John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Swaps and Other Derivatives

    Richard Flavell R.

    Richard Flavell has a strong theoretical perspective on swaps with considerable practical experience in the actual trading of these instruments. This rare combination makes this welcome updated second edition a useful reference work for market practitioners. —Satyajit Das, author of Swaps and Financial Derivatives Library and Traders and Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives Fully revised and updated from the first edition, Swaps and Other Derivatives, Second Edition, provides a practical explanation of the pricing and evaluation of swaps and interest rate derivatives. Based on the author’s extensive experience in derivatives and risk management, working as a financial engineer, consultant and trainer for a wide range of institutions across the world this book discusses in detail how many of the wide range of swaps and other derivatives, such as yield curve, index amortisers, inflation-linked, cross-market, volatility, diff and quanto diffs, are priced and hedged. It also describes the modelling of interest rate curves, and the derivation of implied discount factors from both interest rate swap curves, and cross-currency adjusted curves. There are detailed sections on the risk management of swap and option portfolios using both traditional approaches and also Value-at-Risk. Techniques are provided for the construction of dynamic and robust hedges, using ideas drawn from mathematical programming. This second edition has expanded sections on the credit derivatives market – its mechanics, how credit default swaps may be priced and hedged, and how default probabilities may be derived from a market strip. It also prices complex swaps with embedded options, such as range accruals, Bermudan swaptions and target accrual redemption notes, by constructing detailed numerical models such as interest rate trees and LIBOR-based simulation. There is also increased discussion around the modelling of volatility smiles and surfaces. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM where all the models are replicated, enabling readers to implement the models in practice with the minimum of effort.

    Core and Metro Networks

    Alexandros Stavdas

    Find out everything you need to know about how current networks will have to evolve to provide for future broadband services In this book, the authors provide an overview of the status, challenges, architectures, and technological solutions for core and metropolitan networks. Furthermore, the book describes the current state of core and metropolitan telecommunication networks, as well as the drivers and motives behind the current paradigm shift in the telecommunications industry. Moreover, the authors elaborate system design guidelines for both point-to-point and multi-hop optical networks taking into consideration the analogue nature of the transmission channel. Key Features: Provides coverage of all aspects of core and metro networks supporting future broadband services, and a detailed description of the state-of-the-art Presents a clear path for migrating from point-to-point to data-centric, dynamic, multi-hop optical networks Shows how current systems will need to evolve over the coming years, summarizing challenges and issues to be investigated in future research Covers a wide range of topics from network architectures, to control plane, to key optical and optoelectronic devices, and best practice in transmission and system design Provides results, best practices and guidelines for various technical problems, including numerous hands-on examples Written by authors from cutting-edge companies such as Alcatel-Lucent, Siemens, Lucent, France Telecom, BT, and Telefonica Optical Core and Metro Networks will be of interest to researchers in industry and academia, and advanced (final year undergraduate) and postgraduate students undertaking communications, networking and optics courses.

    Principles of Quantitative Development

    Manoj Thulasidas

    Principles of Quantitative Development is a practical guide to designing, building and deploying a trading platform. It is also a lucid and succinct exposé on the trade life cycle and the business groups involved in managing it, bringing together the big picture of how a trade flows through the systems, and the role of a quantitative professional in the organization. The book begins by looking at the need and demand for in-house trading platforms, addressing the current trends in the industry. It then looks at the trade life cycle and its participants, from beginning to end, and then the functions within the front, middle and back office, giving the reader a full understanding and appreciation of the perspectives and needs of each function. The book then moves on to platform design, addressing all the fundamentals of platform design, system architecture, programming languages and choices. Finally, the book focuses on some of the more technical aspects of platform design and looks at traditional and new languages and approaches used in modern quantitative development. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM, featuring a fully working option pricing tool with source code and project building instructions, illustrating the design principles discussed, and enabling the reader to develop a mini-trading platform. The book is also accompanied by a website that contains updates and companion materials.

