At last – a new edition of the highly acclaimed book Clinical Trials in Psychiatry This book provides a concise but thorough overview of clinical trials in psychiatry, invaluable to those seeking solutions to numerous problems relating to design, methodology and analysis of such trials. Practical examples and applications are used to ground theory whenever possible. The Second Edition includes new information regarding: Recent important psychiatric trials More specific discussion of psychiatry in the USA and the particular problems of trials in the USA, including comments about the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) An extended chapter on meta-analysis Further discussion of sub-group analysis Special features include appendices outlining how to design and report clinical trials, what websites and software programs are appropriate and an extensive reference section. From the reviews of the First Edition: “Everitt & Wessely are to be congratulated on producing an excellent guide to help overcome the snags in clinical trial research. Clearly written and in an engrossing style, the book is likely to become a classic textbook on clinical trials, and not just in psychiatry. The authors’ enthusiasm and grasp of clinical trial research make for a gripping and insightful read…it is one of the very best books that has been written on clinical trials.” THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY "The experience of both authors in this area gives the book a very pragmatic approach grounded in reality, with theoretical overviews invariably being followed by practical examples and applications… an invaluable companion to anyone involved in, or contemplating undertaking, clinical trials research.” PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
In the 100 years since Eugen Bleuler unveiled his concept of schizophrenia, which had dissociation at its core, the essential connection between traumatic life events, dissociative processes and psychotic symptoms has been lost. Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation is the first book to attempt to reforge this connection, by presenting challenging new findings linking these now disparate fields, and by comprehensively surveying, from a wide range of perspectives, the complex relationship between dissociation and psychosis. A cutting-edge sourcebook, Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation brings together highly-respected professionals working in the psychosis field with renowned clinicians and researchers from the fields of traumatic stress, dissociation and the dissociative disorders, and will be of interest to those working with or studying psychotic or dissociative disorders, as well as trauma-related conditions such as borderline personality disorder or complex post-traumatic stress disorder. It makes an invaluable contribution to the burgeoning literature on severe mental disorders and serious life events. The book has three sections: Connecting trauma and dissociation to psychosis – an exploration of the links between trauma, dissociation and psychosis from a wide range of historical and theoretical perspectives. Comparing psychotic and dissociative disorders – a presentation of empirical and clinical perspectives on similarities and differences between the two sets of disorders. Assessing and treating hybrid and boundary conditions – consideration of existing and novel diagnostic categories, such as borderline personality disorder and dissociative psychosis, that blend or border dissociative and psychotic disorders, along with treatment perspectives emphasising humanistic and existential concerns.
According to the World Health Organization’s World Health Report 2001, one family in four worldwide has at least one member currently suffering from a mental disorder. This disorder often remains undiagnosed and untreated, but the behaviour of the ill person usually has a significant impact on the quality of life of the family and on the mental health of the other members of the family, and generates feelings of shame, guilt, helplessness and despair. This book provides a comprehensive picture of currently available evidence about the specific characteristics of the burden on the families of people with the various mental disorders, the coping strategies which increase or decrease this burden, the family interventions of proven efficacy, and what should be said and what should not be said to the relatives of people with the various conditions.
This title provides a comprehensive overview of clinical, epidemiological, psychobiological, psychosocial and service organization aspects of disaster psychiatry. It takes a practical approach and includes a series of reports on significant experiences made in this field in various regions of the world. An Unbiased and reliable reference point, endorsed by the WPA Includes contributions from internationally acclaimed experts
This text explores spirituality and its relationship to mental health. It emphasizes the need to look inward and listen to the messages which are channelled through our beings, rather than dismiss these experiences as some form of «disorder». Part One considers spirituality as a reflection of the process of change. A brief overview of the contemporary history of spiritual inquiry in the field of mental health is provided. Part Two considers spirituality as a reflection of the process of meaning making. Part Three considers spirituality in terms of different forms of journey, including a consideration of the traditional concept of pilgrimage. Part Four considers the potential for healing that lies within even the most terrifying forms of madness. The book then concludes with a suggestion of the power of «waiting» and the rewards obtained by the careful, compassionate practice of life.
Covering all the major tropical diseases that present a health risk to travelers, this book is an invaluable resource for all practitioners who encounter the post travel patient. With emphasis on clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment, it is the first book to summarize the knowledge of post travel presentations in the otherwise non-immune and non-endemic population and will aid clinicians to evaluate travelers’ symptoms. The book is divided into three parts. The first is an overview of key aspects of travel medicine; the second contains a detailed discussion of multiple viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. The third part provides a syndromic approach to patients with common travel complaints such as diarrhea, fever and respiratory infections. It also includes useful appendices with lists of anti-parasitic drugs and available diagnostic tests.
