Acne is the blight of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and most of those people are young and emotionally ill-equipped to deal with the embarrassment, even guilt and shame, and often bullying too, that all too often accompany an outbreak of acne. The knowledge contained in this booklet will help you cope with acne, Acne is the blight of hundreds of millions of people around the world, and most of those people are young and emotionally ill-equipped to deal with the embarrassment, even guilt and shame, and often bullying too, that all too often accompany an outbreak of acne. Even worse are the facial scars that are a sad, but constant reminder of having suffered a breakout or even a more severe case of acne previously. They are intolerable because of their seeming permanence and their non-complimentary appearance. This booklet supplies the sufferer of acne with the best possible defence against this potentially life-destroying condition, which is knowledge – the information necessary to avoid, cope with and get rid of acne.
Rebecca Jannette Cross, better known as Reb, has just one wish in life: becoming a successful journalist. Hazycreek, the small town where she was born, has nothing left to offer her and determined more than ever decides to start working on the article that will lead her to the top. But she has not come to terms with the dark side of what appears to be a small joyful town. Those stories that have been passed down over the centuries, maybe, are something more than urban legends and the truth, sometimes, is not like it is told. Will Rebecca succeed in shedding light on the secrets that slowly are coming to the surface? And will her heart clear up or will it be trapped in between reality and fantasy? Rebecca still doesn’t know but her life is about to change… “Sometimes you get angry when you have something to hide. And when you have something to hide it means secrets are real.” Rebecca Janette Cross, Reb for friends, is an ambitious journalist, determined to find the news that will lead her to write a sensational article, with which she’ll reach the success and be able to leave Hazycreek, the town that saw her birth. When she’ll sneak in the mansion of the feared Winterbourne, she’ll meet the obscure and charming Sebastian, the only son heir of the powerful dynasty. The young man, with his seducing charme and mastery of not answering Reb’s questions, will manage to break all the certainties the girl had on what she thought she knew about her fellow citizens, leading her to start a grueling battle with herself. Hovering between the blinding, as well as inexplicable, passion for Sebastian and the certainty that something darkly malignant is moving in between Hazycreek’s citizens, Reb will seek for an answer to all of her questions that instead of being solved are increasing more and more. A struggle between body and mind, heart and reason, right and wrong will challenge her beliefs and her toughness in solving her town’s mystery. And when she’ll discover the truth behind those secrets, Rebecca’s life won’t ever be the same.
O pasiune interzisa. Din momentul în care Jake, un marinar, a pus ochii pe Katherine, a vrut -o pentru el. Dar persoana care se presupune că ar fi fost cel mai bun prieten al lui l-a trădat și a câștigat-o înainte ca Jake să fi avut vreo șansă să facă vreo mișcare. Fiind un om onorabil, a dat înapoi din fața singurei femei care reușise să trezească sentimente profunde în el și atunci el a plecat din oraș într-o misiune oficială în Afganistan. Katherine avea o viață perfectă. Era o fiică bună, un membru respectat în inalta societate din Raleigh, North Carolina și voluntar la un adăpost pentru animale. Era deasemenea iubita lui Josh Macgregor, candidat pentru Congres. Dar asta era o minciună. Ceea ce își dorea Katherine cu adevărat era să fie liberă, să-și facă un tatuaj, să iasă și să se îmbete și să se distreze mai mult. Mai mult decât atât, tânjea să aibă mai mult decât o pasiune interzisă pentru Jake. Vor avea Katherine și Jake curajul de a se elibera de lanțurile care îi leagă și vor ceda pasiunii interzise pe care o simt unul pentru celălalt?Vor putea să calce în picioare societatea, jocurile de putere și invidia unui bărbat fără scrupule?
Passione Proibita Dal primo momento in cui Jake, un marine, posò gli occhi su Katherine, la volle tutta per sé. Ma colui che avrebbe dovuto essere il suo migliore amico lo aveva tradito ed era arrivato a lei prima che Jake avesse la possibilità di fare la sua mossa. Essendo una persona onesta, si fece da parte, lasciando andare l’unica donna che fosse mai riuscita a risvegliare in lui sentimenti così profondi, e si imbarcò per una missione ufficiale in Afghanistan. Katherine aveva una vita perfetta. Era una brava figlia, un rispettoso membro dell’alta società di Raleigh, nella Carolina del Nord, e faceva volontariato presso un rifugio per animali. Era anche la fidanzata di Josh McGregor, candidato a membro del Congresso. Ma era tutta una farsa. Ciò che Katherine voleva davvero era scatenarsi, fare un tatuaggio, uscire a bere e divertirsi, ma più di ogni altra cosa, desiderava sfogare quella passione proibita che provava verso Jake. Katherine e Jake avranno il coraggio di liberarsi dalle catene e soccombere alla passione proibita che sentono l’uno per l’altra? Ce la faranno a opporsi alla società, ai giochi di potere e all’amara invidia di un uomo spregiudicato?
La flamme qui brûle entre les deux s'éteindra rapidement ou que l'irrésistible passion se transformera en une belle histoire d'amour? Lorsqu'un échange sur commande de la confiserie de Giovanna la laisse tenir un gâteau très inapproprié au milieu de la fête d'anniversaire du puissant Lucas Montenegro, elle est sûre que sa carrière est terminée. C'était une simple erreur: deux commandes sont arrivées. Un gâteau pour un enterrement de vie de jeune fille et un autre pour l'anniversaire de l'homme riche qui était toujours entouré de belles femmes – comme maintenant. Elle ne jugeait généralement pas les commandes des clients. Peut-être qu'un gâteau de cette forme était une blague, peut-être une blague entre amis? Mais quand Lucas se dirigea vers elle avec une expression de profond mécontentement, elle savais qu'elle était en difficulté. La situation délicate les amène à une dispute qui suit une fine ligne entre passion et haine. Mais ce début turbulent est-il le signe que la flamme qui brûle entre les deux s'éteindra rapidement ou que l'irrésistible passion se transformera en une belle histoire d'amour?
