Название | Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal |
Автор произведения | Gerhard Köstner |
Жанр | Учебная литература |
Серия | |
Издательство | Учебная литература |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9783745074178 |
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it´s now 10 o´clock.
It´s time to get started / It´s time to begin.
I think we´ll begin now.
I think we might begin / get under way / start / get started.
Shall we start?
OK / Well / Right, shall we get started?
If we are all here, let´s get started / let´s start the meeting.
Well, since everyone is here, we should get started.
Let´s get started. We have a full agenda today.
We have a lot of work ahead of us.
We have a busy day ahead of us.
We shall begin momentarily.(US: in Kürze / gleich)
Right / OK, let´s begin.
oder etwas salopper ausgedrückt
Let´s get busy.(Packen wir´s an)
OK, let´s get down to business.(an die Arbeit gehen)
Let´s talk business.
Shall we get down to business?
Let´s go / get / down to brass tacks.(zur Sache kommen)
Without any further ado and in the interest of saving time,
I suggest that we get / go / down to brass tacks.
Let´s get down to it.(zur Sache kommen)
Let´s get down to the nitty gritty of …(ins Eingemachte gehen)
Let´s get (right) down to the nuts and bolts of …
Let´s get the show on the road.(Es kann los gehen)
Let´s get the ball rolling.(Fangen wir mal an)
Ok, we´re in business.(Es kann los gehen)
Förmliche Begrüßung
Bei formelleren Anlässen, wo sich möglicherweise auch Personen von höherem Status oder VIPs unter den Zuhörern befinden, gestaltet sich die Wortwahl je nach Art der Veranstaltung etwas förmlicher, und es eignen sich eher Formulierungen wie diese:
Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, …
Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests / delegates, …
Esteemed guests home and abroad, …
Ladies and Gentlemen, Minister / Secretary Hamilton, Excellencies, honoured guests, distinguished foreign ministers, colleagues and friends.
Mr President, honored clergy, Mayor Collins, city councillors and distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, …
President Cole, distinguished guests of this Association, ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of …, I would like to extend to you a very warm welcome to this exciting event / kick-off meeting.(Auftaktbesprechung)
I´d like to welcome all of you to the Council of Foreign Relations.
I have the pleasure of welcoming you to this Convention.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege to open this debate on …
oder etwas einfacher formuliert:
Ladies and Gentlemen, first, I´d like to welcome you all.
First, I want to extend a warm welcome to you all.
On behalf of … allow me to extend a warm welcome to all of you.
I think I know most of you, but there are (also) a few unfamiliar faces.
Welcome to … (name of company or city). It´s good to have you here.
It gives me / It is a / particular / great / pleasure to welcome you here today.
Auch wenn es nicht sehr häufig vorkommen dürfte, so kann es doch sein, dass Sie als Vorsitzender oder Präsident einer Versammlung hochkarätige und bedeutende Persönlichkeiten im Publikum begrüßen müssen und dafür die richtige Anrede kennen sollten.
Anrede für verschiedene Würden- oder Amtsträger
Kardinal | Your Eminence |
Bischof | Bishop + last name / Bishop Carlson |
Ordensschwester | Sister + religious name / Sister Martha |
Katholischer Priester | Father + last name / Father Brown |
evangelischer Geistlicher | Reverend + last name / Reverend Jones |
Majestät | Your Majesty, (im Redetext: Sir oder Ma´am) |
Königl. Hoheit | Your Royal Highness |
Baron | Lord + last name / Lord Addington |
Baronin | Lady + last name / Lady Fraser |
Geadelte Männer | Sir + first name / Sir Anthony |
Geadelte Frauen | Lady + first name / Lady Anne |
Richter | Judge + last name / Judge Miller |
Botschafter | Your Excellency, / Mr/Madam Ambassador |
hochrangige Politiker | Your Excellency, |
Gouverneur | Governor + last name / Governor Cuomo |
Senator | Senator + last name / Senator Kennedy |
Minister/in | Mr/Madam Secretary (US) |
Bürgermeister/in | Mr/Madam Mayor |
Herr/Frau (Familienname) | Mr/Ms + last name |
Dr (Familienname) | Dr + last name / Dr Hamilton / (Anrede mit Ehefrau): Dr and Ms John Hamilton |
It is a very great honour for me to chair this conference (at this historic event, etc.).
It is a great pleasure for me to open / chair / this conference on …
It is an immense honour to have been nominated chairman / chairwoman / of this conference.
The Chair extends a warm welcome to all our guests from …
The Chair is pleased to present the Board members seated at the head table and the dignitaries seated in the audience.
Please welcome them with a round of applause.
Please give them a (big) hand.( …großer Applaus)
I consider