
Различные книги в жанре Программы

Секреты профессиональной работы с «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом 8, редакция 3». Кадровый учет, экономика и охрана труда (+ epub)

Е. А. Грянина

В книге рассматриваются все возможности кадрового учета, планирования и учета фонда оплаты труда и рабочего времени, доступные в программе «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом» редакции 3 версии ПРОФ, а также дополнительные функции КОРП-поставки в части регламентированного кадрового учета и охраны труда. Книга будет полезна как специалистам по кадровому учету, так и экономистам по труду, а также специалистам по охране труда и табельщикам. В книге дается целостное представление об объектах программы (какие задачи решаются с помощью каждого объекта, за какие функциональные возможности отвечает тот или иной объект), какие нюансы работы существуют для того или иного объекта или подсистемы, приводятся схемы взаимосвязей объектов и раскрываются основные учетные регистры программы, поэтому книгу можно рекомендовать не только пользователям программы, но и консультантам. Разбор возможностей программы дается на конкретных практических примерах с подробными скриншотами из программы и пошаговым описанием. Книга подойдет как начинающим пользователям, которые только осваивают работу с программой, так и продвинутым, которые хотят узнать тонкости и секреты работы.

Настольная книга по оплате труда и ее расчету в программе «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом 8» (редакция 3). Издание 18 (+ epub)

С. А. Харитонов

В пособии рассматриваются вопросы кадрового учета, начисления вознаграждений за труд и по договорам гражданско-правового характера, удержаний из начисленных доходов, начисления страховых взносов и пособий по социальному обеспечению в соответствии с действующим законодательством. В новом издании книги учтены изменения по начислению страховых взносов, пособий по социальному страхованию и обеспечению, по налогу на доходы физических лиц, вступившие в силу с 1 января 2022 года. На примере программы «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом 8», редакция 3, показаны возможности современных информационных технологий для автоматизации учета кадров и расчетов по оплате труда. «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом 8» может использоваться как в коробочном варианте, так и в сервисе «1С:Предприятие 8 через Интернет» на сайте 1cfresh.com. Пособие адресовано широкому кругу читателей. Оно будет полезно как для бухгалтеров-расчетчиков заработной платы и главных бухгалтеров, так и для руководителей организаций, которые найдут в ней ответы на многие вопросы, связанные с заключением и расторжением трудовых договоров, оплатой труда, условиями труда и отдыха работников в соответствии с Трудовым кодексом Российской Федерации. Особый интерес пособие представляет для организаций, которые ведут или планируют вести расчеты с персоналом с помощью программы «1С:Зарплата и управление персоналом 8», а также для претендентов на получение сертификатов 1С:Профессионал, 1С:Специалист и 1С:Специалист-консультант по этой программе.

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks

Savo G. Glisic

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND QUANTUM COMPUTING FOR ADVANCED WIRELESS NETWORKS A practical overview of the implementation of artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology in large-scale communication networks Increasingly dense and flexible wireless networks require the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for planning network deployment, optimization, and dynamic control. Machine learning algorithms are now often used to predict traffic and network state in order to reserve resources for smooth communication with high reliability and low latency. In Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks , the authors deliver a practical and timely review of AI-based learning algorithms, with several case studies in both Python and R. The book discusses the game-theory-based learning algorithms used in decision making, along with various specific applications in wireless networks, like channel, network state, and traffic prediction. Additional chapters include Fundamentals of ML, Artificial Neural Networks (NN), Explainable and Graph NN, Learning Equilibria and Games, AI Algorithms in Networks, Fundamentals of Quantum Communications, Quantum Channel, Information Theory and Error Correction, Quantum Optimization Theory, and Quantum Internet, to name a few. The authors offer readers an intuitive and accessible path from basic topics on machine learning through advanced concepts and techniques in quantum networks. Readers will benefit from: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms, including linear and logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, bagging, boosting, and support vector machines An exploration of artificial neural networks, including multilayer neural networks, training and backpropagation, FIR architecture spatial-temporal representations, quantum ML, quantum information theory, fundamentals of quantum internet, and more Discussions of explainable neural networks and XAI Examinations of graph neural networks, including learning algorithms and linear and nonlinear GNNs in both classical and quantum computing technology Perfect for network engineers, researchers, and graduate and masters students in computer science and electrical engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing for Advanced Wireless Networks is also an indispensable resource for IT support staff, along with policymakers and regulators who work in technology.

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365

Paul McFedries

A fast-paced, useful, and easy introduction to Microsoft 365 For those who need the show as well as the tell , Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365 is the visual walkthrough to Microsoft’s latest suite of office products that will get you up-to-speed faster than any other resource on the market. This book offers image- and screenshot-rich tutorials alongside step-by-step instructions so you can see what you need to do to make the most of Microsoft 365. From getting a grip on the most basic Microsoft 365 functions to the advanced, new features known only by power users, the book provides you with the tools you need to make your work more streamlined and efficient. You’ll also get: Up to date—and visually supported—guidance on the major Office apps that are part of Microsoft 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access Full-color, two-page tutorials that get you up and running fast Easy-to-read instructions and stepwise advice to accompany the informative and crystal-clear imagesIdeal for people using Microsoft 365 for the very first time, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365 is also a can’t-miss resource for long-time users of the software suite who need an introduction to the latest version and Office veterans seeking a refresher on what Microsoft 365 is capable of.

