
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Evidence-Based Practice

Liz Trinder

Evidence-based practice is an idea whose time has come. Few concepts can have achieved the status of unchallengeable common sense in such a short space of time, and across such a broad range of professional activity. As yet there have been few opportunities to take stock and reflect on the evidence for evidence-based practice, or the implications of its adoption. How effective or feasible is it in medicine? Is it really different? What are the consequences of not basing practice on research? Can evidence-based practice be used in non-clinical settings, where practitioners must deal with the complexity of multi-problem individuals, families and organizations? This text introduces the key concept of Evidence-Based Practice and accounts for its emergence and rapid expansion within and beyond medicine. It then goes on to describe how evidence-based practice is being translated in key areas (medicine, nursing, mental health education and social welfare) while critically appraising the strengths and weaknesses of evidence-based practice as it applies in a range of fields of professional practice.

Continuing Professional Development

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Therapists must increase their understanding of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to maintain and improve competence. Every practitioner will need to take steps to maintain and demonstrate continued competence under the provisions of the new Health Act 1999. This book considers current policy on CPD and discusses the theoretical basis for maintaining competence and for adult learning. Primarily, however, it provides practical guidance on how to develop a strategy for professional and career development, and on portfolio preparation that shows evidence of professional updating and CPD. Many examples are given of activities in the areas of clinical work, management, education and research that can be used for CPD. The development and use of learning skills such as reflection and critical evaluation is considered central to the process. Written specifically with the therapist in mind, this book will provide invaluable practical advice to occupational therapists, physiotherapists, radiographers, speech and language therapists, and podiatrists.

Introduction to Syndemics

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This book explains the growing field of syndemic theory and research, a framework for the analysis and prevention of disease interactions that addresses underlying social and environmental causes. This perspective complements single-issue prevention strategies, which can be effective for discrete problems, but often are mismatched to the goal of protecting the public's health in its widest sense. «Merrill Singer has astutely described why health problems should not be seen in isolation, but rather in the context of other diseases and the social and economic inequities that fuel them. An important read for public health and social scientists.» —Michael H. Merson, director, Duke Global Health Institute «Not only does this book provide a persuasive theoretical biosocial model of syndemics, but it also illustrates the model with a wide variety of fascinating historical and contemporary examples.» —Peter J. Brown, professor of Anthropology and Global Health and director, Center for Health, Culture, and Society, Emory University «The concept of syndemics is Singer's most important contribution to critical medical anthropology as it interfaces with an ecosocial approach to epidemiology.» —Mark Nichter, Regents Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona «Merrill Singer offers the public the most comprehensive work ever written on this key area of research and policy making.» —Francisco I. Bastos, chairman of the graduate studies on epidemiology, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz «Exquisitely describes how this new approach is a critical tool that brings together veterinary, medical, and social sciences to solve emerging infectious and non-infectious diseases of today's world.» —Bonnie Buntain, MS, DVM, diplomate, American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine «For too long the great integrative perspectives on modern biomedicine and public health disease ecology and social medicine-have remained more or less separate. In this innovative and provocative book, Merrill Singer develops a valuable synthesis that will reshape the way we think about health and disease.» —Warwick H. Anderson, MD, PhD, professorial research fellow, Department of History and Centre for Values, Ethics, and the Law in Medicine, University of Sidney

Health Information Management

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This is the fifth edition of the definitive reference source on the management of health records. Health Information Management provides the basic guidelines on content and structure, analysis, assessment, and improvement of information critical to every health care organization. This thoroughly revised and updated edition reflects the significant changes in the field and the most current and successful practices most notably, the computerization of record operations and systems, and of the record itself.

Putting Patients First

Susan Frampton B.

The second edition of Putting Patients First showcases what Planetree facilities and the Planetree organization have learned about the commitments, conditions, practices, and policies that are needed to do more than give lip service to being–patient-centered.–It should be read by every student, nurse, physician, administrator, trustee, policy maker, and lay person who is committed to creating healing environments, holding facilities accountable for their rhetoric, and truly reforming health care.

Public Health Genomics

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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recognized genomics as a priority area in public health education. To help public health students and professionals achieve proficiency in the language of genetics and attain genomics competencies delineated by the CDC, this book offers an introduction to basic molecular genetics and discusses the relevance of genomics to such key public health issues as environmental health, ethnic health disparities, health policy and law, research ethics, maternal and child health, clinical preventive medicine, health behavior, health economics, and communicable disease control. Presented in a context that is easy to understand, the book serves as an accessible portal of entry into the world of public health genomics.

Successful Drug Discovery

Christian Klein

With its focus on drugs so recently introduced that they have yet to be found in any other textbooks or general references, the information and insight found here makes this a genuinely unique handbook and reference. Following the successful approach of the previous volumes in the series, inventors and primary developers of successful drugs from both industry and academia tell the story of the drug's discovery and describe the sometimes twisted route from the first drug candidate molecule to the final marketed drug. The 11 case studies selected describe recent drugs ranging across many therapeutic fields and provide a representative cross-section of present-day drug developments. Backed by plenty of data and chemical information, the insight and experience of today?s top drug creators makes this one of the most useful training manuals that a junior medicinal chemist may hope to find. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has endorsed and sponsored this project because of its high educational merit.

Human Drug Metabolism

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Drug metabolism is a core area of pharmacology. Before any drug can be licensed it is essential to know how the body metabolises the drug, and the short and long-term effects it has on the body. It is an area of rapid advancement, which brings together the fields of pharmacy, pharmacology and medicine. This new text provides a concise, user-friendly introduction to drug metabolism that is ideal for undergraduates. Focusing on a conceptual understanding of the drug metabolism system, the book illustrates the basic mechanisms on how xenobiotics are detected, chemically modified and then eliminated from human systems.

Pharmacology for Podiatrists

Margaret Johnson

Proposed changes in practice legislation will allow podiatrists to prescribe a limited range of drugs and dressings. It is therefore now imperative that students and practitioners understand pharmacology. Not only the mechanisms of action of drugs, but also their potential side-effects and interactions with other drugs taken by the patient. This book will cover both basic and clinical pharmacology. The podiatrist's role in examination, assessment and diagnosis are considered.

Kinase Inhibitor Drugs

Rongshi Li

A comprehensive resource on case studies of marketed kinase drugs and promising drug trials Since the discovery of protein kinase activity in 1954, the field of protein kinase drug discovery has advanced dramatically. With the ongoing clinical success of the Bcr-Abl kinase inhibitor Gleevec in the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and seven additional marketed kinase inhibitor drugs, researchers have compelling evidence that kinase inhibitors can be highly efficacious in the treatment of diseases caused by aberrant activity of protein kinase. Currently more than 100 protein kinase inhibitors are in clinical development. In one comprehensive volume, the editors, Dr. Rongshi Li and Dr. Jeffrey Stafford, present timely and important case studies of marketed kinase drugs and several of the most advanced kinase inhibitors in clinical trials. Kinase Inhibitor Drugs includes: Case studies from leading investigators and experts in the field that provide firsthand accounts of kinase inhibitor discovery Current thinking on kinase structure, biochemistry, and signal transduction pathways Information on state-of-the-art technologies and tools such as structure-based and fragment-based drug discovery A lineup of clinical-phase growth factor receptor inhibitors Inhibitors of cell cycle kinases The discovery of allosteric inhibitors of MEK kinase Information on pharmacogenomics and its application to kinase inhibitor clinical development