
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Essential Midwifery Practice

Grace Edwards

Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care summarises the important developments in postnatal care in relation to recent policy and guidance and relates the recommendations to midwifery practice in a clear and easily understood manner. With contributions from experts in the field, this practical text provides a resource for postnatal service provision in both hospital and community, offering a framework to assist midwives understand the background to care. With a focus on a woman and family centred philosophy, and community engagement models of care, this text explores issues including clinical care within the postnatal period, transition into parenthood, empowering parents, morbidity and postnatal care, the healthy newborn, and engaging vulnerable women and families. Essential Midwifery Practice: Postnatal Care forms part of a series of books that succinctly address the needs of practising midwives on a number of contemporary issues. Includes up to date information on recent policy, including NICE guidelines Written by respected experts in the field Focused on women and family centered care For both hospital and community midwives

Evidence Based Midwifery

Jane Munro

Evidence based practice is now widely accepted as a fundamental tenet of midwifery. The importance of evidence in defining midwifery policy and practice in the UK health system, and others, is acknowledged and enduring. While the development and evaluation of research in midwifery is well charted, the question of how such evidence is incorporated into practice has, to date, received less attention and discussion in the midwifery profession. Answering this need, Evidence Based Midwifery focuses on the dissemination and use of evidence for midwifery practice, and explores midwives’ experiences in using the evidence base to inform policy and enhance clinical practice. Written by a highly-regarded and diverse group from the UK and international midwifery community, Evidence Based Midwifery addresses issues of relevance to all midwives whether clinical practitioners or educators, students or supervisors, researchers or managers. Issues that influence evidence based midwifery are discussed, and topics covered include problem based learning, implementation of evidence based guidelines and the involvement of service users. Edited by founder members of the Evidence Based Midwifery Network International collaboration with contributions from the UK, Greece, Canada and the Netherlands Primary focus on the incorporation of evidence into midwifery practice Real-life examples throughout

Essential Midwifery Practice

Grace Edwards

Essential Midwifery Practice: Public Health highlights important developments in public health over recent years and relates the implications for midwifery practice in a clear and easily understood manner. This practical text will appeal to clinical midwives who may be unsure about the relevance of the public health agenda to their every day practice. It highlights how public health underpins every midwife’s practice by using examples and case histories. It addresses a wide range of public health issues pertinent to every midwife, including: smoking in pregnancy, breastfeeding, sexual health, substance misuse, domestic abuse, perinatal mental health and vulnerable groups, poverty and social exclusion.

Perioperative Pain Management

Группа авторов

Perioperative Pain Management is a practical, evidence-based guide to the effective management of perioperative pain even in the most challenging situations. It provides readers with an understanding of the physiology, pharmacology and psychology of acute pain together with key messages for best practice. Barriers to effective acute pain management are explored and suggestions for improving practices and removing obstructions are given. The psychosocial impact of acute pain and personal coping strategies are reviewed in an easy to read format. Specific sections focus on managing perioperative pain in: paediatrics; the older patient; patients with chronic painful conditions; the patient with renal dysfunction; and day case surgery. Perioperative Pain Management will be invaluable to all nurses from undergraduate students to experienced clinical nurse specialists and lecturers as well as pharmacists, operating department practitioners, and physiotherapists .

Chronic Cardiac Care

Simon Stewart

This is a practical book for nurses on the management of patients with chronic cardiac disease. With the number of patients who have survived a heart attack but need continuous monitoring increasing, the role of nurse specialists is becoming ever more important. This book provides the necessary information for them to fulfil the role. It complements the lead author's earlier book, Improving Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure, by providing the details of clinical management for working directly with patients (e.g. therapeutic targets in hypertension) and for working with patients to ensure compliance with medication.

Pressure Area Care

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Pressure Area Care is an essential skill for nurses in every area of clinical practice. This beginner's guide assumes no prior knowledge and explores the causes of pressure ulcers, the practical skills needed to avoid them developing, and the clinical skills needed to manage them effectively when they do occur. Pressure Area Care will enable students and staff to provide effective management and care of pressure areas. It incorporates national guidelines to promote evidence based care, examines the optimal choice of pressure relieving devices and dressings, and explores the role of the nurse in planning, documenting and supervising care.

Practice Nurse Handbook

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There have been major advances in practice nursing in recent years, and a rapid expansion in the role of the practice nurse. The Practice Nurse Handbook is an essential guide to all aspects of clinical practice, health promotion, and practice management, for nurses in general practice. The handbook includes chapters on common medical conditions, screening tests, sexual health, mental health, chronic disease management, travel health, immunisations, and emergency situations. It addresses legal issues, changes in primary care, nurse prescribing and covers key issues in team working. Each chapter contains suggestions for reflection on practice and presents the underlying evidence base. The fifth edition of the Practice Nurse Handbook has been revised and updated to include the latest policy developments, including the National Service Frameworks, changes to the GP contract, information on primary care organisations, Quality and Outcomes Frameworks and new roles for practice nurses

Effective Healthcare Leadership

Melanie Jasper

Effective Healthcare Leadership integrates theory and practice to distil the reality of healthcare leadership today. It addresses the context and explores strategies for leadership and examines the leadership skills required to implement and sustain developments in healthcare. Section one examines the contemporary context and challenges of healthcare leadership. Section two offers opportunities through the CLINLAP/LEADLAP model to see how modern management ideas, tools and techniques are used effectively in leadership development. Section three examines the role of leadership in implementing change and improving practice in different contexts of care. The final section explores future challenges in leadership.

Cardiothoracic Surgical Nursing

Carl Margerson

Cardiothoracic nursing has undergone great change over the last decade. With the continuing improvement of surgical techniques, pharmacology and pre- and post-operative care, there have been many new initiatives and innovations in the nature and practice of this specialised sector of nursing. Rehabilitation and patient education are to name but a few of the areas where exciting new challenges and opportunities for cardiothoracic nurses have opened up. This book is a definitive and accessible text for cardiothoracic nurses. Written for nurses from a nursing perspective, it offers practical advice and information on all aspects of cardiothoracic surgical nursing and pays particular attention to the continuing developments cardiothoracic nurses must face.

Advanced Renal Care

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Individuals with renal disease require continuing support and care throughout their lives from renal nurses and other members of the inter-professional renal team. Advanced Renal Care is for all those who work in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation as it addresses current challenges in caring for those with renal failure, and examines recent trends and likely future developments. The book also explores key issues in staff recruitment and development. It goes beyond the basic texts on renal care by discussing topical issues such as anaemia management, care of older people on dialysis, diabetes and renal failure, infection control and sexual dysfunction in renal disease.