Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

The Crystal Lattice

Arnold Kosevich M.

The aim of this successful book is to describe and analyse peculiarities of classical and quantum dynamics of a crystal as a spatially periodic structure. In the second revised and updated edition, the author focuses on low-dimensional models of crystals and on superlattices. Both traditional questions like the spectrum of vibrations, the idea of phonon gas, dislocations etc. and new aspects like the theory of quantum crystals, solitons in 1D crystals, dislocation theory of melting of 2D crystals etc. are discussed. The author gives an explanation of a set of phenomena which entered into solid state physics during the last decades. It is shown that the crystal properties are sensitive to the dimension of the crystal and its defect structure, and depend slightly on whether the periodic structure consists of atoms, or electrical dipoles, or magnetic moments (spins). Considerable attention is devoted to the dislocation mechanisms as a basis of the theory of plasticity and numerous technological applications of crystalline materials.

The SQUID Handbook

John Clarke

This two-volume handbook offers a comprehensive and well coordinated presentation of SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices), including device fundamentals, design, technology, system construction and multiple applications. It is intended to bridge the gap between fundamentals and applications, and will be a valuable textbook reference for graduate students and for professionals engaged in SQUID research and engineering. It will also be of use to specialists in multiple fields of practical SQUID applications, from human brain research and heart diagnostics to airplane and nuclear plant testing to prospecting for oil, minerals and buried ordnance. The first volume contains chapters presenting the theory of SQUIDs, their fabrication from low- and high-temperature superconductors, the necessary readout electronics, and the design and performance of practical direct current (dc) and radio-frequency (rf) SQUIDs. This volume concludes with an overview of the most important SQUID system issues. An appendix summarizes briefly the foundations of superconductivity that are necessary to understand SQUIDs. A glossary and tables of units and constants are also included. The second volume of the handbook will deal with applications of SQUIDs and SQUID systems.

Why Democracies Need Science

Robert Evans

We live in times of increasing public distrust of the main institutions of modern society. Experts, including scientists, are suspected of working to hidden agendas or serving vested interests. The solution is usually seen as more public scrutiny and more control by democratic institutions – experts must be subservient to social and political life. In this book, Harry Collins and Robert Evans take a radically different view. They argue that, rather than democracies needing to be protected from science, democratic societies need to learn how to value science in this new age of uncertainty. By emphasizing that science is a moral enterprise, guided by values that should matter to all, they show how science can support democracy without destroying it and propose a new institution – The Owls – that can mediate between science and society and improve technological decision-making for the benefit of all.

The Digital Factory for Knowledge

Alain Bensoussan

This book explores how the technical upheavals of the 21st century have changed the structures and architecture of the creation, sharing and regulation of knowledge. From the new economic and technical models of production and dissemination of knowledge, the book deals with all new forms of valorisation. It also explains how the legislative deficit in the world and in Europe, around digital is being filled by new initiatives, such as the law for a Digital Republic, in France. It is therefore a book that provides a valuable follow-up to the book «The New Challenges of Knowledge», of which it constitutes the continuation and operational deepening.

Physik der Atome und Moleküle

Klaus Bethge

Die Autoren prasentieren eine integrierte Darstellung von Atom- und Molekulphysik. Neben grundlegenden Themen wie Quantenmechanik und Statistik behandeln sie auch neuere Anwendungen, z.B. die Hochprazisionsspektroskopie. Das bewahrte didaktische Konzept der Vorauflage wurde beibehalten. Inhaltlich wurde der Band vollstandig uberarbeitet und aktualisiert, eine ganze Reihe neuer Kapitel sind hinzugekommen. Dass Atom- und Molekulphysik eng miteinander vernetzt sind, ist bekannt. Diese Einsicht in einem Lehrbuch umzusetzen, war das Anliegen der Autoren, als sie sich an die Arbeit zur ersten Auflage dieses Bandes machten. Und der Erfolg gab ihnen Recht. Nun liegt ihr Werk in einer vollig uberarbeiten und aktualisierten Neuauflage vor. Der Band verbindet die Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen mit der Darstellung modernster Methoden und Anwendungen. So kann sich der Leser nicht nur die «Basics» etwa in Quantenmechanik und Statistik aneignen. Denn in den neuen Kapiteln finden sich nun auch die jungsten Erkenntnisse aus der Quantenoptik, zu Atom- und Ionenfallen, Atomen in starken Magnetfeldern und aus der Hochprazisions-spek-troskopie. Auch die Geheimnisse der Bose-Einstein-Kondensate werden geluftet. Am erfolgreichen didaktischen Konzept der ersten Auflage wurde nichts geandert. Alle Herleitungen werden ausfuhrlich erklart und durchgerechnet, schwierige Gedankengange und komplizierte Rechnungen werden Schritt fur Schritt erlautert.

