
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Bearing Dynamic Coefficients in Rotordynamics

Lukasz Brenkacz

A guide to bearing dynamic coefficients in rotordynamics that includes various computation methods  Bearing Dynamic Coefficients in Rotordynamics  delivers an authoritative guide to the fundamentals of bearing and bearing dynamic coefficients containing various computation methods. Three of the most popular and state-of-the-art methods of determining coefficients are discussed in detail. The computation methods covered include an experimental linear method created by the author, and numerical linear and nonlinear methods using the finite element method. The author—a renowned expert on the topic—presents the results and discusses the limitations of the various methods.  Accessibly written, the book provides a clear analysis of the fundamental phenomena in rotor dynamics and includes many illustrations from numerical analysis and the results of the experimental research. Filled with practical examples, the book also includes a companion website hosting code used to calculate the dynamic coefficients of journal bearings. This important book:  Covers examples of different computation methods, presents results, and discusses limitations of each Reviews the fundamentals of bearing and bearing dynamic coefficients Includes illustrations from the numerical analysis and results of the experimental research Offers myriad practical examples and a companion website Written for researchers and practitioners working in rotordynamics,  Bearing Dynamic Coefficients in Rotordynamics  will also earn a place in the libraries of graduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering who seek a comprehensive treatment of the foundations of this subject.

Na-ion Batteries

Laure Monconduit

This book covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of advanced Na-ion batteries (NIB) which have proven to be a potential challenger to Li-ion batteries. Both the chemistry and design of positive and negative electrode materials are examined. In NIB, the electrolyte is also a crucial part of the batteries and the recent research, showing a possible alternative to classical electrolytes – with the development of ionic liquid-based electrolytes – is also explored. <p>Cycling performance in NIB is also strongly associated with the quality of the electrode-electrolyte interface, where electrolyte degradation takes place; thus, Na-ion Batteries details the recent achievements in furthering knowledge of this interface. Finally, as the ultimate goal is commercialization of this new electrical storage technology, the last chapters are dedicated to the industrial point of view, given by two startup companies, who developed two different NIB chemistries for complementary applications and markets.

Electromagnetic Waves 1

Pierre-Noël Favennec

Electromagnetic Waves 1 examines Maxwell’s equations and wave propagation. It presents the scientific bases necessary for any application using electromagnetic fields, and analyzes Maxwell’s equations, their meaning and their resolution for various situations and material environments. These equations are essential for understanding electromagnetism and its derived fields, such as radioelectricity, photonics, geolocation, measurement, telecommunications, medical imaging and radio astronomy. This book also deals with the propagation of electromagnetic, radio and optical waves, and analyzes the complex factors that must be taken into account in order to understand the problems of propagation in a free and confined space. Electromagnetic Waves 1 is a collaborative work, completed only with the invaluable contributions of Ibrahima Sakho, Hervé Sizun and JeanPierre Blot, not to mention the editor, Pierre-Noël Favennec. Aimed at students and engineers, this book provides essential theoretical support for the design and deployment of wireless radio and optical communication systems.

The gravity paradigm. Extraterrestrial civilizations. Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization

Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko

This book is a translation from Russian into English of the book "The Paradigm of Gravity of Extraterrestrial Civilizations" by authors Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko and Evgeny Alekseevich Tikhomirov. The translation was made by the author Tikhomirov E. A. at the request of a highly developed civilization from the star cluster "Stozhary" ("Pleiades"), as they warned that we should do everything possible to combat the concealment or secrecy of this information. The book presents the paradigm of gravity of extraterrestrial civilizations. Fixed errors in the structure of substance, as well as information about the internal structure of stars, planets and satellites, an experiment confirming the paradigm of gravity of extraterrestrial civilizations, explained the true cause of tides. An approximate calculation of the Earth's mass is given. It is shown that the mass of space objects is significantly underestimated. It is shown that not only gravity, but also repulsion is realized in nature.

Два века учебника физики в России. История методики обучения физике в России сквозь призму становления учебника физики

Н. С. Пурышева

В монографии представлены результаты исследования проблемы становления методики обучения физике через призму развития учебника физики в России. Она построена таким образом, чтобы можно было увидеть разработку научных идей и их развитие во времени, проследить в целом картину постепенного возникновения методики физики в части содержания учебного предмета, методов и средств обучения. С этой целью в монографии последовательно для каждой эпохи даётся обзор состояния науки, акцентируется внимание на социальном запросе общества в области техники и промышленности, рассматривается и подробно анализируется ряд учебников, ориентированных преимущественно на среднюю школу. Монография охватывает период времени от конца XVII века – до первой трети ХХ века. Во введении обоснован методологический подход, являющийся основой анализа процесса развития методики обучения физике в России. Первая глава посвящена анализу процесса становления учебника физики в России в XVIII веке. Вторая глава охватывает XIX век, в течение которого происходит становление отечественного учебника физики для школы. Третья глава посвящена анализу процессов в развитии методики обучения физике в эпоху, предшествующую Революции, и в постреволюционный период, когда после полутора десятилетий методических поисков произошло возрождению стабильного учебника при формировании концентрической системы обучении физике. Монография адресуется физикам-методистам, студентам старших курсов и аспирантам педагогический вузов, специализирующихся в области физики и естествознания, всем интересующимся историей науки и образования в России.

Электродинамика быстрых заряженных частиц в веществе

Вячеслав Малышевский

Представлены оригинальные результаты исследований поляризационных и радиационных потерь энергии быстрыми многозарядными ионами в веществе. Обсуждаются корреляционные эффекты в черенковском и переходном излучении, вызванные процессами обмена зарядом между ионом и средой, в которой движется ион. Изложены вопросы статистической теории каналирования многозарядных ионов, а также поляризационные и динамические эффекты в рассеянии ускоренных частиц кристаллическими поверхностями. Для специалистов, занимающихся вопросами взаимодействия заряженных частиц и излучения с веществом и внешними полями, а также применением излучения в физических исследованиях. Может быть использована студентами физических специальностей.

Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability

Группа авторов

An in-depth review of sustainable concepts in water resources management under climate change   Climate change continues to intensify existing pressures in water resources management, such as rapid population growth, land use changes, pollution, damming of rivers, and many others. Securing a reliable water supply—critical for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—requires understanding of the relation between finite water resources, climate variability/change, and various elements of sustainability.  Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability  is a timely and in-depth examination of the concept of sustainability   as it relates to water resources management in the context of climate change risks.  Featuring contributions by global authors, this edited volume is organized into three sections: Sustainability Concepts; Sustainability Approaches, Tools, and Techniques; and Sustainability in Practice. Detailed chapters describe the linkage between water and sustainable development, highlight the development and use of new measuring and reporting methods, and discuss the implementation of sustainability concepts in various water use sectors. Topics include localizing and mainstreaming global water sustainability initiatives, resilient water infrastructure for poverty reduction, urban water security for sustainable cities, climate actions and challenges for sustainable ecosystem services, and more. This important resource:  Reviews contemporary scientific research and practical applications in the areas of water, climate change and sustainability in different regions of the world Discusses future directions of research and practices in relation to expected patterns of climate changes Covers a wide range of concepts, theories, and perspectives of sustainable development of water resources Features case studies of field and modelling techniques for analyzing water resources and evaluating vulnerability, security, and associated risks Discusses practical applications of water resources in contexts such as food security, global health, clean energy, and climate action  Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability  is an invaluable resource for policy makers water managers, researchers, and other professionals in the field, and an ideal text for graduate students in hydrogeology, climate change, geophysics, geochemistry, geography, water resources, and environmental science.