John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Cinema Wars. Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era

    Douglas Kellner M.

    Cinema Wars explores the intersection of film, politics, and US culture and society through a bold critical analysis of the films, TV shows, and documentaries produced in the early 2000s Offers a thought-provoking depiction of Hollywood film as a contested terrain between conservative and liberal forces Films and documentaries discussed include: Black Hawk Down, The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Syriana, WALL-E, Fahrenheit 9/11 and other Michael Moore documentaries, amongst others Explores how some films in this era supported the Bush-Cheney regime, while others criticized the administration, openly or otherwise Investigates Hollywood’s treatment of a range of hot topics, from terrorism and environmental crisis to the Iraq war and the culture wars of the 2000s Shows how Hollywood film in the 2000s brought to life a vibrant array of social protest and helped create cultural conditions to elect Barack Obama

    Wissenschaftlich erwiesen. Gütesiegel oder Etikettenschwindel?

    Florian Fisch

    Ist das (vermeintliche) Qualitätsmerkmal «wissenschaftlich erwiesen» noch glaubwürdig? Florian Fisch gibt Antworten!

    Mentor. Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners (with New Foreword, Introduction, and Afterword)

    Laurent Daloz A.

    With a new introduction and afterword, this revised second edition is a practical, engaging exploration of mentoring and its power to transform learning. Filled with inspiring vignettes, Mentor shows how anyone who teaches can become a successful mentor to students. Topics covered include adult learning and development; the search for meaning as a motive for learning; education as a transformational journey; how adults change and develop; how learning changes the learner; barriers and incentives to learning and growth; and guiding adults through difficult transitions.

    Building Cycles. Growth and Instability

    Richard Barras

    The global economic crisis of 2008 was precipitated by a housing market crash, thus highlighting the destabilizing influence of the property cycle upon the wider economy. This timely book by a world authority explores why cycles occur and how they affect the behaviour of real estate markets. The central argument put forward is that growth and instability are inextricably linked, and that building investment acts both as a key driver of growth and as the source of the most volatile cyclical fluctuations in an economy. The role of building cycles in both economic growth and urban development is explored through a theoretical review and a comparative historical analysis of UK and US national data stretching back to the start of the nineteenth century, together with a case study of the development of London since the start of the eighteenth century. A simulation model of the building cycle is presented and tested using data for the City of London office market. The analysis is then broadened to examine the operation of property cycles in global investment markets during the post-war period, focussing on their contribution to the diffusion of innovation, the accumulation of wealth and the propagation of market instability. Building Cycles: growth & instability concludes by synthesizing the main themes into a theoretical framework, which can guide our understanding of the operation and impact of building cycles on the modern economy. Postgraduate students on courses in property and in urban development as well as professional property researchers, urban economists and planners will find this a stimulating read – demanding but accessible.

    Ecosystem Services Come To Town. Greening Cities by Working with Nature

    Gary Grant

    The need to find new approaches to the development of cities is becoming increasingly urgent in this age of continuing population growth, demographic transition, climate change, fossil fuel peak and biodiversity losses. Restoring ecosystem services and promoting biodiversity is essential to sustainable development – even in the built environment. Ecosystem Services come to Town: greening cities by working with nature demonstrates how to make urban environments greener. It starts by explaining how, by mimicking nature and deliberately creating habitats to provide ecosystem services, cities can become more efficient and more pleasant to live in. The history of cities and city planning is covered with the impacts of industrial urban development described, as well as the contemporary concerns of biodiversity loss, peak oil and climate change. The later sections offer solutions to the challenges of sustainable urban development by describing and explaining a whole range of approaches and interventions, beginning at the regional scale with strategic green infrastructure, looking at districts and precincts, with trees, parks and rain gardens and ending with single buildings, including with green roofs and living walls. Technical enough to be valuable to practitioners but still readable and inspirational, this guide demonstrates to town planners, urban designers, architects, engineers, landscape architects how to make cities more liveable.

    Laser Metrology in Fluid Mechanics. Granulometry, Temperature and Concentration Measurements

    Alain Boutier

    In fluid mechanics, non-intrusive measurements are fundamental in order to improve knowledge of the behavior and main physical phenomena of flows in order to further validate codes. The principles and characteristics of the different techniques available in laser metrology are described in detail in this book. Velocity, temperature and concentration measurements by spectroscopic techniques based on light scattered by molecules are achieved by different techniques: laser-induced fluorescence, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering using lasers and parametric sources, and absorption spectroscopy by tunable laser diodes, which are generally better suited for high velocity flows. The size determination of particles by optical means, a technique mainly applied in two-phase flows, is the subject of another chapter, along with a description of the principles of light scattering. For each technique the basic principles are given, as well as optical devices and data processing. A final chapter reminds the reader of the main safety precautions to be taken when using powerful lasers.

    Contesting the Indian City. Global Visions and the Politics of the Local

    Gavin Shatkin

    Contesting the Indian City features a collection of cutting-edge empirical studies that offer insights into issues of politics, equity, and space relating to urban development in modern India. Features studies that serve to deepen our theoretical understandings of the changes that Indian cities are experiencing Examines how urban redevelopment policy and planning, and reforms of urban politics and real estate markets, are shaping urban spatial change in India The first volume to bring themes of urban political reform, municipal finance, land markets, and real estate industry together in an international publication

    The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2012

    David Greenaway

    This is the nineteenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level Includes chapters exploring WTO issues, and agricultural trading issues Provides up-to-date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews Analyses global trade policy in areas such as Australia and Sri Lanka, and includes special sections on both China and Malaysia A vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues

    The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2011

    David Greenaway

    This is the eighteenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level The 2011 issue analyses global trade policy in areas such as Malaysia, West Africa and China Includes a review of antidumping, safeguards and countervailing duties from 1990–2009 Includes chapters exploring WTO issues, and a special section on agricultural trading issues Provides up-to-date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews A vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues

    The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2010

    David Greenaway

    This is the seventeenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level Provides up-to-date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews A vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues Analyses global trade policy in Turkey, China and The Dominican Republic, and a survey by Tarlok Singh questions whether international trade does cause economic growth Includes chapters exploring WTO issues, and a section on regional trading agreements