PROFINET is the first integrated Industrial Ethernet Standard for automation, and utilizes the advantages of Ethernet and TCP/IP for open communication from the corporate management level to the process itself. PROFINET CBA divides distributed, complex applications into autonomous units of manageable size. Existing fieldbuses such as PROFIBUS and AS-Interface can be integrated using so-called proxies. This permits separate and cross-vendor development, testing and commissioning of individual plant sections prior to the integration of the solution as a whole. PROFINET IO, with its particularly fast real-time communication, fulfills all demands currently placed on the transmission of process data and enables easy integration of existing fieldbus systems. Isochronous real-time (IRT) is used for isochronous communication in motion control applications. PROFINET depends on established IT standards for network management and teleservice. Particulary to automation control engineering it offers a special security concept. Special industrial network technology consisting of active network components, cables and connection systems, together with recommendations for installation, complete the concept. This book serves as an introduction to PROFINET technology. Configuring engineers, commissioning engineers and technicians are given an overview of the concept and the fundamentals they need to solve PROFINET-based automation tasks. Technical relationships and practical applications are described using SIMATIC products as example.
PROFINET is the first integrated Industrial Ethernet Standard for automation, and utilizes the advantages of Ethernet and TCP/IP for open communication from the corporate management level to the process itself. PROFINET CBA divides distributed, complex applications into autonomous units of manageable size. Existing fieldbuses such as PROFIBUS and AS-Interface can be integrated using so-called proxies. This permits separate and cross-vendor development, testing and commissioning of individual plant sections prior to the integration of the solution as a whole. PROFINET IO, with its particularly fast real-time communication, fulfills all demands currently placed on the transmission of process data and enables easy integration of existing fieldbus systems. Isochronous real-time (IRT) is used for isochronous communication in motion control applications. PROFINET depends on established IT standards for network management and teleservice. Particulary to automation control engineering it offers a special security concept. Special industrial network technology consisting of active network components, cables and connection systems, together with recommendations for installation, complete the concept. This book serves as an introduction to PROFINET technology. Configuring engineers, commissioning engineers and technicians are given an overview of the concept and the fundamentals they need to solve PROFINET-based automation tasks. Technical relationships and practical applications are described using SIMATIC products as example.
This book presents an attempt to understand emergences in various situations where material components interact by coordinating their actions to «make system» with emerging properties (or functions) accessible to experimental investigation. I will endeavor to show that communications play a decisive role in these processes. A strategy will be implemented. If communications are so important, then we must show that they are an essential property of matter. This justifies the detailed analyses on the quantum world developed in the first five chapters. Also includes a study of the strange property of entanglement as well as an interpretation of the chemical bonds which cannot be circumvented in order to understand the functioning of complex systems; Living cells and animals. So the strategy consolidates as much as possible the physical foundations and the understanding of the primordial matter and then passing to the realities based on very large numbers of elementary components.
Low-frequency wave modes of magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas have been subject to intense study in the last decade because they play important roles in the transport of energy in the plasmas. The «Alfven wave heating» scheme has been investigated as a supplementary heating scheme for fusion plasma devices, and it has been invoked as a model of the heating of the solar and stellar coronae. This book covers the latest research into the properties and applications of low-frequency wave modes in magnetized plasmas, the Alfven waves and magneto-acoustic waves, in the context of laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas. In particular, non-ideal effects on the dispersion relation and absorption properties of linear and non-linear waves are included, such as ion-cyclotron effects, friction between the ionized plasma and a background gas of neutral atoms, and the interaction of the plasma with dust particles. The book also surveys the theory of Alfven and magnetoacoustic waves in inhomogeneous plasmas, as occur in realistic laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas, with resulting localized wave modes such as surface waves. Waves are considered under a variety of plasma conditions, ranging from cold cosmic plasmas, to hot laboratory and solar plasmas, to the relativistic plasmas around pulsars.
Dieses einfuhrende Lehrbuch fur Studenten hoherer Semester der Physik, Chemie und Informatik behandelt ein in jungster Zeit dynamisch expandierendes Gebiet der Physik. Das Buch befasst sich u.a. mit den Themen Quanteninformationstheorie , Quantenkommunikation, Quantencomputing, Teleportation, verborgene Parameter, Welcher-Weg-Markierung, Quantenmessprozess, POVM, Quantenkanale und vermittelt dadurch nicht nur ein vertieftes Verstandnis der Quantentheorie, sondern auch ein Basiswissen, um die schnelle Entwicklung des Gebiets zu verfolgen, bzw. in ein Spezialgebiet der Forschung einsteigen zu konnen. Kommentierte Empfehlungen fur weiterfuhrende Literatur sowie Ubungsaufgaben helfen dem Leser, rasch einen fundierten Zugang zu den theoretischen Grundlagen zukunftiger Schlusseltechnologien zu finden. Das Buch kann zur Grundlage von Vorlesungen und Seminaren gemacht werden. Da die benotigten Grundkenntnisse in Mathematik und Quantentheorie in einleitenden Kapiteln dargestellt werden, eignet sich das Buch auch zum Selbststudium.
Despite extensive empirical experience, there is both a scientific challenge and a technological need to develop an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the flow of grains. This new reference provides quick access to the current level of knowledge, containing review articles covering recent developments in the field of granular media from the viewpoints of applied, experimental, and theoretical physics. In short, a must-have for advanced researchers and specialists as well as a useful starting point for anyone entering this field. The authors represent different directions of research in the field, with their contributions covering: – Static properties – Granular gases – Dense granular flow – Hydrodynamic interactions – Charged and magnetic granular matter – Computational aspects
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics.
A summary of the pioneering work of Glauber in the field of optical coherence phenomena and photon statistics, this book describes the fundamental ideas of modern quantum optics and photonics in a tutorial style. It is thus not only intended as a reference for researchers in the field, but also to give graduate students an insight into the basic theories of the field. Written by the Nobel Laureate himself, the concepts described in this book have formed the basis for three further Nobel Prizes in Physics within the last decade.
The state-of-the-art full-colored handbook gives a comprehensive introduction to the principles and the practice of calculation, layout, and understanding of optical systems and lens design. Written by reputed industrial experts in the field, this text introduces the user to the basic properties of optical systems, aberration theory, classification and characterization of systems, advanced simulation models, measuring of system quality and manufacturing issues. In this Volume Volume 2 continues the introduction given in volume 1 with the more advanced texts about the foundations of image formation. Emphasis is placed on an intuitive while theoretically exact presentation. More than 400 color graphs and selected references on the end of each chapter support this undertaking. From the contents: 17 Wave equation 18 Diffraction 19 Interference and coherence 20 Imaging 21 Imaging with partial coherence 22 Three dimensional imaging 23 Polarization 24 Polarization and optical imaging A1 Mathematical appendix Other Volumes Volume 1: Fundamentals of Technical Optics Volume 3: Aberration Theory and Correction of Optical Systems Volume 4: Survey of Optical Instruments Volume 5: Advanced Physical Optics
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics.