This is a practical book for nurses on the management of patients with chronic cardiac disease. With the number of patients who have survived a heart attack but need continuous monitoring increasing, the role of nurse specialists is becoming ever more important. This book provides the necessary information for them to fulfil the role. It complements the lead author's earlier book, Improving Outcomes in Chronic Heart Failure, by providing the details of clinical management for working directly with patients (e.g. therapeutic targets in hypertension) and for working with patients to ensure compliance with medication.
Heart failure is a condition that often results in chronic tiredness and shortness of breath. It also requires complex nursing and medical treatment, especially after a hospital admission, which is all too frequent for persons with heart failure. This book describes and discusses the latest research concerning the benefits of having specially trained nurses manage the care of patients with heart failure after they have been discharged from hospital to their own home. Leading nurses and doctors from around the world discuss their experiences with this type of innovative and effective care program. Building upon these experiences, the book also contains a practical guide to developing this type of care program into a fully functional service that provides quality care to those patients admitted to hospital with heart failure.
While many high-income countries observe a relative decline in the population impact of heart disease and deal with the problem of an older patient population who readily survive earlier non-fatal encounters with the condition, Africa contends with a typically younger population with frequently advanced and often fatal heart disease. While high-income countries exclusively deal with non-communicable forms of heart disease, Africa contends with both communicable and non-communicable forms of heart disease. Designed to provide anyone with an interest in heart disease in Africa with an immediate sense of how the area is progressing from a clinical to research perspective in responding to this evolving epidemic Presents salient research uncovering the evolving burden of communicable and non-communicable forms of heart disease, Includes content on maternal heart disease, infant and childhood heart disease, risk and prevention, heart failure and other common forms of heart disease in rural and urban communities in Africa.