In recent years the number of innovative medicinal products and devices submitted and approved by regulatory bodies has declined dramatically. The medical product development process is no longer able to keep pace with increasing technologies, science and innovations and the goal is to develop new scientific and technical tools and to make product development processes more efficient and effective. Statistical Methods in Healthcare focuses on the application of statistical methodologies to evaluate promising alternatives and to optimize the performance and demonstrate the effectiveness of those that warrant pursuit is critical to success. Statistical methods used in planning, delivering and monitoring health care, as well as selected statistical aspects of the development and/or production of pharmaceuticals and medical devices are also addressed. With a focus on finding solutions to these challenges, this book: Provides a comprehensive, in-depth treatment of statistical methods in healthcare, along with a reference source for practitioners and specialists in health care and drug development. Offers a broad coverage of standards and established methods through leading edge techniques. Uses an integrated, case-study based approach, with focus on applications. Looks at the use of analytical and monitoring schemes to evaluate therapeutic performance. Features the application of modern quality management systems to clinical practice, and to pharmaceutical development and production processes. Addresses the use of modern Statistical methods such as Adaptive Design, Seamless Design, Data Mining, Bayesian networks and Bootstrapping that can be applied to support the challenging new vision. Practitioners in healthcare-related professions, ranging from clinical trials to care delivery to medical device design, as well as statistical researchers in the field, will benefit from this book.
A new edition of the classic guide to the use of statistics in medicine, featuring examples from articles in the New England Journal of Medicine Medical Uses of Statistics has served as one of the most influential works on the subject for physicians, physicians-in-training, and a myriad of healthcare experts who need a clear idea of the proper application of statistical techniques in clinical studies as well as the implications of their interpretation for clinical practice. This Third Edition maintains the focus on the critical ideas, rather than the mechanics, to give practitioners and students the resources they need to understand the statistical methods they encounter in modern medical literature. Bringing together contributions from more than two dozen distinguished statisticians and medical doctors, this volume stresses the underlying concepts in areas such as randomized trials, survival analysis, genetics, linear regression, meta-analysis, and risk analysis. The Third Edition includes: Numerous examples based on studies taken directly from the pages of the New England Journal of Medicine Two added chapters on statistics in genetics Two new chapters on the application of statistical methods to studies in epidemiology New chapters on analyses of randomized trials, linear regression, categorical data analysis, meta-analysis, subgroup analyses, and risk analysis Updated chapters on statistical thinking, crossover designs, p-values, survival analysis, and reporting research results A focus on helping readers to critically interpret published results of clinical research Medical Uses of Statistics, Third Edition is a valuable resource for researchers and physicians working in any health-related field. It is also an excellent supplemental book for courses on medicine, biostatistics, and clinical research at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. You can also visit the New England Journal of Medicine website for related information.
This book provides a clear and thorough introduction to meta-analysis, the process of synthesizing data from a series of separate studies. Meta-analysis has become a critically important tool in fields as diverse as medicine, pharmacology, epidemiology, education, psychology, business, and ecology. Introduction to Meta-Analysis: Outlines the role of meta-analysis in the research process Shows how to compute effects sizes and treatment effects Explains the fixed-effect and random-effects models for synthesizing data Demonstrates how to assess and interpret variation in effect size across studies Clarifies concepts using text and figures, followed by formulas and examples Explains how to avoid common mistakes in meta-analysis Discusses controversies in meta-analysis Features a web site with additional material and exercises A superb combination of lucid prose and informative graphics, written by four of the world’s leading experts on all aspects of meta-analysis. Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein provide a refreshing departure from cookbook approaches with their clear explanations of the what and why of meta-analysis. The book is ideal as a course textbook or for self-study. My students, who used pre-publication versions of some of the chapters, raved about the clarity of the explanations and examples. David Rindskopf, Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology, City University of New York, Graduate School and University Center, & Editor of the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. The approach taken by Introduction to Meta-analysis is intended to be primarily conceptual, and it is amazingly successful at achieving that goal. The reader can comfortably skip the formulas and still understand their application and underlying motivation. For the more statistically sophisticated reader, the relevant formulas and worked examples provide a superb practical guide to performing a meta-analysis. The book provides an eclectic mix of examples from education, social science, biomedical studies, and even ecology. For anyone considering leading a course in meta-analysis, or pursuing self-directed study, Introduction to Meta-analysis would be a clear first choice. Jesse A. Berlin, ScD Introduction to Meta-Analysis is an excellent resource for novices and experts alike. The book provides a clear and comprehensive presentation of all basic and most advanced approaches to meta-analysis. This book will be referenced for decades. Michael A. McDaniel, Professor of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior, Virginia Commonwealth University