
Различные книги в жанре Математика


Reuven Nir

Attraction Secrets of Gravity offers an alternative theory for the Newtonian 'attraction force' and 'gravitaion'. Its simple, clear style, enables any interested reader to understand various concepts, without needing any scientific background or in-depth knowledge in physics. Attraction – Secrets of Gravity includes examples, illustarations and many demonstrations. Through them, it presents the absurdity in the classic theory of gravity, and explains what is similar and what differs from the Relativity Theory.

Педагогические измерения в спорте: методы, анализ и обработка результатов

В. П. Губа

В монографии представлены актуальные методологические, организационно-методические и практические вопросы процесса измерений, вычислений; рассматриваются элементы тестирования человека, а также способы их математико-статистической обработки, встречающиеся в ходе педагогической и научной деятельности различного рода специалистов. Интегрируются и анализируются основные методы обработки данных, включая параметрический и непараметрический критерии, корреляционный, регрессионный, дисперсионный и факторный анализы, позволяющие дать объективную оценку всего процесса. Приведены необходимые теоретические сведения и формулы для расчета рейтинговых оценок, наиболее часто встречающихся в спортивно-педагогических исследованиях как одного человека, так и коллектива. Монография предназначена для студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов высших учебных заведений, специалистов в области физического воспитания и спорта, тренеров, а также исследователей из смежных областей науки, применяющих в своей работе математико-статистические методы в целях эффективного решения практических задач.

Англо-русско-узбекский математический словарь

Surayyo Umarbek qizi Marimbaeva

The book consists of most common mathematic words and phrases, together with their translations into Uzbek and Russian.

Интегральные оценки в теории надежности. Введение и основные результаты

Виктор Михайлов

Целью настоящей работы является ознакомление широкого круга читателей с основными результатами получения эффективных по смещению оценок, чья эффективность доказана (или выбрана в качестве таковой на основе интегрального оценивания) на достаточно широком классе оценок. Монография предназначена прежде всего для инженеров, аспирантов и студентов старших курсов технических специальностей.

Численные методы интегрирования дифференциальных уравнений

М. Ф. Гарифуллин

Рассмотрены вопросы интегрирования по времени дифференциальных уравнений, используемых при моделировании нестационарных явлений. Приведены численные методы, которые нашли применение при решении различных научных и технических задач, исследованиях технологических процессов. Представлены различные варианты численных методов прямого интегрирования уравнений первого и второго порядков шагами по времени (явные и неявные, одношаговые и многошаговые). Приведены тексты реализующих программ с подробными комментариями. На простых примерах продемонстрированы возможности и свойства методов. Уделено внимание вопросам тестирования программ и выбора рационального метода интегрирования, удовлетворяющего требованиям по точности и устойчивости вычислений. Предназначено для специалистов, занятых решением нестационарных задач, а также преподавателей, студентов и аспирантов технических вузов.

Планер для подготовки к ОГЭ

Виктория Фефелова

Что нужно для успешной сдачи экзамена? Толковый репетитор, желание и, конечно же, авторский планер-достигатор от Виктории Фефеловой.

Applied Mathematical and Physical Formulas

Vukota Boljanovic

The new and revised version of this comprehensive pocket reference guide is ideal for anyone who deals with physics, chemistry, mathematics, finance, and computer systems and needs to review or quickly refresh their memory of what they studied in school. It covers the fundamentals of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and analytical geometry, and statistics, and presents the application of differential equations and integral calculus. It reveals the comparative advantages of binomial distribution, standard distribution, Poisson distribution, and normal distribution, and includes most used definitions and formulas of kinematics, dynamics, statics, mechanics of fluids, thermal variable of state, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, light, and atomic and nuclear physics. It also presents applications and solutions to problems concerning simple interest, compound interest, effective rate, annuity, amortization of loans, and sinking fund payments.Features A quick reference for engineers, technicians, toolmakers, machinists, students, and teachers.Includes more than 1,300 formulas, definitions, and figures used in mathematics and physics, plus complete coverage of S.I., metric, and U.S. customary units.New to this revised edition are sections on arithmetic, mathematical fundamentals of computer science, units of measure in precious metals, and more.Key topics have been clarified, and more than 150 line illustrations have been improved.The index has been expanded to help guide readers through this information-packed reference.

Electrical Machines

Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

This book includes my lecture notes for electrical machines course. The book is divided to different learning partsPart 1- Apply basic physical concepts to explain the operation and solve problems related to electrical machines.Part 2- Explain the principles underlying the performance of three-phase electrical machines.Part 3- Analyse, operate and test three-phase induction machines.Part 4- Investigate the performance, design, operation, and testing of the three-phase synchronous machine.Part1: Apply basic physical concepts to explain the operation and solve problems related to electrical machines.Describe the construction of simple magnetic circuits, both with and without an air gap. Explain the basic laws which govern the electrical machine operation, such as Faraday's Law, Ampere-Biot-Savart's Law, and Lenz's Law. Apply Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, Ampere-Biot-Savart's Law, and Lenz's Law to solve for induced voltage and currents in relation to simple magnetic circuits with movable parts. Illustrate the principle of the electromechanical energy conversion in magnetic circuits with movable parts.Part 2: Explain the principles underlying the performance of three-phase electrical machines. Compare and contrast concentric and distributed windings in three-phase electrical machines. Identify the advantages of distributed windings applied to three-phase machines. Explain how the pulsating and rotating magnetic fields are produced in distributed windings. Calculate the synchronous speed of a machine based on its number of poles and frequency of the supply. Describe the process of torque production in multi-phase machines.Part 3: Analyse, operate and test three-phase induction machines. Calculate the slip of an induction machine given the operating and synchronous speeds. Calculate and compare between different torques of a three-phase induction machine, such as the locked rotor or starting torque, pull-up torque, breakdown torque, full-load torque or braking torque. Develop and manipulate the equivalent circuit model for the three-phase induction machine. Analyse, and test experimentally, the torque-speed and current-speed characteristics of induction machines. and discuss the effects of varying such motor parameters as rotor resistance, supply voltage and supply frequency on motor torque-speed characteristics. Perform no-load and blocked rotor tests in order to determine the equivalent circuit parameters of an induction machine. Explore various techniques to start an induction motor. Identify the applications of the three-phase induction machines in industry and utility. Classify the insulations implemented in electrical machines windings and identify the factors affecting them. Part4. Investigate the performance, design, operation, and testing of the three-phase synchronous machine. Describe the construction of three-phase synchronous machines, particularly the rotor, stator windings and the rotor saliency. Develop and manipulate an equivalent circuit model for the three-phase synchronous machine. Sketch the phasor diagram of a non-salient poles synchronous machine operating at various modes operation, such as no-load operation, motor operation, and generator operation. Investigate the influence of the rotor saliency on machine performance. Perform open and short circuit tests in order to determine the equivalent circuit parameters of a synchronous machine. Identify the applications of the three-phase synchronous machines in industry and utility List and explain the conditions of parallel operation of a group of synchronous generators. Evaluate the performance of the synchronous condenser and describe the power flow control between a synchronous condenser and the utility in both modes: over and under excited. Explain the principles of controlling the output voltage and frequency of a synchronous generator.

Creation of Postfix Mail Server Based on Virtual Users and Domains

Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

It is common these days for a single system to host many domains, for example uniswa.com and mtn.com or acme .com may run on a single host machine, but behave as if they were on three different hosts. A system usually has a canonical domain, it has its usual or local domain name, and additional domains are configured as virtual domains. The purpose behind this work is to create a mail server solution based on Postfix that is based on virtual users and domains, i..e. users and domains that are in a MySQL database. The goal is to have completely virtual users and domains. [email protected] != [email protected]. This means creating a separate name spaces for reach domain.It will also demonstrate the installation and configuration of Courier-Imap (IMAP/POP3), so it can authenticate against the same MySQL database Postfix uses. The resulting postfix server is capable of quota which is not built into Postfix by default; the project will demonstrate how to patch postfix appropriately. Passwords are stored in encrypted form in the database. The work also covers the installation of Mail Scanner, SpamAssassin and ClamAv so that emails will be scanned for spams and viruses. The administration of MySQL database can be done through a web based tool Postfixadmin or can be done manually in the MySQL shell. Postfixadmin is a web based management tool created for Postfix that handles Postfix style virtual domains and users that are stored in MySQL. The squirrelmail web based email client is installed, in order to check emails from anywhere in world via internet. All installations were done in Fedora 5 Linux machine.

Configuration of a Simple Samba File Server, Quota and Schedule Backup

Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

This work is a step-by-step how to guide for configuring Samba file server, Quota andscheduled backup of important files. The paper provides an installation guide for,1. Samba server.2. Quota.3. Scheduled backup of important files.