Hydrogeology. Kevin M. Hiscock

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Название Hydrogeology
Автор произведения Kevin M. Hiscock
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119569510

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[–] activity mol kg−1 (–) concentration (see Box 4.1) mol L−1 or mg L−1 A area m2 A radionuclide activity AE actual evapotranspiration mm ASR artificial storage and recovery (aq) aqueous species atm atmosphere (pressure) B barometric efficiency BOD biological oxygen demand mg L−1 Bq becquerel (unit of radioactivity; 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second) b aquifer thickness m 2b fracture aperture m C Sediment loading efficiency C shape factor for determining ki C specific moisture capacity of a soil (m of water)−1 C, c concentration °C degrees Celsius (temperature) CEC cation exchange capacity meq (100 g)−1 CFC chlorofluorocarbon Ci curie (older unit of radioactivity; 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second) COD chemical oxygen demand mg L−1 D hydraulic diffusivity m2 s−1 D hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient m2 s−1 D* molecular diffusion coefficient m2 s−1 DIC dissolved inorganic carbon mg L−1 DNAPL dense, non‐aqueous phase liquid DOC dissolved organic carbon mg L−1 d mean pore diameter m images hydraulic gradient E o standard electrode potential V EC electrical conductivity S cm−1 Eh redox potential V e void ratio e‐ electron eq chemical equivalent (see Box 4.1) eq L−1 F Faraday constant (9.65 × 104 C mol−1) F Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f c infiltration capacity cm h−1 f t infiltration rate cm h−1 f oc weight fraction organic carbon content G Gibbs free energy kJ mol−1 g gravitational acceleration m s−2 g gram (mass) (g) gas H depth (head) of water measured at a flow gauging structure m H enthalpy kJ mol−1 h hydraulic head m I ionic strength mol L−1 i hydraulic gradient images IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency