Управление, подбор персонала

Различные книги в жанре Управление, подбор персонала

Kon i historien

Группа авторов

Kon i historien giver nogle eksempler pa, hvordan lAesning af historisk kildemateriale i et konsperspektiv kan fore den historiske forskning frem til ny viden om fortiden. Bidragyderne drofter konsforhold i henholdsvis oldtidens GrAekenland og middelalderens Vesteuropa og forskellige aspekter af dansk historie i henholdsvis 1700-, 1800- og 1900-tallet. Bogens bidrag inddrager imidlertid ogsa generelle introduktioner til de virkninger, konshistoriske forskningsfelter har haft i den tidligere forskning. Det er ambitionen, at bogen vil kunne bruges som inspiration for historikere, som onsker at benytte sig af kon som analysekategori i historieforskningen.


Jonatan Leer


Kenneth Reinicke

Historien er fuld af store mAend: forfattere og feltherrer, sportsudovere og statsmAend. Op gennem arene er vi blevet indprentet bestemte forestillinger om, hvordan mAend er – og bor vAere. Manden er fader, forsorger og formynder. Han er driftig og har et stAerkt naturligt begAer efter succes – og kvinder.MAend – kon under forvandling tegner et mere komplekst billede af mAend og mandighed. I dag indtager manden meget forskellige roller og positioner i samfundet, og sporgsmalet er, om der nu eksisterer en form for moderne og anderledes maskulinitet? Gennem en rAekke konkrete nedslag gor bogen op med myter og fordomme om mAend og mandighed og demonstrerer det komplekse forhold mellem forestillinger om maskulinitet og konkrete udlevelser af maskulinitet.Ud over at behandle emner som arbejdsliv, faderskab og sundhed sAetter bogen fokus pa ligestillingsdebatten og mere kontroversielle emner som mandlige voldsudovere, prostitutionskunder samt krise- og depressionsramte mAend. Desuden rummer bogen en diskussion af forholdet mellem maskulinitet, etnicitet og faderskab – et emne, der ikke er skrevet meget om i Danmark.

HBR. Настольная книга лидера

Рон Ашкеназ

Это не очередной модный фреймворк или список вроде «10 лучших вещей, которые вам нужны, чтобы стать лидером». Только практики лидерства, проверенные временем. Как создавать видение и вдохновлять других следовать ему. Как делать сложные стратегические выборы. Как создавать инновации. Как получать результаты. Сегодня эти фундаментальные навыки становятся еще более важными, поскольку организации и команды становятся все более взаимосвязанными, виртуальными, гибкими и быстро развивающимися. В этом всеобъемлющем руководстве специалисты по стратегиям и изменениям, Рон Ашкенас и Брук Мэнвилл, делятся концепциями лидерства Harvard Business Review, прошедшими проверку на практике. Интервью с руководителями высшего звена и их личный опыт в этой области, поможет молодым лидерам выделиться и получить большое влияние.

Open to Think

Dan Pontefract

While it may not occur to us on a daily basis, there is a widespread cultural tendency toward quick decisions and quick action. This pattern has resulted in many of our society's greatest successes, but even more of its failures. Though the root cause is by no means malicious, we have begun to reward speed over quality, and the negative effects suffered in both our personal and professional lives are potentially catastrophic.
Best-selling author and Chief Envisioner Dan Pontefract offers the solution to this predicament with what he coins «Open Thinking,» a cyclical process in which creativity is encouraged, critiquing leads to better decisions, and thoughtful action delivers positive, sustainable results. He proposes a return to balance between the three components of productive thought: dreaming, deciding, and doing.
Based on organizational and societal data, academic research, historical studies, and a wide range of interviews, Open to Think is an appeal for a world of better thinking. Pontefract introduces tangible, actionable strategies to improve the way we think as organizations and individuals.