Excel Data Analysis For Dummies

Paul McFedries

Turn jumbles of numbers into graphics, insights, and answers with Excel With Microsoft Excel, you can, well, excel at data analysis. And Excel Data Analysis For Dummies can help, with clear and easy explanations of the mountain of features for creating, visualizing, and analyzing data. PivotTables, charts, what-if analysis, statistical functions—it's all in here, with examples and ideas for Excel users of all skill levels. This latest edition covers the most recent updates to Excel and Microsoft 365. You'll beef up your data skills and learn powerful techniques for turning numbers into knowledge. For students, researchers, and business professionals, Excel is the spreadsheet and data application of choice—and Dummies is the best choice for learning how to make those numbers sing. Learn how to use Excel's built-in data analysis features and write your own functions to explore patterns in your data Create striking charts and visualizations, and discover multiple ways to tell the stories hidden in the numbers Clean up large datasets and identify statistical operations that will answer your questions Perform financial calculations, database operations, and more—without leaving Excel Excel Data Analysis For Dummies is the go-to resource for Excel users who are looking for better ways to crunch the numbers.

Green Internet of Things and Machine Learning

Группа авторов

Health Economics and Financing Encapsulates different case studies where green-IOT and machine learning can be used for making significant progress towards improvising the quality of life and sustainable environment. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving idea which is responsible for connecting billions of devices that acquire, perceive, and communicate data from their surroundings. Because this transmission of data uses significant energy, improving energy efficiency in IOT devices is a significant topic for research. The green internet of things (G-IoT) makes it possible for IoT devices to use less energy since intelligent processing and analysis are fundamental to constructing smart IOT applications with large data sets. Machine learning (ML) algorithms that can predict sustainable energy consumption can be used to prepare guidelines to make IoT device implementation easier. Green Internet of Things and Machine Learning lays the foundation of in-depth analysis of principles of Green-Internet of Things (G-IoT) using machine learning. It outlines various green ICT technologies, explores the potential towards diverse real-time areas, as well as highlighting various challenges and obstacles towards the implementation of G-IoT in the real world. Also, this book provides insights on how the machine learning and green IOT will impact various applications: It covers the Green-IOT and ML-based smart computing, ML techniques for reducing energy consumption in IOT devices, case studies of G-IOT and ML in the agricultural field, smart farming, smart transportation, banking industry and healthcare. [b]Audience The book will be helpful for research scholars and researchers in the fields of computer science and engineering, information technology, electronics and electrical engineering. Industry experts, particularly in R&D divisions, can use this book as their problem-solving guide.

Smart Systems for Industrial Applications

Группа авторов

SMART SYSTEMS FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS The prime objective of this book is to provide an insight into the role and advancements of artificial intelligence in electrical systems and future challenges. The book covers a broad range of topics about AI from a multidisciplinary point of view, starting with its history and continuing on to theories about artificial vs. human intelligence, concepts, and regulations concerning AI, human-machine distribution of power and control, delegation of decisions, the social and economic impact of AI, etc. The prominent role that AI plays in society by connecting people through technologies is highlighted in this book. It also covers key aspects of various AI applications in electrical systems in order to enable growth in electrical engineering. The impact that AI has on social and economic factors is also examined from various perspectives. Moreover, many intriguing aspects of AI techniques in different domains are covered such as e-learning, healthcare, smart grid, virtual assistance, etc. Audience The book will be of interest to researchers and postgraduate students in artificial intelligence, electrical and electronic engineering, as well as those engineers working in the application areas such as healthcare, energy systems, education, and others.

Microsoft Project For Dummies

Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

Blow past the jargon and get hands-on, practical guidance on managing any project with Microsoft Project  Lean. Agile. Hybrid. It seems that project management these days comes with more confusing buzzwords than ever. But you can make managing your next project simple and straightforward with help from  Microsoft Project For Dummies.  This book unpacks Microsoft’s bestselling project management platform and walks you through every important feature, step-by-step, until you’re ready to take on virtually any project, no matter the size. From getting set up for the first time to creating tasks, managing resources and working with time management features, you’ll learn everything you need to know about managing a project in Microsoft’s iconic software.  You’ll also find:  Totally updated guidance that applies to both the desktop version and Microsoft’s new subscription-based Microsoft Project Online Helpful information on integrating Agile practices and techniques into your project “Golden rules” that keep a project on-track and on-time Ways to effectively manage your resources with Microsoft Project’s built-in functionality Managing a project, big or small, is no easy task. Luckily,  Microsoft Project For Dummies  can take a lot of the hassle out of your day-to-day life. Learn how to take advantage of this powerful software today!

Office 2021 for Macs For Dummies

Bob LeVitus

Turn your Mac into a productivity powerhouse with Office 2021! Long gone are the days when Microsoft's powerful office suite was just for Windows users. Mac enthusiasts are also able to pop open ubiquitous apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on their preferred desktop or laptop! But if you're new to Microsoft Office on the Mac—or you just need a hand with some of its latest features—you should check out Office 2021 For Macs For Dummies. This handy guide will show you how to conquer the essentials of all the key apps that make Office 2021 such a productivity booster. You'll also discover: Brand-new features, like an improved dark mode and better accessibility capabilities How to share documents directly in a collaborative setting How Microsoft's Text Predictions work in various apps in Office 2021 Ideal for Mac-lovers who can't escape the lure of Microsoft's iconic office software, Office 2021 For Macs For Dummies is a can't-miss resource that will help you successfully blend the reliable computing power of your Mac or MacBook with the productivity power of Microsoft Office.