#1 New Release in Parent & Adult Child Relationships ─ Healing for Mothers and Daughters A compassionate guide: Karen C.L. Anderson is a storyteller, feminist, and speaker who views the world through the lens of curiosity and fascination. As a mother-daughter relationship expert, she gently guides readers through revealing painful patterns in their relationships to finding ultimate healing. Her book isn’t a quick fix. Rather, she writes to help mothers and daughters heal and either reconcile or peacefully separate. Tips and tools for healing: Anderson comes prepared in this book to offer readers practical advice for creating a healthier relationship. Her previous book, The Peaceful Daughter’s Guide to Separating from a Difficult Mother , was an international bestseller, and she offers new practical wisdom in this journal. From setting healthy boundaries to creating a new outlook, Anderson helps readers create peace in their troubled relationships. You’re not alone in the struggle: Studies suggest that nearly 30% of women have been estranged from their mothers at some point. It can be difficult to talk about the strain of mother and daughter relationships because they are so often glorified in our society as one of the most precious bonds. If anything, however, that makes them more important to talk about. Anderson’s book is ideal for mothers and daughters alike, whether they read it separately or together. Open it up and find: Various prompts and practices for building a relationship around healthy interdependence rather than dysfunctional codependenceA way to transform things that create pain into a source of wisdom and creativityAn informative and intriguing self-care gift for women in the form of a healing journal Readers of self-help books such as Mothers Who Can’t Love , Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents , and Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters will find a wonderful source of help and healing in Anderson’s The Difficult Mother-Daughter Relationship Journal .
#1 New Release on Amazon! ─ Winner of the Sixth Annual Bisexual Book Award for Non-fiction, 2017 Looking for LGBTQ books that offer guidance on providing loving support to your LGBT child? Parents of LGBT children guide: Unconditional: A Guide to Loving and Supporting Your LGBTQ Child provides parents of a LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning) child with a framework for helping their LGBTQ child navigate through a world that isn’t always welcoming. Author Telaina Eriksen, a professor at Michigan State University and the mother of a gay daughter, explains what she and her husband have learned through experience, including how to: Deal with gay children coming outConfront bullying of gay childrenBecome an advocate for gay childrenBuild a support system in a gay family Gender and sexuality: Eriksen also covers the science on gender and sexuality and how to help a transgender child through the various stages of development. Throughout the book parents and kids who have been there, share their stories. She also directs gay family parents to various resources online to help them. LGBTQ parents will learn… How to help their child navigate locker rooms, sleepovers, proms, etc.When to involve the police or school administration when it comes to bullyingHow to advocate for local, state and national policies that protect your childWays to educate well-meaning, but misguided extended family membersHow to help start a Gay-Straight Alliance at your child’s schoolStrategies for keeping your child talking after he or she comes outSigns of unhealthy relationshipsWhen to consider therapy for your child and/or your familyHow to find an LGBTQ-friendly community (including inclusive churches)
Dr. Daren Martin has used the Whiteboard to spark conversations, drive change, and Inspire meaningful action in some of the biggest companies in the world. Hand-drawn by the author, this creative collection of illustrations, inspirational quotes, and savvy business models shares one purpose: to spark conversations and evolve companies. Whether you’re a business owner, a manager, or individual contributor, use the thought-provoking drawings in Whiteboard to ignite, revitalize, and motivate you to new levels of performance.
Companies and the leaders within them struggle to achieve results. <br><br> With the advances in technology companies are either running successfully into this new world, or failing to keep up. Is your company beached? Stranded on the sands of past success? Slow and steady no longer wins the race. <br><br> <i>Beached Whale</i> will equip you to evaluate if your company has become beached. Do you have a coordinated enterprise company, or do you have a company mired down in bureaucracy? You could be a Beached Whale company. There is only one way to find out.
Ever met a stranger who changed your view of life forever? Could one sentence change the way you look at relationships? Work? Maybe even your world? There are many day to day interactions that we brush off as unimportant. What if we saw more? What if we left the world better, in each moment, than it was when we arrived? Even if that meant doing hard things. What would that look like? What would that mean for your job, for your family, for your life? Consider what could happen if we took responsibility for not just our mess, but cleaned up found messes, even if it isn’t ours. What could this mean for a company? What if you taught your employees to take initiative to leave the world and the things around them better than they found them? The Sink is the story of the small moments that make the biggest impact in our lives and our business, if only we pay attention. All it takes is one moment to transform and shift our perspective. Like the book Who Moved My Cheese, The Sink will ignite individuals, employees, leaders, and CEOs in organizations across the world to give more, pay attention to the details, and achieve results by leaving everything better than the way they found it.