Dividends of Decency

Don Sheppard

When former executive and entrepreneur Don Sheppard awoke the morning after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, he was horrified to learn that Donald Trump had become the 45th president of the United States. Committed to strong business principles and ethics throughout his varied career, Sheppard was concerned about the role model Trump as a businessperson—and now the most powerful person in the world—presented to corporate America, and to broader society in general. Leaders strongly influence those who follow them, and there had to be a better way.
Part business manifesto and part memoir, The Decency Dividend shows why and how doing the right thing in business is also doing the right thing for business. Principles and profits are not mutually exclusive; in fact, conducting business in a principled way can significantly improve profits as well as relationships with all key stakeholders—employees, customers, suppliers and partners, shareholders and the community at large.
After decades of corporate scandals—including Enron, and Lehman Brothers and the other firms who precipitated the Great Recession of 2008-09—the ethical bar for business has fallen to a new low in Trump’s America. The Decency Dividend is a timely reminder of what is truly important in business, and a guide to values-based leadership that will help American business indeed be great again—by being ethical, accountable and sustainable.

Building a Digital Future

Lipi Sarkar

2020 has been a challenging year worldwide for many businesses and we have not come out of that phase entirely in 2021. At the same time, we witnessed the acceleration of Cloud led Digital Transformation, changing the ways we work, communicate, collaborate, and share our workspace and creating a globally accepted new normal. More than ever before, senior management and leadership teams need to identify a rigorous approach, drive competitive advantage for their business, create value addition, and become more effective in this work from home, zoom-based collaboration and still achieve our business metrics, which have also naturally evolved due to the global pandemic. Effective disruption is dependent on fast universal adoption, then only it will be real and the transformation will be effective. Understanding the key drivers of change, leveraging the powerful capabilities from technologies with a collaborative platform can aid an organization to prepare for digital transformation. Building a Digital Future provides a clearly defined roadmap for executing this change. Based on their industry experience of leading and implementing digital transformation globally, authors Lipi Sarkar and Vinnie Bansal distil proven ideas, creating a blueprint of powerful and workable frameworks for executing a successful digital transformation with Dynamics 365 and accelerating businesses during a global pandemic. Each chapter of the book is curated with best practices, real life examples, pitfalls to avoid, and salient points to remember. This book enables organizations to truly embrace the benefits of digital transformation by anchoring Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform at the core of their business. The frameworks, examples and customer stories in the book revolves around how it drives faster disruption, enhances customer experiences, empowers overworked business users. The real-life customer stories across various sectors and countries (namely Virgin Atlantic, Etihad Airways, G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers, Breville, Heathrow Airport, Hickory Farms, Ste Michelle Wines and many more) brings an idea of key business challenges and the solutions implemented to address them. Building a Digital Future is written for C-suite stakeholders, senior management, Programme Directors or Managers, Implementation Consultants, and Business Managers who are considering a Digital Transformation to improve efficiencies across the business of finance and operation, supply chain, retail, and customer relationship management–sales, marketing, or services. This book covers Digital Transformation with the powerful technology platform Microsoft Dynamics 365 which offers process capabilities across all business areas, provides powerful tools to automate time-consuming tasks, and drives innovation and improvements through an evergreen system post implementation. The concepts of digital transformation are laid out and take you through a step-by-step transformation journey, highlighting any pitfall that you need to be aware of. Many Dynamics 365 books offer advice for implementation or mastering the system, but Building a Digital Future is the first complete playbook of how businesses can transform to thrive in the digital age. Building a Digital Future is the must-have guide to help your Dynamics 365 program.

