
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Vibrations of Linear Piezostructures

Andrew J. Kurdila

A thorough guide to the fundamental development of linear piezoelectricity for vibrations  Vibrations of Linear Piezostructures  is an introductory text that offers a concise examination of the general theory of vibrations of linear piezostructures. This important book brings together in one comprehensive volume the most current information on the theory for modeling and analysis of piezostructures. The authors explore the fundamental principles of piezostructures, review the relevant mathematics, continuum mechanics and elasticity, and continuum electrodynamics as they are applied to electromechanical piezostructures, and include the work that pertains to linear constitutive laws of piezoelectricity.  The book addresses modeling of linear piezostructures via Newton’s approach and Variational Methods. In addition, the authors explore the weak and strong forms of the equations of motion, Galerkin approximation methods for the weak form, Fourier or modal methods, and finite element methods. This important book:  Covers the fundamental developments to vibrational theory for linear piezostructures Provides an introduction to continuum mechanics, elasticity, electrodynamics, variational calculus, and applied mathematics Offers in-depth coverage of Newton’s formulation of the equations of motion of vibrations of piezo-structures Discusses the variational methods for generation of equations of motion of piezo-structures Written for students, professionals, and researchers in the field,  Vibrations of Linear Piezostructures  is an up-to-date volume to the fundamental development of linear piezoelectricity for vibrations from initial development to fully modeled systems using various methods.

Внеземной разум: с точки зрения науки

Сергей Александрович Чумаков

Одиноки ли мы во Вселенной?Есть ли где-то ещё на просторах космоса планеты, ставшие домом для иной цивилизации разумных существ?Внеземные цивилизации – не выдумка фантастов, журналистов или мошенников. Наука давно занимается и изучением НЛО и поисками обитаемых миров. Об этом читатели и узнают из научно-популярной монографии преподавателя, почётного доктора наук Сергея Чумакова.

Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students

J. C. F. Johnson

Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students by J. C. F. Johnson
libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Finite Element Analysis

Barna Szabó

Finite Element Analysis <p><b>An updated and comprehensive review of the theoretical foundation of the finite element method</b> <p>The revised and updated second edition of <i>Finite Element Analysis: Method, Verification, and Validation</i> offers a comprehensive review of the theoretical foundations of the finite element method and highlights the fundamentals of solution verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification. Written by noted experts on the topic, the book covers the theoretical fundamentals as well as the algorithmic structure of the finite element method. The text contains numerous examples and helpful exercises that clearly illustrate the techniques and procedures needed for accurate estimation of the quantities of interest. In addition, the authors describe the technical requirements for the formulation and application of design rules. <p>Designed as an accessible resource, the book has a companion website that contains a solutions manual, PowerPoint slides for instructors, and a link to finite element software. This important text: <ul><li>Offers a comprehensive review of the theoretical foundations of the finite element method</li> <li>Puts the focus on the fundamentals of solution verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification</li> <li>Presents the techniques and procedures of quality assurance in numerical solutions of mathematical problems</li> <li>Contains numerous examples and exercises</li></ul> <p>Written for students in mechanical and civil engineering, analysts seeking professional certification, and applied mathematicians, <i>Finite Element Analysis: Method, Verification, and Validation, Second Edition</i> includes the tools, concepts, techniques, and procedures that help with an understanding of finite element analysis.

Human Motion Capture and Identification for Assistive Systems Design in Rehabilitation

Pubudu N. Pathirana

HUMAN MOTION CAPTURE AND IDENTIFICATION FOR ASSISTIVE SYSTEMS DESIGN IN REHABILITATION A guide to the core ideas of human motion capture in a rapidly changing technological landscape Human Motion Capture and Identification for Assistive Systems Design in Rehabilitation aims to fill a gap in the literature by providing a link between sensing, data analytics, and signal processing through the characterisation of movements of clinical significance. As noted experts on the topic, the authors apply an application-focused approach in offering an essential guide that explores various affordable and readily available technologies for sensing human motion.The book attempts to offer a fundamental approach to the capture of human bio-kinematic motions for the purpose of uncovering diagnostic and severity assessment parameters of movement disorders. This is achieved through an analysis of the physiological reasoning behind such motions. Comprehensive in scope, the text also covers sensors and data capture and details their translation to different features of movement with clinical significance, thereby linking them in a seamless and cohesive form and introducing a new form of assistive device design literature. This important book:Offers a fundamental approach to bio-kinematic motions and the physiological reasoning behind such motionsIncludes information on sensors and data capture and explores their clinical significanceLinks sensors and data capture to parameters of interest to therapists and cliniciansAddresses the need for a comprehensive coverage of human motion capture and identification for the purpose of diagnosis and severity assessment of movement disordersWritten for academics, technologists, therapists, and clinicians focusing on human motion, Human Motion Capture and Identification for Assistive Systems Design in Rehabilitation provides a holistic view for assistive device design, optimizing various parameters of interest to relevant audiences.

Applied Water Science

Группа авторов

Water is one of the most precious and basic needs of life for all living beings, and a precious national asset. Without it, the existence of life cannot be imagined. Availability of pure water is decreasing day by day, and water scarcity has become a major problem that is faced by our society for the past few years. Hence, it is essential to find and disseminate the key solutions for water quality and scarcity issues. The inaccessibility and poor water quality continue to pose a major threat to human health worldwide. Around billions of people lacking to access drinkable water. The water contains the pathogenic impurities; which are responsible for water-borne diseases. The concept of water quality mainly depends on the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological measurement standards to evaluate the water quality and determine the concentration of all components, then compare the results of this concentration with the purpose for which this water is used. Therefore, awareness and a firm grounding in water science are the primary needs of readers, professionals, and researchers working in this research area. This book explores the basic concepts and applications of water science. It provides an in-depth look at water pollutants’ classification, water recycling, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and efficient wastewater treatment methodologies. It also provides occurrence, human health risk assessment, strategies for removal of radionuclides and pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems. The book chapters are written by leading researchers throughout the world. This book is an invaluable guide to students, professors, scientists and R&D industrial specialists working in the field of environmental science, geoscience, water science, physics and chemistry.

Наука и христианство: история взаимоотношений

Денис Анатольевич Собур

В эпоху Просвещения считалось, что наука развивается самостоятельно, независимо от культурного окружения. Но изучение истории науки показало, что взаимоотношения науки и культуры устроены сложнее. Формулируя гипотезы, ученые руководствуются не только научными фактами, но и разнообразными идеями, витающими в воздухе эпохи. Культура, религия и даже политика влияют на развитие науки. Большинство ученых из школьного учебника физики не были атеистами. Коперник и Паскаль, Галилей и Кеплер оставались глубоко верующими христианами. И в то же время их мировоззрение отличалось от взглядов современников как в научном, так и в религиозном плане. Это различие приводило к конфликтам, самый известный из которых – дело Галилея. Но эти конфликты гораздо глубже, чем "война науки с богословием". Эта книга посвящена истории развития современной науки в рамках европейской культуры: от возникновения феномена греческой философии до создания современной науки в XVII веке.