    Live Life, Love Work

    Kate Burton

    The secrets to reclaiming your personal life and enriching your professional life—for the overstretched, overworked, and overanxious With the boundaries between professional and private life increasingly blurred by mobile technology, most people are simply finding it tougher to enjoy life either at home or at work. For those looking for a way out of the frustrating maze of daily life, bestselling author and respected communications coach Kate Burton offers the keys to achieving, in both one's professional and private life, a renewed sense of ownership, possibility, and meaning. In Live Life, Love Work, she poses such essential questions as «Whose Life Is It Anyway?» before offering readers an inspiring «Brave Action for Change.» Each step outlined in the book is linked to a discussion of one's physical, mental, inner, or spiritual world Other books by Burton: Personal Development All-in-One For Dummies and Building Confidence For Dummies Burton delivers custom-built corporate workshops and seminars for that boost motivation, self-awareness, communication, and health For those interested in enriching both their personal and work life, Live Life, Love Work offers practical, insightful tips on how.

    The Internal Auditing Handbook

    K. H. Spencer Pickett

    The first edition of The Internal Auditing Handbook received wide acclaim from readers and became established as one of the definitive publications on internal auditing. The second edition was released soon after to reflect the rapid progress of the internal audit profession. There have been a number of significant changes in the practice of internal auditing since publication of the second edition and this revised third edition reflects those changes. The third edition of The Internal Auditing Handbook retains all the detailed material that formed the basis of the second edition and has been updated to reflect the Institute of Internal Auditor’s (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. Each chapter has a section on new developments to reflect changes that have occurred over the last few years. The key role of auditors in reviewing corporate governance and risk management is discussed in conjunction with the elevation of the status of the chief audit executive and heightened expectations from boards and audit committees. Another new feature is a series of multi-choice questions that have been developed and included at the end of each chapter. This edition of The Internal Auditing Handbook will prove to be an indispensable reference for both new and experienced auditors, as well as business managers, members of audit committees, control and compliance teams, and all those who may have an interest in promoting corporate governance.

    The Online Trading Cookbook

    Alpesh Patel

    The Online Trading Cookbook is a unique resource for busy online traders of all levels, addressing the need amongst the growing number of those trading and investing from home for solid, low risk trading strategies which they can incorporate into a busy lifestyle. Suitable for all levels of retail trader and is supplemented by useful advice on the best trading tools, websites and brokers, the different markets available to trade, tips on risk and money management. The book is divided into sections based on levels of complexity and contains specific strategies used by profitable hedge funds as well as strategies used by other professionals, all of which can be implemented by private investors. The opening chapter discusses the professional tools traders will need, from multi-screen hardware, best websites, trading software, data services, brokers, trading products and the types of traders suited to each type of trading. The following chapters give concise novice, intermediate and advanced strategies for short and long term traders. The cookbook format is one of the most popular for teaching complicated subjects. Trading skills are presented and learnt as simply as recipes. This book provides exactly that from trading strategies to risk and money management. Each page presents as ingredients what the trader needs to do, the tools and the preparation with successful examples illustrated on the facing page. Both the proven format and its simplicity are compelling and unique in their application to trading. Written by two celebrated experts in the field, The Online Trading Cookbook is the perfect starting point for anyone wishing to learn to trade or for advanced traders wishing to further their knowledge.

    Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics

    Wen Geyi

    Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics takes a fresh look at the essential concepts and methods of electrodynamics as a whole, uniting the most relevant contemporary topics under a common mathematical framework. It contains clear explanations of high-level concepts as well as the mutual relationships between the essential ideas of electromagnetic theory. Starting with the fundamentals of electrodynamics, it methodically covers a wide spectrum of research and applications that stem from electromagnetic phenomena, before concluding with more advanced topics such as quantum mechanics. Includes new advances and methodologies in applied electrodynamics, and provides the whole picture of the theory of electrodynamics in most active areas of engineering applications Systematically deals with eigenvalue problems, integral equation formulations and transient phenomena in various areas of applied electrodynamics Introduces the complete theory of spherical vector wave functions, and presents the upper bounds of the product of gain and bandwidth for an arbitrary antenna Presents the field approach to multiple antenna system, which provides a theoretical tool for the prediction of channel models of MIMO, and is also the basis of wireless power transmission system One of the first books on electromagnetics that contains the general theory of relativity, which is needed in the design of mobile systems such as global positioning system (GPS) By summarising both engineering and theoretical electromagnetism in one volume, this book is an essential reference for practicing engineers, as well as a guide for those who wish to advance their analytical techniques for studying applied electrodynamics.

