
Различные книги в жанре Физика

Photovoltaic Manufacturing

Группа авторов

This is the first book on photovoltaic wet processing for silicon wafers, both mono- and multi-crystalline. The comprehensive book provides information to process, equipment, and device engineers and researchers in the solar manufacturing field. The authors of the chapters are world-class researchers and experts in their field of endeavor. The fundamentals of wet processing chemistry are introduced, covering etching, texturing, cleaning and metrology. New developments, innovative approaches, as well as current challenges are presented. A detailed discussion of black silicon is provided.

Liquid Crystals

Pawel Pieranski

This book on liquid crystals reports on the new perspectives that have been brought about by the recent expansion of frontiers and overhaul of common beliefs.<br /><br />First, it explores the interaction of light with mesophases, when the light or matter is endowed with topological defects. It goes on to show how electrophoresis, electro-osmosis and the swimming of flagellated bacteria are affected by the anisotropic properties of liquid crystals.<br /><br />It also reports on the recent progress in the understanding of thermomechanical and thermohydrodynamical effects in cholesterics and deformed nematics and refutes the common belief that these effects could explain Lehmann’s observations of the rotation of cholesteric droplets subjected to a temperature gradient. It then studies the physics of the dowser texture, which has remarkable properties. This is of particular interest in regards to nematic monopoles, which can easily be generated, set into motion and collided within it.<br /><br />Finally, this book deals with the spontaneous emergence of chirality in nematics made of achiral molecules, and provides a brief historical context of chirality

Energy Storage

Группа авторов

The world’s energy landscape is very complex. Fossil fuels, especially because of hydraulic fracturing, are still a mainstay of global energy production, but renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and others, are increasing in importance for global energy sustainability. Experts and non-experts agree that the next game-changer in this area will be energy storage.  Energy storage is crucial for continuous operation of power plants and can supplement basic power generation sources over a stand-alone system. It can enhance capacity and leads to greater security, including continuous electricity supply and other applications. A dependable energy storage system not only guarantees that the grid will not go down, but also increases efficacy and efficiency of any energy system.  This groundbreaking new volume in this forward thinking series addresses all of these issues, laying out the latest advances and addressing the most serious current concerns in energy storage. Whether for the veteran engineer or the student, this latest volume in the series, “Advances in Renewable Energy,” is a must-have for any library.

Чотири закони, що рухають Всесвіт

Питер Аткинс

Закони термодинаміки надають руху всьому, що відбувається у Всесвіті. Від раптового розширення хмари газу до охолодження гарячого металу, від розгортання листка до перебігу самого життя – усе рухається або гальмується цими законами. Ця коротка, але дотепна книжка знайомить читачів з одним із наріжних каменів сучасної науки – чотирма законами термодинаміки, що встановлюють фундаментальні поняття, як-от температура й тепло, виявляють стрілу часу й навіть саму природу енергії. Автор, Пітер Еткінз, один з найбільших авторитетів у галузі термодинаміки, простою мовою й майже не застосовуючи математики, пояснює суть цих законів і те, як вони функціонують.

Liquid Crystals

Pawel Pieranski

Modern Characterization of Electromagnetic Systems and its Associated Metrology

Magdalena Salazar-Palma

New method for the characterization of electromagnetic wave dynamics Modern Characterization of Electromagnetic Systems introduces a new method of characterizing electromagnetic wave dynamics and measurements based on modern computational and digital signal processing techniques. The techniques are described in terms of both principle and practice, so readers understand what they can achieve by utilizing them. Additionally, modern signal processing algorithms are introduced in order to enhance the resolution and extract information from electromagnetic systems, including where it is not currently possible. For example, the author addresses the generation of non-minimum phase or transient response when given amplitude-only data. Presents modern computational concepts in electromagnetic system characterization Describes a solution to the generation of non-minimum phase from amplitude-only data Covers model-based parameter estimation and planar near-field to far-field transformation as well as spherical near-field to far-field transformation Modern Characterization of Electromagnetic Systems is ideal for graduate students, researchers, and professionals working in the area of antenna measurement and design. It introduces and explains a new process related to their work efforts and studies.

Kosmiczne fenomeny

Jonathan Powell

Czas kosmosu

Robert Zubrin

Biofuel Cells

Группа авторов

Rapid industrialization and urbanization associated with the environment changes calls for reduced pollution and thereby least use of fossil fuels. Biofuel cells are bioenergy resources and biocompatible alternatives to conventional fuel cells. Biofuel cells are one of the new sustainable renewable energy sources that are based on the direct conversion of chemical matters to electricity with the aid of microorganisms or enzymes as biocatalysts. The gradual depletion of fossil fuels, increasing energy needs, and the pressing problem of environmental pollution have stimulated a wide range of research and development efforts for renewable and environmentally friendly energy. Energy generation from biomass resources by employing biofuel cells is crucial for sustainable development. Biofuel cells have attracted considerable attention as micro- or even nano-power sources for implantable biomedical devices, such as cardiac pacemakers, implantable self-powered sensors, and biosensors for monitoring physiological parameters. This book covers the most recent developments and offers a detailed overview of fundamentals, principles, mechanisms, properties, optimizing parameters, analytical characterization tools, various types of biofuel cells, all-category of materials, catalysts, engineering architectures, implantable biofuel cells, applications and novel innovations and challenges in this sector. This book is a reference guide for anyone working in the areas of energy and the environment.