
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Evidence-Based Sports Medicine

Domhnall MacAuley

This second edition of the popular book Evidence-based Sports Medicine builds on the features that made the first edition such a valuable text and provides a completely up-to-date tool for sports medicine physicians, family practitioners and orthopedic surgeons. Updated to take into account new evidence from systematic reviews and controlled trials, Evidence-based Sports Medicine is a unique reference book on the optimum management of sports-related conditions. This second edition: contains sections on acute injury, chronic conditions, and injuries to the upper limb, groin and knee and to the lower leg pays increased attention to the important and emerging area of injury prevention features thoroughly revised methodology sections within each chapter, reflecting changes in technique and application MCQs and essay questions that allow readers to continually assess their knowledge and understanding of the topics covered Additional information and updates will be available upon publication from www.evidbasedsportsmedicine.com

ABC of Emergency Radiology

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A great source of examples that can be referred to in the heat of emergency. Mistakes can easily be made when interpreting emergency radiographs. The situation is often made more difficult by the urgency and circumstances in which the radiograph has to be evaluated. This book describes a systematic approach to assessing radiographs, instructing you on the appearances of radiological abnormalities and comparing these with normal radiographs. Each chapter covers a different part of the body and leads you through the anatomy, followed by the different types of view to request, the system of assessment itself, and pitfalls to avoid. With its clear explanation, combined with over 400 radiographs and illustrations, this essential book provides a great source of examples that can be referred to in the heat of an emergency. It will be invaluable for accident and emergency staff, trainee radiologists, medical students, nurses, and radiographers.

MRI at a Glance

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Students of radiology and radiography at both undergraduate and postgraduate level often experience difficulty in learning MRI techniques. This book provides concise, easily accessible information on MRI physics which can be used as a revision tool. Topics covered include relaxation processes, image contrast, pulse sequences, image production, image quality, artefacts, MRA, instrumentation and safety. Double page spreads for each section will contain a diagram and/or image depicting the main concepts of MR physics together with a succinct account of the topic in bullet points and tables.

Review Questions for MRI

Carolyn Roth Kaut

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the fastest growing modality in diagnostic imaging. There are now thousands of MRI facilities across the United States and around the world, employing huge numbers of technologists. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists has, with the help of experts in the MRI and educational fields, devised a multiple choice examination that is intended to ensure that all technologists have the required level of knowledge to practice MRI safely and competently. Carolyn Kaut and William Faulkener, experts in the field of MRI education, have compiled this book to help students prepare for the registry examination. The questions follow the structure of the syllabus and are intended to help readers test their understanding of the subject and identify any gaps in their knowledge. The book is extremely comprehensive, covering all the aspects of the examination, including patient care and safety, imaging procedures, pulse sequences and data acquisition, and imaging artifacts and options.

Handbook of MRI Technique

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The progress of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a clinical tool has been extraordinary, out-stripping the rate of development of any other imaging technique. There has been a huge increase in the practical applications of MRI techniques and its uses look likely to extend even further with the development of high speed gradients and pulse sequences. The Handbook of MRI Technique has proved highly successful in guiding the uninitiated through scanning techniques and helping more experienced technologists to improve image quality. The third edition of this highly successful book has been fully revised and updated to consider new technologies and developments essential to good practice. The book is split into two parts. Part 1 considers the main aspects of theory that relate to scanning and also includes practical tips on gating, equipment use, patient care and safety, and information on contrast media. Part 2 provides step by step instruction for examining each anatomical area, beginning with a basic anatomy section, followed by sections on indications, patient positioning, equipment, artefacts and tips on optimizing image quality. A section of problem-solving exercises completes the book. Now in full color throughout with over 200 illustrations this book will continue to appeal to radiographers new to MRI and regular users who are looking for information on alternative techniques and suggestions on protocol modifications. Completely revised and updated Over 100 brand new photographs and line drawings Written by technologists for technologists With contributions from MRI technologists in the USA and Australia Suitable for users of all types of MRI systems

Essential Nuclear Medicine Physics

Rachel Powsner A.

Essential Nuclear Medicine Physics provides an excellent introduction to the basic concepts of the daunting area of nuclear physics. Logically structured and clearly written, this is the book of choice for anyone entering the field of nuclear medicine, including nuclear medicine residents and fellows, cardiac nuclear medicine fellows and nuclear medicine technology students. The text is also a handy quick-reference guide for those already working in the field of nuclear physics. This new edition provides a basic introduction to nuclear physics and the interactions of radiation and matter. The authors also provide comprehensive coverage of instrumentation and imaging, with separate chapters devoted to SPECT, PET, and PET/CT. Discussion of radiation biology, radiation safety and care of victims of radiation accidents completes the text, with an appendix containing the latest NRC rules and regulations. Essential Nuclear Medicine Physics presents difficult concepts clearly and concisely, defines all terminology for the reader, and facilitates learning through extensive illustrations and self-assessment questions.

Evidence-Based Respiratory Medicine

Michael Abramson

First major evidence-based text in adult respiratory medicine Comprehensive, authoritative summary of the best treatments for the major respiratory diseases Compiled by specialists from the Cochrane Airways Management Group Easy-to-use format, with key clinical implications summarised in each chapter Kept up-to-date online Compiled by specialists from the Cochrane Collaboration Airways Management Group, Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine is the first major evidence-based text in adult respiratory medicine. Providing a comprehensive summary of the best treatments for the most important respiratory diseases, some of the world's leading physicians review the evidence for a broad range of treatments using evidence-based principles. Essential information is presented in an easy-to-understand format, with the most important clinical implications summarised in each chapter. Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine tackles the big clinical questions in diagnosis and treatment, presenting treatment options which take into account the individual patient's needs. Evidence-Based Series: Evidence-based Respiratory Medicine, part of the acclaimed series BMJ Evidence-based medicine textbooks that have revolutionised clinical medicine literature, comes with a fully searchable CD-ROM of the whole text. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Michael Pearson

This book brings a new approach to the subject of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, highlighting the current areas of controversy and debate. It addresses many of the key issues surrounding the diseases, its causes, clinical assessment and management. Internationally renowned experts critically appraise the literature and combine this with their own clinical and research experience to present an informed view of a wide range of issues. Arguments are therefore supported by the most recently available evidence. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – Critical Debates provides the reader with an up-to-date interpretation of the clinical trial data in this field and their relevance to daily practice.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Klaus Rabe

The only international clinical textbook for COPD – one of the top 5 causes of death and disability worldwide The only COPD textbook to include the latest national and international guidelines and the newer therapeutic agents in COPD treatment International team of contributors covers all aspects of COPD – from physiology and epidemiology to diagnosis and treatment Everything the busy physician needs to understand, diagnose and treat the COPD patient: – Structure and physiology of the respiratory system – Clinical considerations and allied conditions – Therapy (including current and developing treatments) – Diagnostic tests used in daily practice

Adverse Reactions to Food

Judy Buttriss

Continuing the exciting series of BNF Task Force Reports, Adverse Reactions to Foods covers in depth food allergy, food intolerance, nutrition and the immune system and autoimmune disease. Chaired by Professor Dame Barbara Clayton, task force members have provided cutting edge information, which is a must-have reference for a whole range of professionals including dietitians, nutritionists, health visitors, family practitioners, nursing practitioners and many other health professionals.