Многие считают, что население планеты в целом все больше подвержено гневу. Причины этого называют различные, к примеру: насилие в телепрограммах и фильмах; химикаты и пищевые добавки в продуктах; удобрения; выбросы самолетов; употребление алкоголя и наркотиков; ослабление самоконтроля; потеря веры в Бога; отсутствие уважения к традиционным авторитетам и многое другое. Многие считают, что население планеты в целом все больше подвержено гневу. Причины этого называют различные, к примеру: насилие в телепрограммах и фильмах; химикаты и пищевые добавки в продуктах; удобрения; выбросы самолетов; употребление алкоголя и наркотиков; ослабление самоконтроля; потеря веры в Бога; отсутствие уважения к традиционным авторитетам и многое другое. Чтобы лучше понять причины эмоциональных вспышек, для предотвращения которых и нужны техники управления гневом, необходимо тщательно изучить гнев и агрессию. Основная причина гнева – фрустрация. Однако, фрустрация овладевает человеком не беспричинно, а вследствие глубоко лежащих проблем. Следовательно, фрустрация – это застарелое чувство нерешительности и неудовлетворенности, возникающее в результате невыполненных потребностей или невысказанных обид. Эта короткая книга вкратце рассказывает об этих проблемах. Ее основная цель – рассказать тем, кого беспокоят вспышки гнева, где искать помощи. Статьи из данной книги могут быть использованы в публикациях покупателя.
Many people believe that anger in the population of the world as a whole is increasing at an alarming rate. There are various reasons proposed, some of which are: violence on the television and in films; chemicals and E-numbers in processed food; crop spraying; chem-trails from aircraft; alcohol and substance abuse; a decrease in self-control; reduced belief in God; lack of respect for traditional authority figures, and many others. Many people believe that anger in the population of the world as a whole is increasing at an alarming rate. There are various reasons proposed, some of which are: violence on the television and in films; chemicals and E-numbers in processed food; crop spraying; chem-trails from aircraft; alcohol and substance abuse; a decrease in self-control; reduced belief in God; lack of respect for traditional authority figures, and many others. It is worth taking a close look at anger and aggression in order to gain a deeper understanding of the emotional outbursts that often require the application of anger management techniques. Frustration is a major cause of anger. However, frustration does not occur over night; rather, frustration occurs when underlying issues come to the surface. Therefore, frustration is a deep, unrelieved sense or state of lack of confidence and dissatisfaction, arising from unsettled grievances or and unsatisfied needs and desires. This short book takes a brief look at these issues. It's main purpose is to show those concerned about anger how to seek further help. The articles may be used in the purchaser's own publications too.
The Eternal Plan – Revealed' is a collection of articles that were dictated to the man called The Happy Medium, Colin Jones, by his Spirit Guides. He recorded them by means of automatic writing. The man, the entity, as I have learned to describe him, that I knew as my father for all my life, is known to me as Colin Jones. He gave me a few carrier bags in 1999 and asked me to read the contents and write a book on it, if I could. At that time, time did not seem pressing and I put the bags in my safe at home. He passed away a few years later on his 72 birthday, the 21st February. I, and all our family were devastated, but I did nothing about ‘his papers’. I had no idea what to do. I moved abroad and wrote a novel. That took five years, although it is still unpublished. In 2011, I started a new venture publishing ebooks that I had written myself. The courage to write these ebooks had come from writing the first book. I looked for ways to circumvent traditional publishing and came across Amazon’s Kindle. I learned how to publish my ebooks through them and realised how to publish Dad’s book. It took me a long time, but I think that I was guided by spirit. My Dad, Colin Jones, would never have said that these writings are his own. Rather he would say that he was inspired, in the true sense of the word. People told him what to write. All of our family witnessed this over five or six decades. Sometimes, Dad would be sitting with us watching TV, but Dad’s eyes would be shut and he would be writing the pieces that you see in this ebook. He did automatic drawings too. My brothers and I are very privileged to have been born with such a person, but as with most instances with parents, we realised it too late. I hope that you enjoy this book. I will expand it in later editions. One last point, my father’s mother, Lavinia Jones, founded a spiritualist church in Barry, South Wales, which is still going to this day.
Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, where her hero local disc jockey, Jack Hammer, is to play the music. She wonders whether anyone will spot her huge ghost Siberian tiger, Grrr, but she does not count on meeting a handsome stranger. The Megan Series is for people of all ages who are interested in psychic matters.
A compendium of moral values discussed as social imperatives, rather than under the mantle of religion. Listed alphabetically, values ranting from Acceptance, Allegiance, Beauty, Work and Zeal are written in poetic prose accessible to everyone. Society has become all too casual, from attire to speech. Behavior has followed suit, as have attitudes and sentiments. Within the pages of this book are time-honored principles that are as relevant today as they have always been, and do not impede freedom in society, but rather encourage harmony and a healthy expression of societal conventions. Morality is as applicable to today’s lifestyle as it was in the past. Our moral values have not been lost. They are sometimes displayed in magnificent glory, as in the memorial museum of 9/11; at other times, they seem to lie dormant. Yet, they are present in all of us, and like the seedling that bursts through the fresh snow, they ultimately lift up their hearts and shine toward the light.