibly, quasi, on appearance, at the first blush, in semblance, in show.

      Apparition, n. Ghost, spectre, phantom, phantasm, spirit, sprite, hobgoblin, shade, chimera, illusion, wraith, vision, preternatural appearance.

      Appeal, v. n. 1. (Law.) Refer the case or cause (from one court to another).

      2. Refer to another (in any controversy).

      Appeal, v. a. 1. [Rare.] Summon, challenge.

      2. (Law.) Refer, transfer by appeal (from one court to another).

      Appeal, n. 1. Address, invocation, petition, request, entreaty, imploration, application, solicitation, suit.

      2. Resort, recourse.

      Appeal to, Address, invoke, refer to, call upon, make application to.

      Appear, v. n. 1. Emerge, be in sight, come in sight, be visible, come into view, heave in sight, open to the view, present itself, crop out, show itself, turn up, come upon the stage, see the light.

      2. Open, dawn, break.

      3. Arise, occur, offer.

      4. Stand in judgment, be present to answer.

      5. Be manifest, be obvious, be open, be known.

      6. Seem, look, show, wear the appearance, present the appearance, have the appearance, strike one as being.

      Appearance, n. 1. Coming, arrival.

      2. Appearance, spectrum, what is seen.

      3. Semblance, seeming, show, face, pretence, color, pretext, guise, fashion, feature.

      4. Mien, air, aspect, look, complexion, figure, manner, demeanor, personal presence.

      Appeasable, a. Placable, forgiving, reconcilable.

      Appease, v. a. 1. Pacify, calm, quiet, soothe, tranquillize, allay, assuage, mollify, alleviate, mitigate, abate, ease, compose, still, hush, lull, dull, quell, blunt, temper, attemper, lessen, qualify.

      2. Propitiate, reconcile, make propitious, make favorable.

      Appellation, n. Name, title, epithet, cognomen, denomination, style, description, designation, descriptive term.

      Append, v. a. 1. Hang or attach.

      2. Add, subjoin, join, annex, affix, superadd, tag, tack.

      Appendage, n. Concomitant, attendant, accompaniment, adjunct, attachment, appurtenance, appendix, tailpiece.

      Appendant, a. Annexed, attached, concomitant, hanging.

      Appendix, n. 1. Adjunct, addition, appurtenance, appendage, addendum.

      2. Supplement.

      Appertain to, 1. Belong to, pertain to, be incident to.

      2. Regard, concern, touch, relate to, refer to, bear upon.

      Appetence, n. 1. Appetite, strong desire.

      Appetency, n. 1. Appetite, strong desire.

      2. Tendency, inclination, leaning, bent, disposition, propensity, fondness, liking, penchant.

      Appetite, n. 1. Desire, longing, craving, relish, hankering, pruriency, appetency, passion.

      2. Hunger, stomach, desire of food.

      Appetizer, n. Zest, relish.

      Appetizing, a. That whets the appetite.

      Applaud, v. a. 1. Cheer, clap.

      2. Praise, commend, laud, approve, compliment, extol, magnify, cry up.

      Applause, n. Acclamation, acclaim, plaudit, eclat, clapping of hands, shout of approbation, loud praise.

      Apple of the eye, Pupil of the eye.

      Apple Peru, Thorn apple, stramonium, stramony, Jamestown weed (Datura stramonium).

      Apple-pie order, [Colloquial.] Perfect order.

      Appliance, n. 1. Application, use, exercise, applying.

      2. Expedient, means, instrumentality, resource.

      Appliances, n. pl. Means, expedients, instrumentalities, appointments, steps, measures, ways and means.

      Applicable, a. Suitable, fit, fitting, befitting, appropriate, relevant, adapted, apt, proper, pertinent, apposite, germane, to the point, to the purpose.

      Applicant, n. Petitioner, solicitor, suitor, candidate.

      Application, n. 1. Applying.

      2. Appliance, use, exercise, practice.

      3. Solicitation, petition, appeal, request, suit.

      4. Assiduity, industry, perseverance, persistency, intense study, close attention.

      Apply, v. a. 1. Lay upon, put or place upon.

      2. Appropriate, use, employ, exercise, ply, convert to use, put to use.

      3. Disperse, execute, carry out, put in practice.

      4. Devote, dedicate, addict, direct, engage, turn attentively, bend with diligence.

      Apply to, 1. Suit, fit, be adapted to, be suitable to, be applicable to.

      2. Solicit, petition, request, appeal to, call upon, make application to, have recourse to.

      Appoint, v. a. 1. Fix, determine, prescribe, set, establish.

      2. Direct, ordain, enjoin, require, command, decree, order, bid, impose, insist on.

      3. Assign, allot, designate, destine.

      4. Nominate, name, constitute, create.

      5. Furnish, equip, supply.

      Appointment, n. 1. Appointing, designation to office.

      2. Station, position, office, place.

      3. Assignation, agreement (as to time and place of meeting), tryst, stipulation, arrangement.

      4. Decree, bidding, command, order, direction, precept, mandate, ordination, enactment, law, requirement.

      5. Equipment, equipage, furniture, outfit, appliance.

      6. Allowance, salary, pay, stipend, pension.

      7. Nomination, constitution, creation.

      Apportion, v. a. Allot, distribute, assign, divide, partition, part, measure, share, appropriate, deal, dispense, parcel out, deal out, portion out.

      Apportionment, n. Distribution, allotment, assignment, dole, partition, division.

      Apposite, a. Apt, pertinent, relevant, fit, fitting, befitting, suitable, appropriate, seasonable, germane, apropos, to the purpose, to the point, well applied, well put.

      Appraise, v. a. Value, estimate, prize, rate, measure, set a value on, fix a price for, estimate the worth of, form an estimate of.

      Appraisement, n. Valuation, estimation, estimate, judgment.

      Appreciate, v. a. 1. Estimate justly, set a just value on, form a correct estimate of, value rightly.

      2. Estimate, esteem, value, rate.

      3. [U. S.] Raise the value of.

      Appreciate, v. n. [U. S.] Rise in value, be worth more.

      Appreciation, n. 1. Valuation, estimation.

      2. Just estimate, correct valuation.

      Apprehend, v. a. 1. Seize, arrest, take, take prisoner.

      2. Conceive, imagine, see, perceive, believe, know, comprehend.
