Название | Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I |
Автор произведения | Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин |
Жанр | |
Серия | |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2024 |
isbn |
3. Active, in force, in existence.
4. Cheerful, sprightly, lively, joyous.
All, a. The whole of, every one of, every part of.
All, ad. Altogether, entirely, completely, wholly, quite.
All, n. Whole, total, totality, aggregate, every thing.
All at once, Instantaneously, suddenly, in an instant, without warning.
Allay, v. a. 1. Repress, restrain, check, subdue, lay, silence, appease, pacify, calm, quiet, still, lull, hush, tranquillize, smooth.
2. Assuage, alleviate, soothe, soften, mitigate, solace, moderate, mollify, temper, attemper, lessen, abate, qualify, relieve, ease, dull, blunt, palliate.
All-devouring, a. Omnivorous.
Allegation, n. 1. Declaration, affirmation, averment.
2. Excuse, plea.
Allege, v. a. 1. Declare, affirm, assert, aver, predicate, profess, asseverate, maintain, say.
2. Adduce, assign, advance, plead, produce, cite, quote, bring forward, lay down.
Allegiance, n. Fealty, fidelity, loyalty.
Allegorical, a. Figurative, typical.
Allegory, n. Fable (in which what is stated as a fact is figuratively applied), parable, apologue, story, tale, myth.
Alleviate, v. a. Lighten, mitigate, assuage, moderate, soothe, soften, mollify, allay, quiet, still, quell, abate, lessen, diminish, relieve, palliate, ease, dull, blunt.
Alleviation, n. Mitigation, palliation, relief.
Alley, n. 1. Walk, passage.
2. Lane, slum, narrow street.
3. Taw, large marble.
All-hallow, n. All-saints day, the first of November.
All-hallows, n. All-saints day, the first of November.
All-hollow, [Colloquial.] Entirely, completely, wholly, utterly, thoroughly.
Alliance, n. 1. Connection, relation, relationship, affinity, family connection.
2. Union, combination, coalition, federation, copartnership, confederacy, league, compact, federal compact.
Allied, a. 1. Related, alike, similar, analogous, cognate, akin, kindred, of a piece.
2. United, confederated, co-operating, in league, in co-operation.
All-knowing, a. Omniscient, all-wise, all-seeing.
All manner of ways, 1. In many ways.
2. In all directions, hither and thither.
Allodial, a. Independent, freehold, not feudal, free of rent or service.
Allodium, n. (Law.) Freehold estate.
All one, Indifferent, equal, just the same, quite the same, the same.
Allonge, n. Pass, thrust, lunge, longe, tilt, stab.
Allonge, v. n. Pass, lunge, make a pass or thrust.
Allopathic, a. Heteropathic.
Allopathy, n. Heteropathy.
Allot, v. a. 1. Distribute, divide, measure, apportion, deal, dispense, parcel out, deal out, give out, mete out, portion out.
2. Assign, appoint, grant, give.
Allotment, n. 1. Apportionment, distribution, partition, dole.
2. Assignment, appointment, grant, gift.
3. Share, part, portion, lot, quota, contingent.
Allow, v. a. 1. Admit, acknowledge, confess, own, concede, take for granted.
2. Permit, let, authorize, grant leave to, give permission to.
3. Suffer, tolerate, endure, bear, put up with, bear with.
4. Grant, give, yield, relinquish, spare.
5. Approve, sanction, justify.
6. Remit, abate, bate, deduct.
Allow, v. n. Make allowance or provision.
Allowable, a. Permissible, admissible, lawful, proper, justifiable, warrantable.
Allowance, n. 1. Permission, leave, license, permit, authorization, connivance, sanction, authority, approbation, sufferance.
2. Admission, acknowledgment, concession, assent.
3. Stipend, salary, pay, hire, wages, remuneration, recompense, commission, exhibition, pittance.
4. Qualification, modification, extenuation, limitation, exception.
5. Ration, stated quantity (of food or drink).
Allowance, v. a. Put upon allowance, limit in the supply of food.
Alloy, n. 1. Combination (of metals) by fusion.
2. Baser metal (mixed with finer).
3. Baser element or ingredient.
All-powerful, a. Almighty, omnipotent, all-sufficient.
All-saints day, n. All-hallow, the first of November.
All-seeing, a. All-knowing, omniscient, all-wise.
Allspice, n. Pimento, Jamaica pepper.
All-sufficient, a. Almighty, all-powerful.
All the better, So much the better.
Allude to, Intimate, suggest, insinuate, hint, imply, refer to, glance at, make allusion to.
Allure, v. a. Entice, tempt, seduce, decoy, lead, solicit, invite, attract, troll, lure, drib, engage, persuade, ensnare, coax, inveigle, tweedle, toll, over-persuade, prevail upon, draw on, bring over, win over.
Allurement, n. 1. Enticement, temptation, seduction, seducement, solicitation, attraction, witchery.
2. Lure, decoy, bait.
Allusion, n. Reference, hint, intimation, indirect mention.
Allusive, a. Hinting, suggestive, emblematic, typical, symbolical, figurative.
Allusively, ad. By implication, by indirect reference, by way of allusion.
Alluvium, n. Sediment, deposit, silt.
Alluvial land, Dale, valley, bottom.
All-wise, a. Omniscient, all-knowing, all-seeing.
Ally, v. a. 1. Unite, join, league, confederate, connect, combine.
2. Make similar, make analogous.
Ally, n. 1. Coadjutor, co-operator, assistant, helper, aider, auxiliary, associate, friend, colleague, partner.
2. Abettor, confederate, accomplice, accessary.
Almanac, n. Calendar, ephemeris, register of the year.
Almighty, a. Omnipotent, all-powerful, all-sufficient.
Almighty, n. [With The prefixed.] God.
Almonds, n. pl. Tonsils.
Almost, ad. Nearly, toward, towards, well-nigh, all but, for the most part, not quite, within a little.
Alms, n. Charity, benefaction, gift, charitable donation, eleemosynary aid.
Almshouse, n. Poorhouse.
Aloft, ad. Above, overhead, on high.
Alone, a. 1. Single, solitary, only, lone, lonely, isolated, unaccompanied, by one's self, by itself, without company, without another.
2. Of one's self, of one's own power, without help.
Along, ad. 1. Lengthwise, longitudinally, in a line.
2. Onward, forward.
Along, prep. By or over.
Along-side, ad. (Naut.) By the side of, side by side.
Aloud, ad. Loudly, at the top of one's voice.