John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Syntax. A Generative Introduction

    Andrew Carnie

    Andrew Carnie’s bestselling textbook on syntax has guided thousands of students through the discipline of theoretical syntax; retaining its popularity due to its combination of straightforward language, comprehensive coverage, and numerous exercises. In this third edition, topics have been updated, new exercises added, and the online resources have been expanded. Supported by expanded online student and instructor resources, including extra chapters on HPSG, LFG and time-saving materials for lecturers, including problem sets, PowerPoint slides, and an instructors’ manual Features new chapters on ellipsis, auxiliaries, and non-configurational languages Covers topics including phrase structure, the lexicon, Case theory, movement, covert movement, locality conditions, VP shells, and control Accompanied by a new optional workbook, available separately, of sample problem sets which are designed to give students greater experience of analyzing syntactic structure

    Novel Characters. A Genealogy

    Maria DiBattista

    Novel Characters offers a fascinating and in-depth history of the novelistic character from the “birth of the novel” in Don Quixote, through the great canonical works of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the most influential international novels of the present day An original study which offers a unique approach to thinking about and discussing character Makes extensive reference to both traditional and more recent and specialized academic studies of the novel Provides a critical vocabulary for understanding how the novelistic conception of character has changed over time. Examines a broad range of novels, cultures, and periods Promotes discussion of how different cultures and times think about human identity, and how the concept of what a character is has changed over time

    Evolution. A Developmental Approach

    Wallace Arthur

    This book is aimed at students taking courses on evolution in universities and colleges. Its approach and its structure are very different from previously-published evolution texts. The core theme in this book is how evolution works by changing the course of embryonic and post-embryonic development. In other words, it is an evolution text that has been very much influenced by the new approach of evolutionary developmental biology, or 'evo-devo'. Key themes include the following: developmental repatterning; adaptation and coadaptation; gene co-option; developmental plasticity; the origins of evolutionary novelties and body plans; and evolutionary changes in the complexity of organisms. As can be seen from this list, the book includes information across the levels of the gene, the organism, and the population. It also includes the issue of mapping developmental changes onto evolutionary trees. The examples used to illustrate particular points range widely, including animals, plants and fossils. «I have really enjoyed reading this book. One of the strengths of the book is the almost conversational style. I found the style easy to read, but also feel that it will be invaluable in teaching. One of our tasks in university level teaching is to develop students' critical thinking skills. We need to support them in their intellectual development from a „just the facts“ approach to being able to make critical judgements based on available evidence. The openness and honesty with which Arthur speaks to uncertainty in science is refreshing and will be a baseline for discussions with students.» -Professor Patricia Moore, Exeter University «This book, written as an undergraduate text, is a really most impressive book. Given the burgeoning interest in the role of developmental change in evolution in recent times, this will be a very timely publication. The book is well structured and, like the author's other books, very well written. He communicates with a clear, lucid style and has the ability to explain even the more difficult concepts in an accessible manner.» –Professor Kenneth McNamara, University of Cambridge The companion site can be found at Here you download all figures from the book, captions, tables, and table of contents.

    Islam. A Brief History

    Tamara Sonn

    Reflecting recent global developments, the second edition of this illuminating introduction to Islamic history expands its coverage of the Qur’an, Sufism, and Muslim views on human rights, including the rights of women. An expanded new edition of this concise, illuminating introduction to Islam, written by one of the field’s leading scholars Spans Islamic history from the life of Muhammad and the birth of Islamic ideals, through Islam’s phenomenal geographical expansion and cultural development, to the creation of modern states and its role in today’s global society Features expanded coverage of the Qur’an, Sufism, and Muslim views on human rights, including the rights of women Includes fascinating vignettes of Islamic life, representing mainstream Muslim viewpoints on issues of global concern Explores the complex interrelationships of cultural, political, and ideological developments woven throughout Islamic history, drawing on specific examples including current developments in Pakistan

    Putting Information First. Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information

    Patrick Allo

    Putting Information First focuses on Luciano Floridi’s contributions to the philosophy of information. Respected scholars stimulate the debate on the most distinctive and controversial views he defended, and present the philosophy of information as a specific way of doing philosophy. Contains eight essays by leading scholars, a reply by Luciano Floridi, and an epilogue by Terrell W. Bynum Explains the importance of philosophy of information as a specific way of doing philosophy Focuses directly on the work of Luciano Floridi in the area of philosophy of information, but also connects to contemporary concerns in philosophy more generally Illustrates several debates that arise from core themes in the philosophy of information

    An Introduction to LTE. LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile Communications

