Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Enhancing Global Awareness

David Goldsmith

Not just for the international or global decision maker but for the local “mom-and-pop” operator, too. Understand how you can take the best of the world’s best and incorporate it into your daily operations, products and services, and strategic thinking to make the kinds of decisions that separate the extraordinary leaders from their ordinary counterparts. Also learn how to extrapolate from what you read in the papers and see on the news and recognize threats and opportunities that will impact your organization both in the present and in years to come.

Empowering Others

David Goldsmith

The reality is you can’t do everything on your own; you need other people to achieve results. Without realizing it, most leaders are the cause of underperformance and low productivity within their organizations despite their experience and intentions to have the opposite effect. Now, learn the step-by-step methodology and your exact role in the empowerment process that will ready your people to handle the authority and responsibilities you transfer to them.

Developing Plans

David Goldsmith

Learn simple yet powerful techniques to drastically improve your strategic plans, empower you to select and manage the kinds of projects that will propel your organization and career to new heights, and align your mental focus with laser precision on matters that provide the greatest positive impact.

Forecasting the Future & Redefining Your Future

David Goldsmith

In reality, the conditions we live with today are simply the results of decisions made in the past and, in leadership terms, this means that the better able you are to project your thinking into the future and forecast upcoming challenges and opportunities on the horizon, the more effectively you can decide today how to forge tomorrow. Get the tools and concepts that have a high-beam effect on your thinking, project your focus more accurately into the future, and cash in on the positive benefits of your improved strategic planning now and in years to come.

Watching Competition

David Goldsmith

Think you know your top competitors and their potential impact on your organization? Think again. Here, you will pick up sophisticated tools (some of which are based on government-intelligence models) and easy-to-apply instruction to vet out unexpected threats and hidden opportunities that will ultimately ward off challenges before they occur and turn your organization into a progressive forerunner within its industry or sector.

Leading the Charge

David Goldsmith

What lessons can be learned from historical leaders’ successes? How has management actually hindered the modern-day leader? Do you know how your personal aspirations and concerns are sabotaging your professional successes? Leading the Charge contains eye-opening revelations that will put you in control, marry private and public aspects of your personality, and deliver a higher quality of life than you could ever imagine.

Selling Continuously

David Goldsmith

You sell all day every day … to your board members, front-line staff, vendors, lenders, public, customers, colleagues, significant others, and more in order to realize the types of successes your organization depends on you to achieve. Yet, selling for the leader is much different than it is for the salesperson of goods and services, and that means you need to add a different set of skills and tools, such as those provided here, to gain buy-in and cooperation from others and to reach your desired outcomes.

Acquiring New Knowledge

David Goldsmith

Don’t let the seemingly dull title deceive you; the powerful lessons here will show you why past desires to effect change haven’t worked and provide you with the secret that will drastically improve your ability to achieve results you have only imagined.

Establishing Alliances

David Goldsmith

Toss out your preconceived ideas about traditional “partnerships” and replace them with six powerful options that are sure to deliver above-and-beyond opportunities. Not only will you take away alliance pillars and alliance killers to produce win-win outcomes, but you will understand how to select the best alliances to help your organization reach its strategically intended destinations.

Innovating Everywhere

David Goldsmith

Although it’s become a popular buzz word, “innovation” isn’t something the majority of leaders understand well enough to utilize to the advantage of their organizations. Learn what innovation is and how it factors into your role as a leader. Then, implement the triggers and multiply the innovative spirit throughout your organization in a practical fashion to gain competitive advantages, foster achievement on individual and organizational levels, and create opportunities for growth and development.