John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Theoretical Astrophysics. An Introduction

    Matthias Bartelmann

    Beginning from first principles and adopting a modular structure, this book develops the fundamental physical methods needed to describe and understand a wide range of seemingly very diverse astrophysical phenomena and processes. For example, the discussion of radiation processes including their spectra is based on Larmor's equation and extended by the photon picture and the internal dynamics of radiating quantum systems, leading to the shapes of spectral lines and the ideas of radiation transport. Hydrodynamics begins with the concept of phase-space distribution functions and Boltzmann's equation and develops ideal, viscous and magneto-hydrodynamics all from the vanishing divergence of an energy-momentum tensor, opening a natural extension towards relativistic hydrodynamics. Linear stability analysis is introduced and used as a common and versatile tool throughout the book. Aimed at students at graduate level, lecturers teaching courses in theoretical astrophysics or advanced topics in modern astronomy, this book with its abundant examples and exercises also serves as a reference and an entry point for more advanced researchers wanting to update their knowledge of the physical processes that govern the behavior and evolution of astronomical objects.

    Christian Theology. An Introduction

    Alister E. McGrath

    Alister McGrath’s Christian Theology: An Introduction is one of the most internationally-acclaimed and popular Christian theology textbooks in use today. This 5th edition has been completely revised, and now features new and extended material, numerous additional illustrations, and companion resources, ensuring it retains its reputation as the ideal introduction to Christian theology. Fully updated 5th edition of the bestselling textbook, incorporating expanded material, numerous student features and new illustrations Features new sections on Copernicanism and Darwinism Includes extended discussions of Augustine’s doctrine of creation, Trinitarian theologies of religion, and the relation of Christianity to other faiths May be used as a stand-alone volume, or alongside the Christian Theology Reader, 4th edition for a complete overview of the subject Retains the chapter structure of the 4th edition, ensuring comparability with earlier editions and courses based on these Accompanied by a revised instructor’s website featuring expanded resources including study questions and answers; visit for more details and to register for access

    Reformation Thought. An Introduction

    Alister E. McGrath

    Reformation Thought, 4th edition offers an ideal introduction to the central ideas of the European reformations for students of theology and history. Written by the bestselling author and renowned theologian, Alister McGrath, this engaging guide is accessible to students with no prior knowledge of Christian theology. This new edition of a classic text has been updated throughout with the very latest scholarship Includes greater coverage of the Catholic reformation, the counter-reformation, and the impact of women on the reformation Explores the core ideas and issues of the reformation in terms that can be easily understood by those new to the field Student-friendly features include images, updated bibliographies, a glossary, and a chronology of political and historical ideas This latest edition retains all the features which made the previous editions so popular with readers, while McGrath's revisions have ensured it remains the essential student guide to the subject.

    Conversation Analysis. An Introduction

    Jack Sidnell

    Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) – a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field

    Forensic Entomology. An Introduction

    Dorothy Gennard

    Forensic Entomology provides undergraduates with a concise introduction to the subject. The book is written with the clarity necessary for students starting out in entomology yet authoritative enough to prove useful for more experienced researchers. Worked examples of the necessary mathematics, including how to use excel to process data, coupled with lab protocols and self-assessment questions make the book an essential starting point in the subject. Assuming little prior knowledge of either biology or entomology the book provides information on identification, life cycles and ecology of insects presented in a forensic context. Information is conveyed in an accessible style with practical tasks and suggestions for further reading included in each chapter. Fully revised and updated to include new research in the field New chapter on aquatic forensic entomology New pictorial key to aid identification of species contributed by Dr. Krzysztof Szpila, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Further coverage of civil applications of forensic entomology Practical tasks and further reading included to aid understanding Colour plate section and improved illustrations throughout to assist in the identification of insects associated with the corpse Approaches the topic from the dual perspectives of basic entomology and its forensic applications Covers the contributions to forensic investigations of both flies and beetles Provides information on culturing insects collected from crime scenes Guides students through the processes of writing entomological court reports and presenting in court alongside the scientific topics Extended coverage of PMI calculations, role of professional associations for forensic entomologists and sampling at the crime scene New sections to discuss the identification of traces of explosives found in larvae, puparia and pupae and DNA sampling from insects

    Bayesian Statistics. An Introduction

    Peter Lee M.

    Bayesian Statistics is the school of thought that combines prior beliefs with the likelihood of a hypothesis to arrive at posterior beliefs. The first edition of Peter Lee’s book appeared in 1989, but the subject has moved ever onwards, with increasing emphasis on Monte Carlo based techniques. This new fourth edition looks at recent techniques such as variational methods, Bayesian importance sampling, approximate Bayesian computation and Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC), providing a concise account of the way in which the Bayesian approach to statistics develops as well as how it contrasts with the conventional approach. The theory is built up step by step, and important notions such as sufficiency are brought out of a discussion of the salient features of specific examples. This edition: Includes expanded coverage of Gibbs sampling, including more numerical examples and treatments of OpenBUGS, R2WinBUGS and R2OpenBUGS. Presents significant new material on recent techniques such as Bayesian importance sampling, variational Bayes, Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). Provides extensive examples throughout the book to complement the theory presented. Accompanied by a supporting website featuring new material and solutions. More and more students are realizing that they need to learn Bayesian statistics to meet their academic and professional goals. This book is best suited for use as a main text in courses on Bayesian statistics for third and fourth year undergraduates and postgraduate students.

    Literary Theory. An Introduction

    Terry Eagleton

    A quarter of a century on from its original publication, Literary Theory: An Introduction still conjures the subversion, excitement and exoticism that characterized theory through the 1960s and 70s, when it posed an unprecedented challenge to the literary establishment. Eagleton has added a new preface to this anniversary edition to address more recent developments in literary studies, including what he describes as “the growth of a kind of anti-theory”, and the idea that literary theory has been institutionalized. Insightful and enlightening, Literary Theory: An Introduction remains the essential guide to the field. 25th Anniversary Edition of Terry Eagleton’s classic introduction to literary theory First published in 1983, and revised in 1996 to include material on developments in feminist and cultural theory Has served as an inspiration to generations of students and teachers Continues to function as arguably the definitive undergraduate textbook on literary theory Reissue includes a new foreword by Eagleton himself, reflecting on the impact and enduring success of the book, and on developments in literary theory since it was first published

    Emil Brunner. A Reappraisal

    Alister E. McGrath

    In Emil Brunner: A Reappraisal, renowned theologian Alister E. McGrath presents a comprehensive intellectual history of Emil Brunner, the highly influential Swiss theologian who was instrumental in shaping modern Protestant theology. Explores Brunner’s theological development and offers a critical engagement of his theology Examines the role that Brunner played in shaping the characteristics of dialectical theology Reveals the complex and shifting personal and professional relationship between Brunner and Barth Delves into the reasons for Brunner’s contemporary neglect in theological scholarship Represents the only book-length study of Brunner’s works and significance in the English language

    Native America. A History

    Michael Oberg Leroy

    This history of Native Americans, from the period of first contact to the present day, offers an important variation to existing studies by placing the lives and experiences of Native American communities at the center of the narrative. Presents an innovative approach to Native American history by placing individual native communities and their experiences at the center of the study Following a first chapter that deals with creation myths, the remainder of the narrative is structured chronologically, covering over 600 years from the point of first contact to the present day Illustrates the great diversity in American Indian culture and emphasizes the importance of Native Americans in the history of North America Provides an excellent survey for courses in Native American history Includes maps, photographs, a timeline, questions for discussion, and “A Closer Focus” textboxes that provide biographies of individuals and that elaborate on the text, exposing students to issues of race, class, and gender