The Hidden Edge

Jodie Rogers

Handbuch Führung

Quint Studer

Prägnanter, leicht verständlicher Leitfaden über die Grundlagen guter Führung!<br> <br> Unabhängig davon, ob Sie neu in Ihrer Rolle als Führungskraft sind oder über jahrelange Erfahrung verfügen, bietet dieses Handbuch für vielbeschäftigte Führungskräfte eine schnelle und einfache Ressource, die mit den «How-to»-Strategien gefüllt ist, die sofort in die Tat umgesetzt werden können. Die Inhalte des Buches sind für hart arbeitende Führungskräfte gedacht, die wenig Zeit haben und nach einem Leitfaden suchen, um die Basics richtig zu machen und die kleinen Dinge zu unternehmen, die schlussendlich eine große Auswirkung auf die Gesamtleistung haben können. Jedes Kapitel des Handbuchs ist mit eigenständigen Best Practices, Tools, Tipps und Methoden gefüllt, um Mitarbeiter einzubeziehen, Unternehmenskulturen neu zu beleben, Kunden zu begeistern und Hochleistungsunternehmen aufzubauen.<br> Das Handbuch wurde von dem Unternehmer, Visionär und Wall-Street-Journal-Bestsellerautor Quint Studer verfasst und stützt sich auf seine über 30-jährige Erfahrung in der Beratung von Organisationen aller Größen und Führungspersönlichkeiten auf allen Ebenen beim Erreichen von Spitzenleistungen. Das Buch enthält die Ansätze, die sich immer wieder als erfolgreich erwiesen haben.<br> Studer erforscht die wichtigsten Führungsqualitäten und -verhaltensweisen, die hervorragende Führungskräfte in der Regel besitzen. Die Entwicklung und Verfeinerung dieser Fähigkeiten geben jeder Führungskraft die Fähigkeit, die Beste zu sein, die sie sein kann. Der Autor zeigt auch auf, was Führungskräfte benötigen, um die Leistung ihrer Mitarbeiter zu optimieren. Versierte Führungskräfte schaffen Umgebungen, in denen Menschen wachsen und gedeihen können und in denen sie einen starken Sinn finden. Führungskräfte, die eine positive, engagierte und produktive Arbeitsplatzkultur entwickeln, geben ihren einzelnen Mitarbeitern und Teammitgliedern die Möglichkeit, wie nie zuvor zu glänzen.<br>

Leading at a Distance

Darleen DeRosa

A timely and hands-on resource informed by lessons learned from Fortune 500 CEOs and executives Leading at a Distance provides executives with the necessary skills to successfully lead in the new virtual workplace, backed by the research and expertise of global leadership firm Spencer Stuart. Although working remotely is not new, the global pandemic has placed virtual work at the center of everyday life. And it has thrust workforce strategies to the core of business operations globally. As the shift towards large-scale virtual work continues to grow and become a permanent fixture—by some estimates, 30% of the workforce will be working virtually – leaders must understand how to build virtual work environments that foster connected, engaged, and high-performing teams. Although some forward-thinking companies and not-for-profit organizations have made significant investments in technology and virtual collaboration, many others have simply joined the “Zoom culture” without fully appreciating what it takes to operate effectively at a distance on a sustained basis. Leading at a Distance is a timely, research-based, and highly practical guide for developing and implementing strategies for conducting high-impact virtual work, building trust, and enhancing team unity. Designed to help leaders shape organizational culture remotely, this must-have resource demonstrates how to conduct virtual onboarding for senior leaders, build top teams from a distance, manage accountability in the new virtual environment, and much more. A hands-on toolkit filled with compelling examples, expert insights, and invaluable advice, this book: Provides clear guidance on establishing effective leadership in the virtual workplace Offers practical approaches for establishing strong relationships, increasing employee engagement, and coaching from a distance Addresses ways to keep geographically dispersed team members aligned and accountable Illustrates creative ideas for boosting team morale Features an overview of the unique challenges facing leaders in the virtual workplace Discusses often-overlooked topics such as virtual hiring and onboarding Leveraging the authors' in-depth research and consulting experience, Leading at a Distance is required reading for anyone needing to adapt to a virtual way of working and develop their virtual leadership skills to maximize organizational effectiveness and performance.