Hydrogeology. Kevin M. Hiscock

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Название Hydrogeology
Автор произведения Kevin M. Hiscock
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119569510

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soil moisture deficit mm STP standard temperature and pressure of gases (0 °C, 1 atmosphere pressure) Sv sievert (unit of dose equivalent that accounts for the relative biological effects of different types of radiation; 1 Sv = 100 rem) s groundwater level drawdown m s solubility g (100 g)−1 solvent T transmissivity m2 s−1 T absolute temperature K TDS total dissolved solids mg L−1 TOC total organic carbon mg L−1 t time s t 1/2 radionuclide half‐life s V volume m3 V volt (electrical potential) V s volume of solid material m3 VOC volatile organic compound VSMOW Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water v groundwater or river water velocity m s−1 images average linear velocity (groundwater) m s−1 images average linear contaminant velocity m s−1 images average linear water velocity m s−1 WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization WMWL World Meteoric Water Line W(u) well function w width m ZFP zero flux plane z (hydraulics) elevation m z (chemistry) electrical charge

       Greek symbols

Symbol Description Units
α aquifer compressibility m2 N−1 (or Pa−1)
α aquifer dispersivity m
α isotope fractionation factor
β water compressibility m2 N−1 (or Pa−1)
γ (chemistry) activity coefficient kg mol−1
γ (hydraulics) specific weight N
δ stable isotope notation
δ partial negative charge
δ+ partial positive charge
θ volumetric moisture content
λ radionuclide decay constant s−1
μ viscosity N s m−2
μ/ρ kinematic viscosity m2 s−1
ρ fluid density kg m−3
ρ b bulk mass density kg m−3
ρ s particle mass density kg m−3
σ e effective stress Pa (or N m−2)
σ T total stress Pa (or N m−2)
T total competing cation concentration meq (100 g)−1
sum of
Φ fluid potential