The Eternal Plan – Revealed' is a collection of articles that were dictated to the man called The Happy Medium, Colin Jones, by his Spirit Guides. He recorded them by means of automatic writing. The man, the entity, as I have learned to describe him, that I knew as my father for all my life, is known to me as Colin Jones. He gave me a few carrier bags in 1999 and asked me to read the contents and write a book on it, if I could. At that time, time did not seem pressing and I put the bags in my safe at home. He passed away a few years later on his 72 birthday, the 21st February. I, and all our family were devastated, but I did nothing about ‘his papers’. I had no idea what to do. I moved abroad and wrote a novel. That took five years, although it is still unpublished. In 2011, I started a new venture publishing ebooks that I had written myself. The courage to write these ebooks had come from writing the first book. I looked for ways to circumvent traditional publishing and came across Amazon’s Kindle. I learned how to publish my ebooks through them and realised how to publish Dad’s book. It took me a long time, but I think that I was guided by spirit. My Dad, Colin Jones, would never have said that these writings are his own. Rather he would say that he was inspired, in the true sense of the word. People told him what to write. All of our family witnessed this over five or six decades. Sometimes, Dad would be sitting with us watching TV, but Dad’s eyes would be shut and he would be writing the pieces that you see in this ebook. He did automatic drawings too. My brothers and I are very privileged to have been born with such a person, but as with most instances with parents, we realised it too late. I hope that you enjoy this book. I will expand it in later editions. One last point, my father’s mother, Lavinia Jones, founded a spiritualist church in Barry, South Wales, which is still going to this day.
Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, where her hero local disc jockey, Jack Hammer, is to play the music. She wonders whether anyone will spot her huge ghost Siberian tiger, Grrr, but she does not count on meeting a handsome stranger. The Megan Series is for people of all ages who are interested in psychic matters.
A compendium of moral values discussed as social imperatives, rather than under the mantle of religion. Listed alphabetically, values ranting from Acceptance, Allegiance, Beauty, Work and Zeal are written in poetic prose accessible to everyone. Society has become all too casual, from attire to speech. Behavior has followed suit, as have attitudes and sentiments. Within the pages of this book are time-honored principles that are as relevant today as they have always been, and do not impede freedom in society, but rather encourage harmony and a healthy expression of societal conventions. Morality is as applicable to today’s lifestyle as it was in the past. Our moral values have not been lost. They are sometimes displayed in magnificent glory, as in the memorial museum of 9/11; at other times, they seem to lie dormant. Yet, they are present in all of us, and like the seedling that bursts through the fresh snow, they ultimately lift up their hearts and shine toward the light.
Megan's school's annual outing takes her and her classmates to a network of caves, which were used as dwellings by pre-historic tribes. Megan is certain that she gains more knowledge about what really went on there all that time ago by using her psychic powers, than the official tour guide has to tell them. Megan is a 13-year-old teenage girl, who realises that she has psychic powers that others do not have. At first, she tried to talk to her mother about them, but with disastrous consequences, so she learned to keep quiet about them. However, some people did offer to help and an animal showed a special friendship, but they were not 'alive' in the normal sense of the word. They had passed on. Megan has three such friends: Wacinhinsha, her Spirit Guide, who had been Sioux in his last life on Earth; her maternal grandfather, Gramps and a huge Siberian tiger called Grrr. Wacinhinsha is extremely knowledgeable in all things spiritual, psychic and paranormal; her grandfather is a novice 'dead person' and Grrr can only speak Tiger, as one might imagine and most of that, of course is unintelligible to humans. In this episode in Megan's life, she and the rest of the pupils in her year at school are taken on a school outing. These should be annual events, but the school does not always have the money to finance them. This one turns out to be exceptional for Megan as she catches a glimpse into the lives of people who lived in an era long since past. Follow Megan as she tries to learn more from her school outing into the past and read the advice that her Spirit Guide gives her on how to best do that.
Una storia dolce e piena di magia che parla di Natale e di seconde opportunità. Samuel, meglio conosciuto come Samuca, è uno scrittore di romanzi fantasy. All'improvviso la sua vita finisce gambe all'aria. Tra tutti i problemi che deve affrontare, si è impegnato a consegnare il manoscritto del suo libro entro Natale, ma è nel pieno di un blocco dello scrittore. Per aiutarlo in questo compito, il suo editore gli affianca un’assistente un po’ pazza. E i due dovranno convivere fino alla consegna del manoscritto. Per quindici giorni, accompagnato da Gabriela, Samuca affronterà un periodo in cui dovrà confrontarsi con le sue più grandi paure, ma che avrà la forza di cambiare la sua vita. Solo che non immaginava quanto…
A tale of second chances and hope, taking place during the Coronavirus pandemic. While the world is devastated by a pandemic, Babi finds herself trapped in her own personal nightmare. Alone at home, depressed by the direction her life is taking and terrified by the disease that plagues the world, she decides to hide in the family home in the countryside of Minas. Going through a serious creative crisis, Eric turned away from everything and everyone just over a year ago, believing that far from the spotlight and pressure from fans, he would be able to rediscover his passion for music. When nothing else works, he decides to return to the place where he discovered his love for the guitar and composing. His best friend's old house was empty, and he would have all the loneliness he needed to find his way back. When Babi and Eric are reunited, all those painful feelings from the past surface… as well as the passion. Will it be possible to make peace with the past or is it too late to start over? With her ability to approach difficult topics in a lighthearted way, A.C. Meyer, author of Falling for Her and the After Dark series, presents in Isolated in love a sweet story about second chances and new beginnings during one of the most difficult moments that humanity ever had to face.
