Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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being of the class who.

      As far as, To the extent that, to the degree that.

      Ascend, v. n. 1. Rise, arise, aspire, mount, soar, tower, climb, go up.

      2. Go backward (in the order of time).

      Ascend, v. a. climb, scale, get up, go up.

      Ascendant, n. 1. Horoscope.

      2. Superiority, predominance, ascendency, superior influence, controlling influence.

      Ascendant, a. 1. Rising, above the horizon.

      2. Superior, predominant, prevailing, prevalent, surpassing.

      Ascendency, n. Power, authority, sway, control, superiority, government, masterly, masterdom, command, dominion, rule, sovereignty, supremacy, domination, predominance, controlling influence, advantage over, upper-hand.

      Ascension, n. Rising, rise, ascent.

      Ascent, n. 1. Rising, rise, ascension.

      2. Acclivity, rising ground.

      3. Elevation, height, eminence.

      Ascertain, v. a. 1. Determine, establish, fix, settle, define, certify, verify, make certain, make sure.

      2. Discover, find out, get at.

      Ascetic, a. Austere, rigid, severe, stern, puritanical, uncompromising.

      Ascetic, n. Recluse, hermit, anchoret, solitary, solitaire, eremite.

      Asceticism, n. Austerity, mortification.

      Ascribable, a. Attributable, traceable, chargeable, imputable, referrible, owing.

      Ascribe, v. a. Attribute, assign, refer, charge, lay, impute.

      As good as, 1. Of equal goodness with.

      2. The same as, equivalent to, equal to, tantamount to.

      Ashamed, a. Abashed, confused, put out of countenance.

      Ash-colored, a. Ashy, pale, gray.

      Ashes, n. pl. 1. Remains (of what is burnt).

      2. Corpse, remains (of the human body), dead body.

      Ashore, ad. 1. On shore, on land.

      2. To the shore.

      3. Aground, not afloat.

      4. Stranded, wrecked, cast away.

      Ashy, a. 1. Cineritious, cinereous, favillous, like ashes.

      2. Pale, pallid, whitish, gray, ash-colored.

      Asiatic cholera, Spasmodic cholera, cholera asphyxia.

      Aside, ad. 1. Laterally, to the side, to one side.

      2. Out of the straight course, out of the true course.

      3. Apart, separately, away.

      As if, As though.

      As it were, So to speak, so it would seem, so it seems.

      Ask, v. a. 1. Question, interrogate, inquire of, put the question to.

      2. Request, solicit, petition, beseech, implore, supplicate, crave, beg, desire, entreat, pray for, prefer a petition for, make application for.

      3. Require, claim, demand, challenge, call for.

      Ask, v. n. 1. Petition, beg, pray.

      2. Inquire, question, make inquiry.

      Askance, ad. Obliquely, sidewise, askew, aslant, on one side.

      Askant, ad. Obliquely, sidewise, askew, aslant, on one side.

      Asker, n. Inquirer, petitioner, solicitor, solicitant.

      Askew, ad. Awry, aside, askance, aslant, asquint, to one side.

      Aslant, ad. Obliquely, askance, askew, aslope.

      Aslant, a. Oblique, inclined, slanting.

      Asleep, a. Sleeping, fast asleep, in a sound sleep, in the arms of Morpheus, gone to the land of Nod.

      Aslope, ad. Aslant, obliquely.

      Aspect, n. 1. Air, mien, countenance, expression, visage, feature.

      2. Appearance, view, light, condition, situation, position, state, attitude, posture.

      3. Direction, bearing, relative position.

      Asperity, n. 1. Roughness, ruggedness, unevenness.

      2. Acrimony, tartness, sourness, sharpness, causticity, corrosiveness.

      3. Harshness, moroseness, sternness, severity, virulence, crabbedness, bitterness, churlishness, acerbity, sullenness, ill temper, bad blood.

      Asperse, v. a. Vilify, slander, calumniate, traduce, defame, scandalize, malign, revile, lampoon, backbite, abuse, disparage, blacken, blemish, slur, vituperate, run down, detract from, speak ill of, accuse falsely, damn with faint praise.

      Aspersion, n. Calumny, detraction, slander, defamation, abuse, vituperation, obloquy, reproach, scandal, backbiting, reviling, gainsaying, traducing.

      Asphalt, n. Native bitumen, mineral pitch, Jew's pitch.

      Asphaltum, n. Native bitumen, mineral pitch, Jew's pitch.

      Aspirant, n. 1. Aspirer, ambitious person.

      2. Candidate, solicitor, solicitant, competitor.

      Aspirant, a. Aspiring, ambitious.

      Aspirate, a. Aspirated, toneless, unintonated, atonic, surd, pronounced with a simple breathing, not vocal, without vocality, without tone.

      Aspirate, n. Rough breathing.

      Aspirate, v. a. Pronounce with an aspirate or rough breathing.

      Aspirated, a. Aspirate.

      Aspiration, n. 1. Pronouncing with the rough breathing.

      2. Longing, yearning, hankering, craving, ardent wish or desire.

      Aspire, v. n. 1. Desire (earnestly), long.

      2. Ascend, rise, soar, tower, mount.

      Aspirer, n. Aspirant, ambitious person.

      Aspire to, Desire eagerly, wish for ardently, long for, aim at, thirst after.

      Aspiring, a. Ambitious, high-reaching.

      Asquint, ad. Askance, askant, awry, askew, obliquely, to one side.

      Ass, n. 1. Jackass, donkey.

      2. Dolt, fool, blockhead, simpleton, numskull, ninny, dunce.

      Assail, v. a. Assault, attack, invade, oppugn, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression on.

      Assailant, n. Aggressor, assaulter, attacker, invader, assailer.

      Assailant, a. Attacking, invading, assaulting.

      Assailer, n. Aggressor, assailant.

      Assassin, n. Murderer, slayer, cut-throat, assassinator, bravo.

      Assassinate, v. a. Kill (by secret assault), murder, slay, despatch.

      Assassination, n. Murder (by secret assault).

      Assassinator, n. Assassin.

      Assault, n. 1. Attack, onset, onslaught, aggression, invasion, charge, thrust.

      2. Storming, storm.

      Assault, v. a. Assail, attack, charge, invade, storm, fall upon, fly at, bear down upon, make aggression on.

      Assay, n. Trial (particularly to determine the quantity of metal in an ore), test, examination, experiment, proof, touchstone, ordeal.

      Assay, v. a. Try, test, put to the test, make trial of.

      Assay, v. n. Try, endeavor, attempt, essay.

      Assemblage, n. 1. Collection, group, cluster, clump, mass, congeries, pack.

      2. Assembly, concourse, company, crowd, throng, congregation, gathering, meeting.

      Assemble, v. a. Collect, muster, convene, convoke, congregate, gather, levy, call, call together, bring together, get together.

      Assemble, v.