    Christopher Cox

    An Introduction to LTE explains the technology used by 3GPP Long Term Evolution. The book covers the whole of LTE, both the techniques used for radio communication between the base station and the mobile phone, and the techniques used for signalling communication and data transport in the evolved packet core. It avoids unnecessary detail, focussing instead on conveying a sound understanding of the entire system. The book is aimed at mobile telecommunication professionals, who want to understand what LTE is and how it works. It is invaluable for engineers who are working on LTE, notably those who are transferring from other technologies such as UMTS and cdma2000, those who are experts in one part of LTE but who want to understand the system as a whole, and those who are new to mobile telecommunications altogether. It is also relevant to those working in non technical roles, such as project managers, marketing executives and intellectual property consultants. On completing the book, the reader will have a clear understanding of LTE, and will be able to tackle the more specialised books and the 3GPP specifications with confidence. Key features – Covers the latest developments in release 10 of the 3GPP specifications, including the new capabilities of LTE-Advanced Includes references to individual sections of the 3GPP specifications, to help readers understand the principles of each topic before going to the specifications for more detailed information Requires no previous knowledge of mobile telecommunications, or of the mathematical techniques that LTE uses for radio transmission and reception

    Mindfulness. Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life In This Moment

    Richard Sears W.

    Mindfulness: Living Through Challenges and Enriching Your Life In This Moment shows how the ancient practice of mindfulness can help us live a fuller and more enriching life. Presents material through a balance of clinical case work with the author’s personal stories of the Dalai Lama, ninja, and Zen Buddhism Reveals ways that mindfulness can be applied to modern problems based on psychological principles and evidence-based programs Shows how to apply mindfulness principles to a variety of problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and more Provides guidelines for readers to conduct their own mindfulness training sessions at home

    An Introduction to Criticism. Literature - Film - Culture

    Michael Ryan

    An accessible and thorough introduction to literary theory and contemporary critical practice, this book is an essential resource for beginning students of literary criticism. Covers traditional approaches such as formalism and structuralism, as well as more recent developments in criticism such as evolutionary theory, cognitive studies, ethical criticism, and ecocriticism Offers explanations of key works and major ideas in literary criticism and suggests key elements to look for in a literary text Also applies critical approaches to various examples from film studies Helps students to build a critical framework and write analytically

    Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer

    Karan Bilimoria

    'Every bit as good as the beer itself.' Sir Richard Branson From selling the first cases of Cobra out of the back of a battered old Citroen 2CV along the streets of West London to exporting to over 40 countries around the world, Karan Bilimoria's vision of a less gassy beer has travelled a long way. Starting out with a heap of student debt, a complete lack of industry experience and parents desperate for their son to get a proper job, it could all so easily have gone wrong. But Karan's single-minded determination to succeed and his ability to inspire those around him to buy into his vision, turned Cobra, sip-by-sip, into the multi-million pound business it is today. Karan's story bottles the very essence of entrepreneurship: vision, drive, creativity and a relentless battle against all odds, to make the idea you so passionately believe in work. Against the Grain is packed with insights into finance, strategy, planning, luck, discipline, and generally doing the unexpected to build your own business, from someone who's been there and done it… and all with just a little less gas. 'Essential reading.' Richard Reed, Co-founder, Innocent Drinks 'An inspirational story.' Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer WPP 'Karan Bilimoria is one of the great entrepreneurs…' Jo Malone, founder of Jo Malone 'Inspiring! … worth the cover price for the «Financing Cobra» chapter alone.' Professor John Mullins, London Business School '… His story should inspire youth everywhere who are fired by the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.' Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group

    Projektmanagement. Leitfaden für die Planung, Überwachung und Steuerung von Projekten

    Manfred Burghardt

    Burghardts «Projektmanagement» ist ein umfassendes, anerkanntes und bewahrtes Standardwerk fur Projektleiter, Projektplaner und Projektmitarbeiter. In verstandlicher Form vermittelt es die Methoden und Vorgehensweisen im Management von Projekten. Au?erdem dient es als aktuelles Nachschlagewerk fur alle diejenigen, die bereits langere Zeit mit PM-Aufgaben betraut sind. Fur die 9. Auflage wurde das Buch grundlich aktualisiert und deutlich erweitert. Neu sind Kapitel uber Angebotsmanagement, Beschaffungsmanagement, Zielkostenrechnung, Krisenmanagement, Umweltmanagement und Stakeholder-Management, au?erdem zusatzliche Vorgehens- und Reifegradmodelle. Ein neues Hauptkapitel behandelt Online-Projektmanagement und Cloud-Computing. Stark aktualisiert wurden die Abschnitte uber ISO-Zertifizierung, EFQM-Bewertungsmodell, Qualitatspreise, Risikoanalyse, Teamarbeit und Produktstrukturierung. Auch das Glossar enthalt etliche neue, relevante Begriffe. Neben der ausfuhrlichen und gut strukturierten Darstellung des Themas bietet «Projektmanagement» einen umfangreichen Fragenkatalog zur Planung und Analyse von Projekten, einen Vorschlag fur den Aufbau einer Projektakte sowie ein Beiheft mit 46 aufgabenorientierten PM-Merkblattern mit insgesamt fast 1000 Stichpunkten fur das Erstellen projektspezifischer Checklisten.