
Различные книги в жанре Физика


Michael Schulz

Die Neuauflage deckt die klassischen Gebiete der Mechanik ab, angefangen bei der Kinematik eines Massenpunktes über die Newtonschen Bewegungsgleichungen bis zu den abstrakten Formulierungen der Mechanik (Lagrange 1. und 2. Art, Hamilton'sche Mechanik) und der Relativitätstheorie.

Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers

Emil Zolotoyabko

A concise, accessible, and up-to-date introduction to solid state physics  Solid state physics is the foundation of many of today’s technologies, including transistors, LEDs, optoelectronics, and communications.  Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers  offers a guide to basic concepts and provides an accessible framework for understanding this highly application-relevant subject for materials engineers. The text links the fundamentals of modern materials, such as graphene and photonic materials, and of applications, such as high-temperature superconductors and MOSFETs. Written by a noted expert and experienced instructor, the book contains numerous worked examples throughout to help the reader gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and information presented.  The text covers a wide range of relevant topics, including electron waves in crystals, electrical conductivity in semiconductors, light interaction with metals and dielectrics, light interaction with semiconductors, cooperative phenomena in electron systems, cooperative phenomena in electron systems, ferroelectricity as a cooperative phenomenon, and more. This important book:  Provides a big picture view of solid state physics Contains examples of basic concepts and applications Offers a highly accessible text that fosters real understanding Presents a wealth of helpful worked examples Written for students of materials science, engineering, and physics,  Introduction to Solid State Physics for Materials Engineers  is an important guide to help foster an understanding of solid state physics.

Space Physics and Aeronomy, Solar Physics and Solar Wind

Группа авторов

A comprehensive view of our Sun at the start of a new era in solar and heliospheric physics Humans have been observing and studying our Sun for centuries, yet much is still unknown about the processes that drive its behavior. Thanks to a new generation of space missions and ground telescopes, we are poised to dramatically increase our understanding of the Sun and its environment. Solar Physics and Solar Wind explores advances in solar and heliospheric research over recent decades, as well as the challenges that remain. This comprehensive reference work covers the solar interior, magnetism and radiation, plasma heating and acceleration, the sun's atmosphere, and solar activity. Volume highlights include: Explanations for processes in the solar interior New insights on the solar wind The challenges of measuring the Sun's magnetic field and its radiative output Description of solar atmospheric phenomena such as spicules and jets New developments in understanding flares and coronal mass ejections Ongoing research into how the solar corona is heated The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications

Группа авторов

A comprehensive review of global ionospheric research from the polar caps to equatorial regions 9; It's more than a century since scientists first identified the ionosphere, the layer of the Earth's upper atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. Our understanding of this dynamic part of the near-Earth space environment has greatly advanced in recent years thanks to new observational technologies, improved numerical models, and powerful computing capabilities.9; Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of historic developments, recent advances, and future directions in ionospheric research. Volume highlights include:9; Behavior of the ionosphere in different regions from the poles to the equator Distinct characteristics of the high-, mid-, and low-latitude ionosphere Observational results from ground- and space-based instruments Ionospheric impacts on radio signals and satellite operations How earthquakes and tsunamis on Earth cause disturbances in the ionosphere The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Hydraulic Fluid Power

Andrea Vacca

Building an Effective Security Program for Distributed Energy Resources and Systems

Mariana Hentea

Build a critical and effective security program for DERs  This publication educates engineers on the design, implementation, and maintenance of a security program for distributed energy resources (DERs), smart grid, and industrial control systems.  Building an Effective Security Program for Distributed Energy Resources and Systems  provides a unified approach to establishing a critical security program for DER systems and Smart Grid applications. The methodology provided integrates systems security engineering principles, techniques, standards, and best practices.  The publication guides security professionals in learning the specific requirements of industrial control systems and real-time constrained applications. It also outlines the functions of the security program as well as the scope and differences between traditional IT system security requirements and those required for industrial control systems such as SCADA systems. This book:  Addresses the cybersecurity needs for DERs and power grid as critical infrastructure Explores the assessment and management of security risks and ethical concerns Offers a full array of resources— cybersecurity concepts, frameworks, and emerging trends. Security Professionals and Engineers can use  Building an Effective Security Program  as a reliable resource that’s dedicated to the essential topic of security for distributed energy resources and power grid. They will find standards, guidelines, and recommendations from standard organizations, such as ISO, IEC, NIST, IEEE, ENISA, ISA, ISACA, and ISF, conveniently included for reference within chapters.

Самая большая шпаргалка по физике. Полезные заметки на полях учебника физики

Любовь Татаринова

С помощью этой книги вы сможете легко ориентироваться в формулах при подготовке к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по физике.Полезные заметки пригодятся при решении нестандартных задач. Алгоритмы решения типовых задач необходимы для выбора правильного хода решения задач на уроке физики.Хорошо, если эта книга станет настольной или будет вашим справочником в тетради по физике.

Физика и жизнь. Законы природы: от кухни до космоса

Элен Черски

Прочитав эту книгу, вы не только пополните свои знания в области физики, но и, возможно, измените отношение к этому предмету, если раньше не очень-то его жаловали. Порой вы даже будете раздосадованы тем, что раньше этого не замечали и не применяли. А удивляться есть чему, поскольку физика буквально пронизывает нашу жизнь; она поистине вездесуща и объясняет многие явления и процессы, от приготовления пиццы, тостов и попкорна, до образования жемчужин, вращения Земли и строительства кораблей для плавания во льдах. И много чего еще… Эта книга будет полезна всем, кого интересует, как устроена Вселенная и что приводит ее в действие. На русском языке публикуется впервые.