Небольшой иронический майндхак в псевдо-коучинговом стиле на злободневную тематику достигаторства в Большом Городе. Содержит нецензурную брань.
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Kathy Acker’s practice of literary appropriation and pastiche made her notorious—as a rebel and a groundbreaker—when Great Expectations was first published in 1982. Here, she begins rewriting Charles Dickens’s classic—splicing it with passages from Pierre Guyotat’s sexually violent Eden, Eden, Eden , among other texts—alongside Acker’s trademark pithy dialogue, as well as prank missives to the likes of Susan Sontag, Sylvère Lotringer, and God.At the center of this form-shifting narrative, Acker’s protagonist collects an inheritance following her mother’s suicide, which compels her to revisit and reinterpret traumatic scenes from the past. Switching perspectives, identities, genders, and centuries, the speaker lustily ransacks world literature to celebrate and challenge the discourse around art, love, life, and death.
The 30th Anniversary Edition, with a new introduction by Alexandra Kleeman, author of the novel You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine and the story collection Intimations Chris Kraus’s biography, After Kathy Acker , was published to wide acclaim, with coverage prominently featuring photographs of Acker, sparking a renewed interest in the cult icon Our Anniversary Edition of Acker’s Blood and Guts in High School —the corrected text, with an introduction by Kraus—was published in November More Acker reissues are forthcoming, including Great Expectations and [/i]Essential Acker: the Selected Writings of Kathy Acker[/i]
A masterpiece of surrealist fiction, steeped in controversy upon its first publication in 1984, Blood and Guts in High School is the book that established Kathy Acker as the preeminent voice of post-punk feminism. With 2017 marking the 70th anniversary of her birth, as well as the 10th year since her death this transgressive work of philosophical, political, and sexual insight—with a new introduction by Chris Kraus—continues to become more relevant than ever before. In the Mexican city of Merida, ten-year-old Janey lives with Johnny—her “boyfriend, brother, sister, money, amusement, and father”—until he leaves her for another woman. Bereft, Janey travels to New York City, plunging into an underworld of gangs and prostitution. After escaping imprisonment, she flees to Tangiers where she meets Jean Genet, and they begin a torrid affair that will lead Janey to her demise. Fantastical, sensual, and fearlessly radical, this hallucinatory collage is both a comic and tragic portrait of erotic awakening.
Publishing in partnership with Audible, Why We Can’t Sleep combines Calhoun’s own experiences with those of women she surveyed across the United States, allowing for an anecdotal, easily-digestible analysis that is nonetheless hard-hitting and illuminating Why We Can’t Sleep evolved from Calhoun’s viral article on Oprah.com, which was shared over 230,000 times on Facebook in its first week alone. The article struck a chord with thousands of Gen X women approaching middle age, struggling against the undertow of aging, debt, divorce, and general dissatisfaction but with little insight as to why. The book expands on Calhoun’s analysis of the circumstances powering this Gen X crisis, and offers possible ways to smooth the midlife transition Though much has been written about the millennial and Boomer generations, Generation X is an often overlooked age group desperately in need of insight. Just as The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, Passages by Gail Sheehy, and The Second Shift by Arlie Hochschild did for previous generations, Why We Can’t Sleep offers compassionate analysis and advice for this particular age group and its unique set of challenges We expect significant media attention for this book, and Calhoun is already well-practiced in book promotion and publicity; she has previously appeared on the Today Show and NPR, and written three Modern Love columns for the New York Times Ada is very connected in the music, lit and media worlds. She has fans and friends in Susan Orlean, Adam Horovitz of Beastie Boys, Carlene Bauer, Molly Ringwald, Cheryl Strayed, and Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill. We expect a lot of support for her and this book Calhoun’s first book, St. Marks is Dead , was a 2016 Independent Publisher Book Award winner and a best book of the year for Kirkus Reviews, Boston Globe, The Millions, New York Post, Brooklyn magazine, Amazon, and the Village Voice Her last book, Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give (2017), was chosen as one of W Magazine’s top ten memoirs of the year and an Amazon book of the month for June In addition to her own books, Calhoun has also ghostwritten more than a dozen major celebrity books, including several New York Times bestsellers
Книга «Встроенное качество» является логическим продолжением книг, описывающих принципы, методы и инструменты Бережливого производства (lean), теперь применительно к вопросам качества. Как и большинство книг, описывающих подходы Бережливого производства, книга ориентирована для любых руководителей и специалистов, занимающихся улучшениями собственной и чужой работы. Работа в направлении улучшения качества ещё долго не перестанет быть актуальной. Современные компании используют различные решения и приёмы для улучшения качества выпускаемой продукции. Настоящая книга предлагает набор решений и приёмов, уже проверенных на практике и успешно применяемый западными компаниями. Мы называем этот набор Встроенным качеством.
Conquer the 16 Pitfalls That Can Block Startup Company Success "…shows prospective business men and women how to reach their goals while creating a launchpad for a business" ― Ryne Williams , Daily Herald Discover the 16 keys to success for entrepreneurs starting a small business. What is the “Entrepreneur’s Paradox”? Author Curtis Morley coined a term that identifies the 16 pitfalls that many entrepreneurs fall into. He calls it the “Entrepreneur’s Paradox”. Morley is an educator, thought leader, patent holder, and innovator. He is also a 5x Entrepreneur (achieving $5 in revenue for every dollar spent on marketing, advertising, sales, and any other growth expenses) who has actually produced 10x startup results. Morley explains that the exact qualities that aid an individual in founding a startup company (brilliance and expertise) are what prevent them from realizing expected success. What starts out as freedom and financial independence turns into grueling hours, stress and bills, and ultimately failure. This is the paradox that is entrepreneurship. Understanding the “Entrepreneur’s Paradox” may be your key to success. Morley is here to show startup businesspersons how to achieve the golden rule of successful entrepreneurs—5x results. By teaching and coaching clients on [/b]the 16 pitfalls faced by all startups, he has promoted entrepreneurship development in multiple industries, sharpened entrepreneurial skills, and revealed the keys to superior, “next-level growth”. Morley’s guidebook contains all you need to conquer the Entrepreneur’s Paradox and put yourself on a defined pathway to business success.[b] Read The Entrepreneur’s Paradox and understand the 16 pitfalls that can block entrepreneurial success, including: Climbing without a mapBuilding not sellingLosing sight of culture Learned from books like The E-Myth Revisited , Traction , The One Thing , The 4-Hour Workweek , or Execution ? Then The Entrepreneur’s Paradox is a must read!