How to Think Strategically is the ideal primer for those who want to develop their mental acumen and make strategic impact. This book will help you understand what it means to “be strategic” and how to craft strategy that is effective, powerful, and clever. A competent strategic thinker tolerates ambiguity, notices weak signals, defines the core challenge facing the organization, and designs effective responses with a winning strategic logic. How to Think Strategically provides numerous real-world examples of individual strategic thinkers in action describing how they constructed a winning strategic logic. Through these examples, you'll learn useful lessons that can be applied in any organization and in your personal life. This book will show you how to: Internalize the 20 microskills of strategic thinking Develop your personal brand as a competent strategic thinker Pose high-quality questions that spark strategic insights Write a concise one-page statement strategy, with five essential concepts that will help you distinguish effective strategy from a list of goals Design strategy that is clever and powerful Recognize and mitigate blind spots and decision traps Distinguish strategic thinking from operational thinking and appropriately apply each Overcome the excuse of “I'm too busy to be strategic" Recognize and exploit the four X-factors of strategic thinking: Drive, Insight, Chance, and Emergence Practice extra -ordinary leadership to confront issues and leap into an unknown future Improve conversations with other strategists The author brings a unique perspective that reflects years of experience as a corporate manager, educator, strategy consultant, facilitator, executive leadership coach, and board member. He writes with an engaging style that unpacks the broader concepts into easy-to-remember nuggets. Anyone can improve their strategic thinking if they know where to focus their attention. This book will be an indispensable guide for anyone interested in developing their personal brand.
«Наука о том, как быть великим» – это третья часть знаменитой трилогии Уоллеса Д. Уоттлза и пособие для всех, кто ищет успеха, славы и признания. Книга предназначена для самого широкого круга читателей, независимо от пола и возраста – для людей, которые хотят реализовать в жизни свой потенциал и стать выдающейся личностью. Здесь просто, доступно и без лишних слов показан прямой путь к успеху и процветанию. Теперь вы сможете развить в себе любые способности, осуществить любые свои мечты и стать тем, кем захотите. Перевод с английского Юлии Шматько.
У книзі викладена система (теорія) фінансового процвітання Уоллеса Уотлза. В її основі закладено духовні принципи, дотримуючись яких людина неминуче прийде до фінансового росту, багатства. Автор дає своє визначення багатству і обґрунтовує необхідність кожної людини бути багатою в умовах сучасного розвитку суспільства.
«Наука о том, как разбогатеть» (или «Секрет обогащения») – одна из самых известных книг Уоллеса Делоиса Уоттлза – основоположника мотивационной литературы, автора книг, посвящённых достижению успеха. В книге изложена система (теория) финансового процветания Уоллеса Уотлза. В ее основе заложены духовные принципы, следуя которым человек неизбежно придет к финансовому росту, богатству. Автор дает свое определение богатству и обосновывает необходимость каждого человека быть богатым в условиях современного развитого общества. Произведения Уоллеса Д. Уоттлза— классика учения о позитивном мышлении и действии, они неизменно популярны среди читателей, изучающих и пропагандирующих методы самосовершенствования.
Charts the history of women's liberation and calls for a revitalized feminism. Nancy Fraser’s major new book traces the feminist movement’s evolution since the 1970s and anticipates a new—radical and egalitarian—phase of feminist thought and action. During the ferment of the New Left, “Second Wave” feminism emerged as a struggle for women’s liberation and took its place alongside other radical movements that were questioning core features of capitalist society. But feminism’s subsequent immersion in identity politics coincided with a decline in its utopian energies and the rise of neoliberalism. Now, foreseeing a revival in the movement, Fraser argues for a reinvigorated feminist radicalism able to address the global economic crisis. Feminism can be a force working in concert with other egalitarian movements in the struggle to bring the economy under democratic control, while building on the visionary potential of the earlier waves of women’s liberation. This powerful new account is set to become a landmark of feminist thought.