Muchas personas creen que la ira en la población mundial está aumentando a una taza alarmante. Se han propuesto diversos motivos como la causa de este fenómeno: la violencia en los programas de televisión y las películas; el uso de sustancias químicas y aditivos en los alimentos procesados; la fumigación de cultivos; las estelas químicas producidas por las aeronaves; el abuso en el consumo del alcohol y otras substancias; la disminución del autocontrol; el creer menos en Dios; la falta de respeto hacia las figuras de autoridad tradicionales; entre mucho otros. Muchas personas creen que la ira en la población mundial está aumentando a una taza alarmante. Se han propuesto diversos motivos como la causa de este fenómeno: la violencia en los programas de televisión y las películas; el uso de sustancias químicas y aditivos en los alimentos procesados; la fumigación de cultivos; las estelas químicas producidas por las aeronaves; el abuso en el consumo del alcohol y otras substancias; la disminución del autocontrol; el creer menos en Dios; la falta de respeto hacia las figuras de autoridad tradicionales; entre mucho otros. Vale la pena mirar de cerca al enojo y la agresión para lograr tener una comprensión más profunda de los arrebatos emocionales que requieren con frecuencia la aplicación de técnicas para el control de la ira. La frustración es la causa principal de la ira. Sin embargo, esta no aparece de la noche a la mañana; más bien se presenta cuando los temas de fondo le hacen surgir. Por tanto, la frustración es un sentimiento o estado profundo y continuo de insatisfacción y de falta de confianza que surge de agravios no resueltos o de necesidades y deseos no cumplidos. Este pequeño libro trata brevemente estos temas. Su propósito principal es mostrar cómo conseguir ayuda, especialmente a quienes les inquiete el tema de la ira. Los artículos presentados aquí pueden ser utilizados también en las publicaciones propias de la persona que lo haya adquirido.
Informational and positive look on the hard diagnosis. Lifting the stigma, finding that you are not alone in all this. The book is a personal journey, finding what the disease is all about, managing the difficult moments of depressions and hypo-mania episodes until a stable effect is reached, the so-called remission. The author also shares her successes, talents and everything she has learned in an optimistic and positive way.
Beaucoup de gens ne connaissent pas le vrai Islam. Beaucoup de gens ne comprennent pas l'Islam. J'essaie de présenter l'islam aux lecteurs par des versets du Saint Coran. J'espère que ce livre sera utile.
This book, ”31 Days Encounter with the Holy Spirit,” is a ”Life in the Spirit program.” A study guide that attracts divine encounter and releases the supernatural virtues of the Holy Spirit in your life. It is an insightful program where you get supernaturally empowered and equipped to succeed in all ramifications of life. Many people who failed in businesses, marriages, academics, and other areas of life could have been successful if they had humbled themselves and learn from the Holy Spirit whom God had made a Teacher to those who are willing to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Before we talk about the personality of the Holy Spirit, let’s consider this story. A man was looking for a good school where he could register his children for proper education. His friend introduced him to a school and highly recommended the school for his children. Initially, the man did not consent to his friend’s recommendation because he doubted if the school has good teachers. But later, he decided to give it a trial. He registered one of his sons just to know what would be the outcome of the studies. At the end of the first term, the performance of the child was superlatively outstanding. The man was delighted. Without hesitation, he registered the other of his two children, making it a total of three children he enrolled in the same school. Just like the man who enrolled his three children in the same school after he had ascertained the credibility of the school, we also need to know who the Holy Spirit is and find out His definite attributes. This will help us to believe in Him fully and also open our hearts for His impartations. “And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God”. – (Luke 1:35) Holy Spirit is a Personality who has divinely embodied power to make everything possible. Nature demands that a man and a woman must come together sexually before a woman could conceive and bear a child. But in Luke 1:35, we see the Holy Spirit overruling the law of nature and granting a woman a child in her womb without the interference of any man. Holy Spirit is in relation with the Godhead. He is the Spirit of God sent to help humanity achieve divine purposes. He gives wisdom for diverse purposes and also imparts moral and decent character in the lives of those who are privileged to have Him. He was fully involved in the creation of the earth and the things in the earth (Genesis chapter 1). Presently, He is the Spirit of God, helping the church of God to manifest the power and glory of God. He was sent to us by God after the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven (Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit is in the world today, moving around and helping those who are willing to learn and receive from Him. He is our Comforter whom God sent to comfort us in every situation. The good and wonderful attributes of this glorious Personality called “The Holy Spirit” are so numerous to mention. But with these few qualities of His mentioned here, it is convincing that the Holy Spirit is worth hearing and learning from whenever He speaks. He gives wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to those who submit to His learning.