
Различные книги в жанре Математика

The Secret Harmony of Primes

Sam Vaseghi

The sequence of the primes is something of a mystery in number theory‚ if not in all of mathematics. Hardly any topic has ever fascinated mathe¬maticians more. Euler once said‚ “Mathematicians have tried in vain‚ to this day‚ to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers‚ and we have reason to believe that it is a mystery into which the mind will never penetrate”. One key question has always been: Does there exist a single‚ overarching organisational principle that accounts for why any prime follows another prime as the next largest prime in the prime sequence? <br/> A primary aim of this book is to show that such over¬arching and comprehensive principles do exist and govern the entire prime sequence. To unlock these secrets of harmony‚ for the enthusiastic reader‚ it is not necessary to dive too deep into mathematics‚ but to unveil structures of organisation from different points of view. <br/> <em>The Secret Harmony of Primes</EM> was written in 2012-2015 and represents a collection of the author's work in prime number theory throughout the last decades‚ woven into a comprehensible storyline.

FLATLAND - A Romance of Many Dimensions (The Distinguished Chiron Edition)

Edwin A. Abbott

This special edition is a distinguished vintage reproduction, of the 1884 satirical novella Flatland, by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott. Meticulously elaborated by the editorial team of Chiron Academic Press in collaboration with the renowned literature publisher Edition l'Aleph (www.l-aleph.com), this special edition, pays particular attention to the very authentic details of the editorial of text and images, fine type setting, mise-en-page, production, and print. The result is a revival of the vintage for the 21st century's reader. Thus a unique reading experience for the book lovers and collectors of this genre. A recommended edition to libraries. <br/> <br/>
Writing pseudonymously as «A Square», the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the novella's more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions. The story describes a two-dimensional world occupied by geometric figures, whereof women are simple line-segments, while men are polygons with various numbers of sides. The narrator is a square, a member of the caste of gentlemen and professionals, who guides the readers through some of the implications of life in two dimensions. The Square dreams about a visit to a one-dimensional world (Lineland) inhabited by «lustrous points», and attempts to convince the realm's monarch of a second dimension; but is unable to do so. . . <br/> <br/>
<b>"One of the most imaginative, delightful and, yes, touching works of mathematics, this slender 1884 book purports to be the memoir of A. Square, a citizen of an entirely two-dimensional world." -The Washington Post Book World</b> <br/> <br/>
<b>"Flatland has remained of interest for over a century precisely because of its ability to engage its readers on so many different planes in so many different dimensions."-Victorian Studies «This reprint of Abbott's Flatland adventures contains an Intro¬duction by Thomas Banchoff which is worth reading on its own. So if you don't have yet this book at home, go ahead and buy this edition.»-Zentralblatt MATH</b> <br/> <br/>
<b>In 1884, Edwin Abbott wrote a strange and enchanting novella called Flatland, in which a square who lives in a two-dimensional world comes to comprehend the existence of a third dimension but is unable to persuade his compatriots of his discovery. Through the book, Abbott skewered hierarchical Victorian values while simul¬taneously giving a glimpse of the mathematics of higher dimensions.-Science News</b> <br/> <br/>

The Simplified Money Tree - Children's Money & Saving Reference

Baby Professor

Money should not always be equated to spending. For young learners, money is about the ability to recognize numbers, value and skip counting too. It is a subject discussed as early as kindergarten but you can introduce it earlier if you want to. How? You can use this book, of course! Grab a copy today.

Money Lessons and Practicums -Children's Money & Saving Reference

Baby Professor

It is so much better to teach today’s kids about how to manage wealth in their young age than in their teens. This Money and Saving Reference is a perfect guide to do just that. Your children will be introduced to the values of money, lessons on handling it and even be exposed to practicums to better execute what they have learned. Get this reference book here.

The Great Guide to Children's Money & Saving Reference

Baby Professor

Financial analysts would tell you that it’s always a good idea to start worrying about your finances the earliest time possible. Your kids are not exempted. The younger they start being knowledgeable about money and the importance of savings, the better their future will be. Go ahead and see the results. But first, grab a copy of this Guide to Money and Saving today.

Курс развития интеллекта ребёнка. Математика

Светлана Зубова

Подготовить дошкольника к нелёгкому труду обучения в школе – непростая задача. От качества этой подготовки зависит его дальнейшая успешность. Цель комплекта пособий «Курс развития интеллекта ребёнка. Математика» (он состоит из рабочей тетради для учащегося, куда включены также рекомендации для родителей, и методического пособия для учителя) – научить будущего первоклассника мыслить и применять эту способность в процессе учёбы. Осваивая доступный и необходимый для возраста 5,5–7 лет математический материал, дошкольник научится сравнивать, анализировать, моделировать, проводить индуктивные и дедуктивные рассуждения. Для наглядности работа в классе сопровождается поурочными презентациями, которые можно скачать на сайте «Издательства Кузнецовой» в разделе «Файлы к книгам». Комплект пособий предназначен для преподавателей, работающих с дошкольниками, а также родителей, которые хотят максимально эффективно и продуктивно подготовить своего будущего первоклассника к школьной жизни.

The Game of Balls: Ball Games All Over The World

Baby Professor

If your child is a sport-loving little person, he/she would find this book of ball games highly appealing! This book effectively cultivates a love for learning because it is very visual. There isn't a lot of reading to do, so it's great for non-readers too! The best thing about picture books is they speak the universal language of images so they're easy to understand. Order a copy today!