Light-Matter Interaction, Volume 1

John Weiner

A thorough introduction to atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) science and engineering Atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) science and engineering stands at the confluence of strong scientific and technological currents in physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. It seeks ways to expand our ability to use light for many purposes: to observe and manipulate matter at the atomic scale, to use nanostructures to manipulate light at the subwavelength scale, to develop quantum devices, and to control internal molecular motion and modify chemical reactivity with light. The two-volume Light-Matter Interaction draws together the principal ideas that form the basis of AMO science and engineering. Volume 1: Fundamentals and Applications fills many gaps left by standard courses and texts in chemical physics and electrical engineering to supply the basis of what the AMO scientist or engineer needs to build a solid foundation of understanding in the field. Organized to serve as both textbook and reliable desk reference to a diverse audience ranging from student and novice to advanced practitioner, this book discusses both the fundamentals and common applications, including: Classical absorption and emission of radiation Quantum dipole coupling to the two-level system The optical Bloch equations Quantized fields and dressed states Optical forces and cooling from atom-light interaction The laser in theory and practice Geometrical and wave optics: theory and applications The Gaussian beam and optical resonators

Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with MATHEMATICA

Dror Sarid

This new and completely updated edition features not only an accompanying CD-ROM, but also a new applications section, reflecting the many breakthroughs in the field over the last few years. It provides a complete set of computational models that describe the physical phenomena associated with scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and related technologies. The result is both a solid professional reference and an advanced-level text, beginning with the basics and moving on to the latest techniques, experiments, and theory. In the section devoted to atomic force microscopy, the author describes the mechanical properties of cantilevers, atomic force microscope tip-sample interactions, and cantilever vibration characteristics. This is followed by an in-depth treatment of theoretical and practical aspects of tunneling phenomena, including metal-insulator-metal tunneling and Fowler-Nordheim field emission. The final section features applications, dealing with, among others, Kelvin and Raman probe microscopy. The self-contained presentation spares researchers valuable time spent hunting through the technical literature for the theoretical results required to understand the models presented. The Mathematica code for all the examples is included in the CD-ROM, affording the freedom to change the values and parameters of specific problems as desired, or even modify the programs themselves to suit various modeling needs.

The Freezing of Mammalian Embryos

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Handbook of Defence Electronics and Optronics

Anil Maini K.

Handbook of Defence Electronics and Optronics Anil K. Maini, Former Director, Laser Science and Technology Centre, India First complete reference on defence electronics and optronics Fundamentals, Technologies and Systems This book provides a complete account of defence electronics and optronics. The content is broadly divided into three categories: topics specific to defence electronics; topics relevant to defence optronics; and topics that have both electronics and optronics counterparts. The book covers each of the topics in their entirety from fundamentals to advanced concepts, military systems in use and related technologies, thereby leading the reader logically from the operational basics of military systems to involved technologies and battlefield deployment and applications. Key features: • Covers fundamentals, operational aspects, involved technologies and application potential of a large cross-section of military systems. Discusses emerging technology trends and development and deployment status of next generation military systems wherever applicable in each category of military systems. • Amply illustrated with approximately 1000 diagrams and photographs and around 30 tables. • Includes salient features, technologies and deployment aspects of hundreds of military systems, including: military radios; ground and surveillance radars; laser range finder and target designators; night visions devices; EW and EO jammers; laser guided munitions; and military communications equipment and satellites. Handbook of Defence Electronics and Optronics is an essential guide for graduate students, R&D scientists, engineers engaged in manufacturing defence equipment and professionals handling the operation and maintenance of these systems in the Armed Forces.

GNSS Systems and Engineering

Shusen Tan

Comprehensive guide to the fundamentals and advanced engineering of the Beidou satellite system • The first book specifically describing the Chinese Beidou timing/navigation system – an increasingly important contributor to the GNSS • Introducing the ‘user location information sharing’ demands, technologies and development trends • Highlights the technical features and broad application prospects of navigation, positioning and short message communication of the Beidou satellite system • Enhances understanding of the fundamentals and theories of radio navigation and positioning satellite systems • Offers guidelines as to how to implement their design and construction • A comprehensive reference on the subject for those who are doing scientific or engineering research in this area