Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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a. Mountainous, high, elevated.

      Already, ad. 1. Even now.

      2. Before that time.

      Also, ad. Likewise, too, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, in like manner.

      Altar, n. 1. Sacrificial structure.

      2. Shrine, sacred place, place of worship.

      3. Communion-table.

      Alter, v. a. Change (partially), vary, modify, shift, turn, transmute, metamorphose, transform, convert, make some change in.

      Alter, v. n. Vary, change, be changeable.

      Alterable, a. Changeable, variable, mutable.

      Alterant, n. (Med.) Alterative.

      Alteration, n. Change, variation, mutation, vicissitude, modification, deviation, variance, turn.

      Alterative, n. (Med.) Alterant.

      Altercation, n. Dispute, controversy, contention, strife, difference, jangling, jangle, jarring, rupture, quarrel, sparring, bickering, wrangle, wrangling, dissension, war of words.

      Alternate, a. 1. Reciprocal, one after another (by turns).

      2. (Bot.) On different sides successively.

      Alternate, v. n. Reciprocate, act interchangeably.

      Alternate, v. a. Perform reciprocally or by turns.

      Alternation, n. Reciprocation, interchange.

      Alternative, n. Choice (between two things).

      Although, conj. Though, albeit, notwithstanding, grant that, for all that, be it so, even if.

      Altitude, n. Height, elevation.

      Alto, n. (Mus.) Counter, counter-tenor.

      Altogether, ad. 1. Wholly, completely, entirely, totally, utterly, thoroughly, throughout, fully, perfectly, in toto, out and out, to the full.

      2. Conjointly, in a body, in a mass, en masse.

      Alumina, n. Oxide of aluminum, argillaceous earth, argil.

      Aluminous, a. Clayey, argillaceous.

      Alumnus, n. [L. pl. Alumni.] Disciple, pupil, foster-child.

      Alveary, n. Beehive.

      Alveolate, a. Cellular, favose, honey-combed.

      Alveole, n. Socket, cell, cavity, alveolus.

      Alveolus, n. [L.] Alveole.

      Always, ad. Ever, evermore, perpetually, continually, eternally, unceasingly, everlastingly, for ever, aye, for aye, at all times, to the end of time, through all ages.

      Amadou, n. Punk, spunk, German tinder.

      Amain, ad. 1. Violently, forcibly, with force, with might and main.

      2. (Naut.) Suddenly, all at once.

      Amalgamate, v. a. 1. Combine with mercury.

      2. Mix, commix, commingle, unite, combine, blend, incorporate, compound.

      Amalgamation, n. 1. Combination with mercury.

      2. Mixture, combination, compound, commixture.

      3. Miscegenation.

      Amanuensis, n. Scribe, copyist, transcriber, writer.

      Amaranthine, a. Unfading, imperishable, undecaying, undying, immortal, perennial, ever-blooming, ever-vernal.

      Amass, v. a. Accumulate, gather, aggregate, pile up, heap up, scrape together, collect together, rake up, gather into a heap or pile.

      Amateur, n. Virtuoso, connoisseur, dilettante, critic, man of taste.

      Amatory, a. Amorous, erotic, tender, passionate, Anacreontic.

      Amaurosis, n. (Med.) Drop serene, gutta serena.

      Amaze, v. a. Astonish, astound, confound, stagger, stupefy, dumfound, dumfounder, surprise, take by surprise, strike with wonder, strike with astonishment, petrify with wonder.

      Amazement, n. Astonishment, wonder, surprise.

      Amazing, a. Astonishing, astounding, stupendous, wonderful, surprising, marvellous, miraculous, strange, very extraordinary.

      Amazon, n. Virago.

      Ambages, n. pl. 1. Windings, turnings.

      2. Circumlocution, periphrasis, verbosity, verbiage, wordiness, diffuseness, circuit of words.

      Ambassador, n. Minister (of the highest rank), plenipotentiary, envoy, legate, deputy.

      Ambassadors, n. pl. Embassy, legation.

      Ambient, a. Surrounding, encompassing, encircling, circling, circumjacent, circumambient.

      Ambiguity, n. 1. Doubtfulness, dubiousness, doubt, uncertainty or equivocalness (as respects the meaning of a single term), amphibology, indefiniteness, vagueness, obscurity.

      2. Clinch, pun, ambiguous expression, double meaning.

      Ambiguous, a. Doubtful, dubious, uncertain or equivocal, enigmatical, indefinite, indistinct, vague, indeterminate, not plain, not clear, susceptible of more than one meaning.

      Ambition, n. 1. Desire of superiority, desire of distinction.

      2. Longing, yearning, aspiration.

      Ambitious, a. 1. Aspiring, eager for superiority, eager for distinction or fame.

      2. Showy, pretentious.

      Ambitious of, Eager for, emulous of, very desirous of.

      Amble, v. n. Pace, move or go at an easy pace.

      Amble, n. Pacing, pace.

      Ambrosial, a. 1. Delicious, luscious, savory, palatable, nice.

      2. Fragrant, balmy, odorous, aromatic, odoriferous, sweet-scented.

      Ambulatory, a. Walking, moving.

      Ambuscade, n. Ambush, cover, retreat, hiding-place, lurking-place.

      Ambush, n. Ambuscade.

      Ameliorate, v. a. Improve, amend, mend, emend, better, meliorate, make better.

      Amelioration, n. Improvement, amendment, melioration, bettering.

      Amen, ad. So be it, be it so, let it be so.

      Amenability, n. Accountability, liability, responsibility, answerableness, amenableness.

      Amenable, a. Accountable, liable, responsible, answerable.

      Amenableness, n. Amenability.

      Amend, v. a. Improve, mend, emend, correct, rectify, reform, ameliorate.

      Amend, v. n. Improve, mend, become better.

      Amende honorable, [Fr.] Apology (for improper treatment or language), reparation.

      Amendment, n. 1. Improvement, emendation, reformation, change for the better.

      2. Correction, alteration.

      Amends, n. Compensation (for loss or injury), recompense, indemnification, indemnity, reparation, restitution, redress, atonement, satisfaction.

      Amenity, n. 1. Pleasantness, agreeableness.

      2. Suavity, affability, gentleness, civility, comity, courtesy, politeness, urbanity, complaisance, amiability, obliging manner, good manners, good breeding.

      Ament, n. Catkin, amentum.

      Amentum, n. [L.] (Bot.) Ament.

      Amerce, v. a. Fine, mulct, impose a fine upon.

      Amercement, n. Fine, mulct, forfeiture, pecuniary penalty.

      Amiability, n. Loveliness, benignity, kindliness, kindness, amiableness, benignity, amenity, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good feeling, good humor, good temper, sweet temper, sweetness of disposition.

      Amiable, a. Lovable, lovely, sweet, engaging, charming, winning, facile, benignant, benign, sweet-tempered, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, worthy of love.

      Amiableness, n. Amiability.
