Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal. Gerhard Köstner

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Название Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal
Автор произведения Gerhard Köstner
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783745074178

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up into groups and discuss the ideas presented by Mr Watson.

      Does anyone wish to raise objections to the rules / methods / of procedure?(Geschäftsordnung)

      Does anyone wish to challenge the ruling of the Chair?(Entscheidung anfechten)

      We need a new ruling on the subject.

      I accept your objection.

      The ruling of the Chair is sustained.(stattgegeben)

      Your objection is overruled.(abgelehnt)

      If there is no objection, the order of the day will now be taken up.(… gehen wir jetzt zur Tagesordnung über)

      Coming up next will be the coffee break.

      Mr Chairman, the time is now 12.30 h. I move that we recess for lunch and return at 2 o´clock.

      This has been a long and stressful session. (lang und anstrengend)

      After this fiery debate, I want to make a motion for a recess.(Antrag auf Unterbrechung)

      Can we break for half an hour?

      The debate is getting rather heated. I suggest, we take a short smoking break.

      Let´s take a 5-minute / short / break.

      We shall now break for lunch.

      Before we take up the next point on the agenda, let´s have our lunch-break.

      OK, ladies and gentlement, lunchtime!

      Please be back / return / at 2 o`clock on the dot.(pünktlich)

      We shall discuss this issue when you come back from the lunch break.

      05 Protokollführung

       Bei Sitzungen, die keine Einzelveranstaltungen sondern Teil einer Reihe von Sitzungen sind, z.B. im Rahmen eines Programms oder Projekts, sind Protokolle zu führen, die dann bei der nächsten Besprechung nochmals zur Überprüfung (etwa auf Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit) vorgelegt werden.

      Have you received the minutes of the last meeting?

      Has everyone received a copy of the minutes?

      Has everyone seen / read the minutes?

      Does everybody have a handout?(Tischvorlage, Infoblatt)

      Are there any matters arising from the last meeting / the minutes?

      Here are the minutes from our last meeting.

      Let´s first review the minutes from the previous meeting.

      Let me just summarize the main / key / points of the last meeting.

      First let´s go over the report from the last meeting held in Paris last year.

      The minutes of the previous meeting should be gone over with the secretary.(durchgehen, durchsprechen)

      I now call upon the Secretary to report on …

      Mr Secretary, will you read the minutes please?

      Will the secretary please read the minutes of the last meeting.

      The Secretary will (now) read the minutes of the previous meeting.

      Instead of having the Secretary read the minutes, copies have been distributed for your review.

       Vor dem Einstieg in die Tagesordnung der aktuellen Sitzung, wird um Zustimmung zum Protokoll der vorausgehenden Sitzung gebeten bzw. nach eventuellen Änderungswünschen gefragt.

      Can we take / accept the minutes as read?(im Wortlaut akzeptieren)

      Are the minutes approved as read?

      The minutes are inaccurate and cannot be accepted as read.

      Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes? – If not, the minutes will stand approved as read / as circulated / as corrected.

      If there are no objections, the minutes will stand approved / are adopted.

      Any further correction?

      Will you make the correction, Mr Secretary?

      Hearing no objection, the minutes are approved by general consent.(allgemeine Zustimmung)

      At this time, I want to ask for unanimous consent to these additions or corrections.(einstimmig)

      I therefore declare these minutes adopted / approved as circulated / as corrected.

       Auch für die aktuelle Sitzung muss natürlich wieder ein Protokoll geführt und ein entsprechender Protokollführer benannt werden.

      Who is going to keep / take / the minutes today?(Protokoll führen)

      Who is taking the minutes?

      Who will keep a record of the proceedings today?

      John, would you mind taking notes today?

      Mr Thomson, would you be so kind to keep the minutes today?

      Steve may we call upon you to be the minute-taker today?

      John has agreed to take the minutes.

      John has been assigned to take the minutes at today´s meeting.

      John will be standing in to take the minutes today, as our secretary is on vacation.(einspringen)

      Mr Miller will be moderating the discussion during our Q&A later on.(Debatte moderieren)

      There is no agenda today and the proceedings will not be minuted.(… werden nicht protokolliert)

      This will not be recorded in the minutes.

      That is off the record.

      The proceedings will be taped.(… auf Band aufgezeichnet)

      Don´t worry about taking notes. I have put all the important facts and figures on a handout for you.

      I´ll be handing out copies of the charts at the end of the meeting.

      I ask that this statement be appended to the minutes.(… an das Protokoll angehängt …)

      This motion should be entered on the minutes.

      The Secretary will make the entry.

      The minutes must be prepared with the order of business.(Tagesordnung)

      I will send around / circulate / an attendance sheet / list.(Teilnehmerliste). Please enter your name and organization and pass it on / along.

      The minutes from today´s meeting will be posted as of tomorrow.

      06 Tagesordnung

       Nach den allgemeinen Punkten zur Einleitung und Eröffnung der Konferenz