Robust statistics is an extension of classical statistics that specifically takes into account the concept that the underlying models used to describe data are only approximate. Its basic philosophy is to produce statistical procedures which are stable when the data do not exactly match the postulated models as it is the case for example with outliers. Robust Methods in Biostatistics proposes robust alternatives to common methods used in statistics in general and in biostatistics in particular and illustrates their use on many biomedical datasets. The methods introduced include robust estimation, testing, model selection, model check and diagnostics. They are developed for the following general classes of models: Linear regression Generalized linear models Linear mixed models Marginal longitudinal data models Cox survival analysis model The methods are introduced both at a theoretical and applied level within the framework of each general class of models, with a particular emphasis put on practical data analysis. This book is of particular use for research students,applied statisticians and practitioners in the health field interested in more stable statistical techniques. An accompanying website provides R code for computing all of the methods described, as well as for analyzing all the datasets used in the book.
This long awaited second edition of this bestseller continues to provide a comprehensive, user friendly, down-to-earth guide to elementary statistics. The book presents a detailed account of the most important procedures for the analysis of data, from the calculation of simple proportions, to a variety of statistical tests, and the use of regression models for modeling of clinical outcomes. The level of mathematics is kept to a minimum to make the material easily accessible to the novice, and a multitude of illustrative cases are included in every chapter, drawn from the current research literature. The new edition has been completely revised and updated and includes new chapters on basic quantitative methods, measuring survival, measurement scales, diagnostic testing, bayesian methods, meta-analysis and systematic reviews. «… After years of trying and failing, this is the only book on statistics that i have managed to read and understand» – Naveed Kirmani, Surgical Registrar, South London Healthcare HHS Trust, UK
Knowledge of the cat has advanced rapidly in the 9 years since the second edition of Feline Medicine and Therapeutics was published. The primary object of this book remains the same however – to help veterinary surgeons and students to practise the art and science of feline medicine.
This authoritative reference, the first of its kind, is a necessary addition to the library of any practitioner or behaviorist who sees avain companion animals. Because of their beauty, intelligence, playfulness and ability in mimicry, parrots are the most widely kept companion birds. It is estimated that more than half of the psittacine cases presented to clinicians are the result of behavioral problems-problems inherent to captivity. Bringing together a host of international experts on avian behavior, Manual of Parrot Behavior explores the many facets of psittacine behavior, both normal and abnormal. The book not only provides readers with a solid understanding of the basic principles of psittacine behavior but also offers useful techniques of diagnosis and treatment for specific problems. Covers both normal and abnormal parrot behavior Offers practical techniques on diagnosis and treatment of behavior problems Written by a team of international experts on avian behavior A necessary addition to the library of any practitioner of behaviorist who sees avian companion animals
This revised and updated version of Outline of Clinical Diagnosis in Sheep now covers the whole field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and poor production of sheep. It is aimed at the non-specialist veterinarian and fills a niche between the large, comprehensive books on sheep and the shorter texts aimed at farmers. It will also appeal to all those involved in sheep production, and is a valuable reference for veterinary students. A wide range of diseases and conditions is covered, together with important aspects of production such as lamb output and growth rates. New sections have been added on nutrition (which has a significant effect on all aspects of production), anaesthesia, vaccination programmes, and parasite control.
Cattle are one of our major domesticated animals, a higher mammal with complex mental and physical needs. The benefit of a knowledge of cattle behaviour means veterinarians and stockpeople can recognise abnormal behaviour signs for disease diagnosis and indication of an inadequate environment. This book replaces the book Cattle Behaviour, written by the same author and published by Farming Press in 1993. The text has been revised and updated and four new chapters on cattle welfare have been added. The main interest of many reading a book on behaviour is its relation to the welfare of the species, so the combination of welfare and behaviour is a logical one.
The revised and updated Third Edition of Bovine Surgery and Lameness offers veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field. Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness Written by an expert team of international authors
For almost 60 years, continual research on the subject of Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) has raised as many questions as that research has answered. This common disease continues to cause sickness, death, abortion and fetal anomalies despite the millions of vaccination doses used each year to prevent its spread. Written by international experts on the subject of the BVD virus, BVDV: Diagnosis, Management and Control includes the latest information on BVD and outlines methods of diagnosis, management and control. Researchers, academics, and large animal practitioners will find this book an invaluable and irreplaceable resource for understanding and controlling outbreaks of BVD.
Many students have only a limited knowledge of biology before starting a variety of equine courses, from BHS stages to National Certificate and Diploma and HND/degree. Introduction to Horse Biology provides all the information students of equine subjects require, particularly those without a GCSE or A level in biology. This book will be invaluable to all students of equine subjects including First Diploma, National Diploma, National Certificate, Higher National Diploma and Higher National Certificate and all students studying for BHS or other equine related examinations. It is also ideal for serious horse owners searching for a better understanding of horses and how they function. The Author Zoe Davies is a former lecturer in equine science, a consultant equine nutritionist, author and external examiner for higher education courses. She has substantial experience in equine management and training. Also from Blackwell Publishing Horse and Stable Management Fourth Edition Jeremy Houghton Brown, Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 0007 9 Horse Nutrition and Feeding Second Edition Sarah Pilliner 0 632 05016 0 Teaching Jumping Jane Houghton Brown 0 632 04127 7 Equine Science Second Edition Sarah Pilliner and Zoe Davies 1 4051 1944 6
Since the first edition was published in 1984 Horse and Stable Management has become the recognised source of reliable information on all aspects of the practical management of horses and ponies. It is now the established textbook for everyone who owns a horse or works with horses. This fourth edition has been radically revised and reorganised to include the most up-to-date and accurate procedures and advice. With many new photographs, Horse and Stable Management includes chapters covering evolution and behaviour, conformation and action, routine preventive measures, nursing the sick horse, first aid, lameness and the management of breeding stock. Horse and Stable Management is essential reading for those taking British Horse Society and Association of British Riding Schools examinations as well as those taking college equine courses or National Vocational Qualifications in horse care and management. The Authors Jeremy Houghton Brown was manager of the British National Equestrian Centre and the British Racing School, then for many years principal lecturer in equine studies at Warwickshire College, where he started and pioneered British equine education. Above all, he is an experienced, practical horseman. Sarah Pilliner is an equine consultant specialising in horse care. She is also an experienced lecturer, competition rider, senior examiner, and the author of several books. Zoe Davies is a former lecturer in equine science, a consultant equine nutritionist, author and external examiner for higher education courses. She has substantial experience in equine management and training. From previous reviews: ‘A new classic… a clearly written and easily understood handbook.’ Riding ‘It is extremely comprehensive. It is also accurate. In fact, a most valuable book for anyone who owns a horse.’ Horse and Hound ‘The approach and contents are refreshingly different… very informative and a valuable source of reference.’ Horse and Rider