Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal. Gerhard Köstner

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Название Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal
Автор произведения Gerhard Köstner
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783745074178

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is a kick-off meeting(Auftakt-Meeting) with our new project team.

      Let me give you a brief verbal outline / broad outline / of the objectives of this conference.

      We should be able to agree a common strategy.

      By the end of this meeting, I´d like to have agreement on …

      I hope we shall have fruitful discussions on …

      I wish you a fruitful and successful conference.

      I suspect that there will be many a lively debate.

      Enjoy your stay here.

      So, sit back, relax and enjoy the presentations.

       Nachdem allgemein erläutert wurde, warum und wozu die Konferenz stattfindet, wird nun ein Überblick über die verschiedenen Themen gegeben, die im einzelnen behandelt werden sollen.

      Welche Themen sollen behandelt werden

      The subject of our meeting is …(Thema unserer Besprechung ist …)

      The topics we have chosen for this conference are …(… Themen …)

      I think these are the agenda items that will require the most attention today.

      What we are going to cover today is …(… sprechen über …)

      This is what I am planning to cover today.

      This will be the focus of our discussions.

      There are five major problems / some important questions and issues / we should solve / address / today.(… Fragen lösen / ansprechen)

      I think we should also take up / deal with / the problem of …

      We should keep closer tabs on this issue.( …genauer beobachten)

      This issue cannot be seen in isolation from …(… losgelöst von …)

      There are several decisions to be taken today.

      03 Organisatorische Hinweise

       Nachdem er die Teilnehmer begrüßt und die Konferenz eröffnet und deren Zweck und Thematik erläutert hat, wird der / die Vorsitzende bei fast jeder größeren Konferenz oder Tagung einige Hinweise zu organisatorischen Fragen zu geben haben. In der Regel werden dabei folgende Punkte angesprochen: Programmablauf, Gruppeneinteilung für Workshops, etc., Fotografierverbot, Rauchverbot, Benutzung von Handys, Kaffeepausen, Mittagspause, Hostessen, Hinweis auf Abendveranstaltung, Damenprogramm, Geburtstage von Teilnehmern, Abreisearrangements, Transport, Abwicklung, Security, etc.

      Before starting our meeting, let me deal with some organizational matters.

      Before we get started and begin with the presentation, let me …

      Let me begin with an announcement.

      Let me first make some organizational announcements.(… organisatorische Informationen / Mitteilungen)

       Häufig weist der Vorsitzende zunächst auf die vorgesehenen Zeiten für Beginn und Ende der Konferenz bzw. der einzelnen Sitzungstage hin, damit die Teilnehmer sich rechtzeitig darauf einstellen können.

      The meeting was scheduled to start / finish on …

      We should start the meeting on time, even if all attendees haven´t arrived yet.

      Meetings should be opened promptly at the hour stated (with 15 minutes grace at the most).

      We shall start at 9 o´clock every day.

      The meeting is due to finish on Friday at 1.00 PM.

      Let´s try to finish by 4 o´clock this afternoon.

      Don´t leave the meeting (unless necessary) until the president declares the meeting adjourned; you may be needed for the quorum(Beschlussfähigkeit) or something very important may come up at the last moment.

      Panellists(Podiumsgäste) should always appear at the rostrum(Podium, Bühne) a few minutes before the meeting is scheduled to begin.

      Each speaker is allocated(erhält) 30 minutes in total: 20 minutes for the presentation(Vortrag / Präsentation) and 10 minutes for discussion.

      There is a twenty-minute limit on speeches.

      You are requested to adhere to these maximum limits strictly.

      Each presentation will be allocated thirty minutes during which time the presenters(Moderatoren, Referenten) may take questions at their discretion. Please be aware that we do not have any extra time in this session. I will therefore stop presenters who run overtime out of fairness to everyone.

      In the interest of a lively discussion, we favour audience engagement so that presentations less than 30 minutes long will be welcome.

      For longer presentations, we should aim to have a break every 45-60 minutes for people to get up and stretch their legs.

      After the first half of the presentation, there will be a break of ten minutes / a ten-minute break.

      We have ninety minutes for today´s session and four presentations.

      There will be time for questions at the end of the presentations.

      I´d be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentations.

      After a presentation, you have about 20 minutes for questions in the Q&A session.(Fragestunde)

      In the last part of the meeting we´ll have a question and answer session.

      Guest speakers are seated at the dais(Podium) / at the head table.

      A registration fee is charged for all delegates (or for alternates and guests) to help defray the expenses of the convention.(Anmeldegebühr, Vertreter, Kosten tragen)

       Nicht alle organisatorischen Fragen betreffen jeden Teilnehmer, aber jeder möchte wahrscheinlich erfahren, wann und wo es etwas zu essen und zu trinken gibt.

      There will be a 30-minute coffee break in the morning and another one in the afternoon.

      Lunch / a light lunch / a buffet lunch will be served in the cafeteria / restaurant / on the first floor / in the hall / in the canteen from … to …

      I ask you to be back on time after the breaks.

      To save time, we shall have / we have arranged for / a light lunch here in the conference room. Sandwiches and refreshments, coffee and tea will be be brought in at about 5 o´clock.

      Drinks and snacks are available in the lobby.

      A snack bar and several coffee shops are available on the ground floor and restaurants are in the immediate area.

      Meal vouchers for the company cafeteria are available at a reduced price.(Essensmarken)

       An vielen Veranstaltungsorten, insbesondere bei Behörden