Hydrogeology. Kevin M. Hiscock

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Название Hydrogeology
Автор произведения Kevin M. Hiscock
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119569510

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product moln L−n J joule (energy, quantity of heat) K equilibrium constant moln L−n K (hydraulics) hydraulic conductivity m s−1 K (temperature) kelvin K d partition or distribution coefficient mL g−1 K f fracture hydraulic conductivity m s−1 K H Henry’s law constant Pa m3 mol−1 K oc organic carbon‐water partition coefficient K ow octanol‐water partition coefficient K s selectivity coefficient K sp solubility product moln L−n k i intrinsic permeability m2 L litre (volume) LNAPL light, non‐aqueous phase liquid l length m MNA monitored natural attenuation m mass kg mol amount of substance (see Box 4.1) n an integer n roughness coefficient (Manning’s n) n porosity n e effective porosity P Peclet number P precipitation amount mm P pressure Pa (or N m−2) P partial pressure atm or Pa P A′ Po atmospheric pressure atm or Pa Pa pascal (pressure) P w porewater pressure Pa or m of water PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PDB Pee Dee Belemnite PE potential evapotranspiration mm p −log10 ppm parts per million Q discharge m3 s−1 Q f fracture flow discharge m3 s−1 q specific discharge or darcy velocity m s−1 R hydraulic radius m R (Rd) recharge (direct recharge) mm a−1 R universal gas constant (8.314 J mol−1 K−1) RC root constant mm R d retardation factor R e Reynolds number rem roentgen equivalent man (older unit of dose equivalent; 1 rem = 0.01 Sv) S entropy J mol−1 K−1 S sorptivity of soil cm (min)−1/2 S storativity S slope S p specific retention S s specific storage s−1 S sp specific surface area m−1 S y specific yield