    Introduction to Private Equity

    Cyril Demaria

    Introduction to Private Equity is a critical yet grounded guide to the private equity industry. Far more than just another introductory guide, the book blends academic rigour with practical experience to provide a critical perspective of the industry from a professional who has worked at many levels within the industry, including insurance, funds of funds, funds and portfolio companies. The book looks at private equity from the point of view of the individual or the business. How is a private business valued? How is the acquisition transaction processed? What are the due diligence issues that should be considered before moving ahead? A valuable insight to a rather opaque market. Introduction to Private Equity covers the private equity industry as a whole, highlighting its historical development in order to put its recent development into perspective. The book covers its organization, governance and function, then details the various segments within the industry, including LBO, Venture Capital, Mezzanine Financing, Growth Capital and beyond. Finally, it offers a framework to anticipate and understand its future developments. It provides a balanced perspective on the current corporate governance challenges which are affecting the industry and draws perspective to understand the evolution of the sector, following one of its major crises.

    Fourier Methods in Imaging

    Roger L. Easton, Jr.

    Fourier Methods in Imaging introduces the mathematical tools for modeling linear imaging systems to predict the action of the system or for solving for the input. The chapters are grouped into five sections, the first introduces the imaging “tasks” (direct, inverse, and system analysis), the basic concepts of linear algebra for vectors and functions, including complex-valued vectors, and inner products of vectors and functions. The second section defines «special» functions, mathematical operations, and transformations that are useful for describing imaging systems. Among these are the Fourier transforms of 1-D and 2-D function, and the Hankel and Radon transforms. This section also considers approximations of the Fourier transform. The third and fourth sections examine the discrete Fourier transform and the description of imaging systems as linear «filters», including the inverse, matched, Wiener and Wiener-Helstrom filters. The final section examines applications of linear system models to optical imaging systems, including holography. Provides a unified mathematical description of imaging systems. Develops a consistent mathematical formalism for characterizing imaging systems. Helps the reader develop an intuitive grasp of the most common mathematical methods, useful for describing the action of general linear systems on signals of one or more spatial dimensions. Offers parallel descriptions of continuous and discrete cases. Includes many graphical and pictorial examples to illustrate the concepts. This book helps students develop an understanding of mathematical tools for describing general one- and two-dimensional linear imaging systems, and will also serve as a reference for engineers and scientists

    Principles of Microelectromechanical Systems

    Ki Lee Bang

    The building blocks of MEMS design through closed-form solutions Microelectromechanical Systems, or MEMS, is the technology of very small systems; it is found in everything from inkjet printers and cars to cell phones, digital cameras, and medical equipment. This book describes the principles of MEMS via a unified approach and closed-form solutions to micromechanical problems, which have been recently developed by the author and go beyond what is available in other texts. The closed-form solutions allow the reader to easily understand the linear and nonlinear behaviors of MEMS and their design applications. Beginning with an overview of MEMS, the opening chapter also presents dimensional analysis that provides basic dimensionless parameters existing in large- and small-scale worlds. The book then explains microfabrication, which presents knowledge on the common fabrication process to design realistic MEMS. From there, coverage includes: Statics/force and moment acting on mechanical structures in static equilibrium Static behaviors of structures consisting of mechanical elements Dynamic responses of the mechanical structures by the solving of linear as well as nonlinear governing equations Fluid flow in MEMS and the evaluation of damping force acting on the moving structures Basic equations of electromagnetics that govern the electrical behavior of MEMS Combining the MEMS building blocks to form actuators and sensors for a specific purpose All chapters from first to last use a unified approach in which equations in previous chapters are used in the derivations of closed-form solutions in later chapters. This helps readers to easily understand the problems to be solved and the derived solutions. In addition, theoretical models for the elements and systems in the later chapters are provided, and solutions for the static and dynamic responses are obtained in closed-forms. This book is designed for senior or graduate students in electrical and mechanical engineering, researchers in MEMS, and engineers from industry. It is ideal for radio frequency/electronics/sensor specialists who, for design purposes, would like to forego numerical nonlinear mechanical simulations. The closed-form solution approach will also appeal to device designers interested in performing large-scale parametric analysis.