Scholarly writing on the music of Arvo Pärt is situated primarily in the fields of musicology, cultural and media studies, and, more recently, in terms of theology/spirituality.<i> Arvo Pärt: </i><i>Sounding the Sacred</i> focuses on the representational dimensions of Pärt’s music (including the trope of silence), writing and listening past the fact that its storied effects and affects are carried first and foremost as vibrations through air, impressing themselves on the human body. In response, this ambitiously interdisciplinary volume asks: What of sound and materiality as embodiments of the sacred, as historically specific artifacts, and as elements of creation deeply linked to the human sensorium in Pärt studies? In taking up these questions, the book “de-Platonizes” Pärt studies by demystifying the notion of a single “Pärt sound.” It offers innovative, critical analyses of the historical contexts of Pärt’s experimentation, medievalism, and diverse creative work; it re-sounds the acoustic, theological, and representational grounds of silence in Pärt’s music; it listens with critical openness to the intersections of theology, sacred texts, and spirituality in Pärt’s music; and it positions sensing, performing bodies at the center of musical experience. Building on the conventional score-, biography-, and media-based approaches, this volume reframes Pärt studies around the materiality of sound, its sacredness, and its embodied resonances within secular spaces.
This book will challenge everything you have ever believed about the nature of time. Using modern day analytic techniques it unveils anagrams within Nostradamus lettering that are undeniably there. But they have no right to be. They explode the mind via their complexity, linkages and modernity. And it is set out so that you can see it for yourself. Yet a new frame for understanding is built while its flow saps at all reason. How did Nostradamus do it? What was his goal? Why write for us, 500 years beyond his death? All this and more is here for you to read.
Discover this fully updated and authoritative reference to wind energy technology written by leading academic and industry professionals The newly revised Third Edition of the Wind Energy Handbook delivers a fully updated treatment of key developments in wind technology since the publication of the book’s Second Edition in 2011. The criticality of wakes within wind farms is addressed by the addition of an entirely new chapter on wake effects, including ‘engineering’ wake models and wake control. Offshore, attention is focused for the first time on the design of floating support structures, and the new ‘PISA’ method for monopile geotechnical design is introduced. The coverage of blade design has been completely rewritten, with an expanded description of laminate fatigue properties and new sections on manufacturing methods, blade testing, leading-edge erosion and bend-twist coupling. These are complemented by new sections on blade add-ons and noise in the aerodynamics chapters, which now also include a description of the Leishman-Beddoes dynamic stall model and an extended introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis. The importance of the environmental impact of wind farms both on- and offshore is recognised by extended coverage, which encompasses the requirements of the Grid Codes to ensure wind energy plays its full role in the power system. The conceptual design chapter has been extended to include a number of novel concepts, including low induction rotors, multiple rotor structures, superconducting generators and magnetic gearboxes. References and further reading resources are included throughout the book and have been updated to cover the latest literature. Importantly, the core subjects constituting the essential background to wind turbine and wind farm design are covered, as in previous editions. These include: The nature of the wind resource, including geographical variation, synoptic and diurnal variations and turbulence characteristics The aerodynamics of horizontal axis wind turbines, including the actuator disc concept, rotor disc theory, the vortex cylinder model of the actuator disc and the Blade-Element/Momentum theory Design loads for horizontal axis wind turbines, including the prescriptions of international standards Alternative machine architectures The design of key components Wind turbine controller design for fixed and variable speed machines The integration of wind farms into the electrical power system Wind farm design, siting constraints and the assessment of environmental impact Perfect for engineers and scientists learning about wind turbine technology, the Wind Energy Handbook will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate students taking courses on wind turbines and wind energy, as well as industry professionals whose work requires a deep understanding of wind energy technology.
Мы живем в удивительное время, и прямо сейчас ученые всего мира в плотную приблизились к порогу великого открытия, точке бифуркации, когда количество переходит в качество. Но похоже, что нам всем, не хватает совсем маленькой толики информации, что бы перейти в новое состояние и двинутся дальше в уже практическое применение новых знаний в двигателестроении, энергетике, медицине и других важных областях нашей жизни. Очень надеюсь, что эта книга и станет последним камнем в плотину нового водохранилища невиданной до этого энергии. Как всегда все описано простым обывательским языком, легко запоминается с помощью простых аналогий из нашей жизни, может лечь в основу диссертации, что важно для студентов, развивает когнитивные способности, и одновременно способствует укреплению нашего иммунитета.
Examines how solar and terrestrial space phenomena affect sophisticated technological systems Contemporary society relies on sophisticated technologies to manage electricity distribution, communication networks, transportation safety, and myriad other systems. The successful design and operation of both ground-based and space-based systems must consider solar and terrestrial space phenomena and processes. Space Weather Effects and Applications describes the effects of space weather on various present-day technologies and explores how improved instrumentation to measure Earth's space environment can be used to more accurately forecast changes and disruptions. Volume highlights include: Damage and disruption to orbiting satellite equipment by solar particles and cosmic rays Effects of space radiation on aircraft at high altitudes and latitudes Response of radio and radar-based systems to solar bursts Disturbances to the propagation of radio waves caused by space weather How geomagnetic field changes impact ground-based systems such as pipelines Impacts of human exposure to the space radiation environment The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
«Понятный космос: от кварка до квазара» – это настольная энциклопедия, в которой содержатся развернутые объяснения терминов и понятий, использующихся в современной астрономии и астрофизике, данные о звездах, планетах, галактиках и других небесных объектах. Из чего состоит Вселенная? Что такое черная дыра? Как светят звезды? Ответы на эти и многие другие вопросы подготовил российский астроном и просветитель Владимир Сурдин. Книга рассчитана на школьников, студентов, учителей и журналистов; многие ее статьи привлекут внимание продвинутых любителей астрономии и даже профессиональных ученых, поскольку большинство данных приведено по состоянию на начало 2021 г.
Могут ли задачи по физике быть интересными не только для будущих инженеров, но и для гуманитариев? Для будущих писателей, историков и режиссёров? Оказывается могут! Называются они задачами с литературным сюжетом. В текстах этих необычных задач использованы отрывки из работ более чем 80 самых различных авторов – от классиков русской литературы (А. С. Пушкина и Л. Н. Толстого) до современных популярных писателей (Б. Акунина, Дж. Р. Р. Толкина и Дж. К. Роулинг). Кроме того, в сборнике используются пословицы и поговорки, сюжеты из сказок разных народов мира и современных популярных фильмов («Звездные войны», «Властелин Колец», «Матрица» и др.). Для учителя физики предлагаемые задачи окажутся незаменимым средством активизации познавательной деятельности школьников как на уроках, так и на внеклассных мероприятиях для достижения не только предметных, но метапредметных и личностных результатов, определенных в федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах.