Книги о Путешествиях

Различные книги в жанре Книги о Путешествиях

Абруццо – terra incognita

Татьяна Югай

Эта книга задумывалась как мини-энциклопедия Абруццо, мало известного туристам региона Италии. Русскому читателю она особенно полезна потому, что пока не существует путеводителя на русском языке. Главное отличие от имеющихся англоязычных путеводителей заключается в познавательном, а не рекламном характере. Моя цель – дать необходимые сведения для самостоятельного путешествия по Абруццо и, надеюсь, для дальнейшего чтения серии моих будущих книг под условным названием «Прогулки по Абруццо».

Таиланд туристический. Маленькое дополнение к известным путеводителям. Часть 3

Evgenii Shan

Азия, Китай, Таиланд, Бирма и Лаос. Исследовать и погружаться в этот незнакомый мир. История этого региона тесно связана с историей буддизма. А Таиланд в этом плане – страна уникальная.Автор выражает благодарность туристической компании Seven Countries за возможность изучать Таиланд.

Чаепитие на берегу Босфора. Повесть-путешествие во времени и в пространстве

Мария Романушко

Новая книга М. Романушко – это дневник её путешествия в Стамбул в гости к сыну, известному путешественнику Антону Кротову. Эта поездка оказалась для автора не только путешествием в пространстве, но и во времени – с возвратом к своим истокам, с погружением в генетическую память… А в настоящем времени каждый день происходило множество захватывающих историй…

Сборник тайн и загадок Дальнего Востока. Вы этого не знали…

Юрий Сергеевич Удовиченко

Автор книги в течение нескольких лет собирал тайны, легенды, мифы и загадки по всему Дальнему Востоку, чтобы передать собранные знания другим исследователям и просто любознательным людям, не боящимся неизведанного, приоткрывающего туманную завесу мироздания.

The Ambassador

Bragi Ólafsson

Sturla Jón Jónsson, the fifty-something building superintendent and sometimes poet, has been invited to a poetry festival in Vilnius, Lithuania, appointed, as he sees it, as the official representative of the people of Iceland to the field of poetry. His latest poetry collection, published on the eve of his trip to Vilnius, is about to cause some controversy in his home country, Sturla is publicly accused of having stolen the poems from his long-dead cousin, Jónas.Then there's Sturla's new overcoat, the first expensive item of clothing he has ever purchased, which causes him no end of trouble. And the article he wrote for a literary journal, which points out the stupidity of literary festivals and declares the end of his career as a poet. Sturla has a lot to deal with, and that's not counting his estranged wife and their five children, nor the increasingly bizarre experiences and characters he's forced to confront at the festival in Vilnius . . . Bragi Ólafsson's The Ambassador is a quirky novel that's filled with insightful and wry observations about aging, family, love, and the mysteries of the hazelnut. Bragi Ólafsson is most well known for playing in The Sugarcubes. He is the author of several books of poetry, a number of plays, and five novels. His works have been finalists for the Icelandic Literature Prize and Nordic Literature Prize, and he has received the Icelandic Bookseller's Award. Lytton Smith is a poet and translator, and a founding member of Blind Tiger Poetry. His book, The All-Purpose Magical Tent was published by Nightboat. His poems and reviews have appeared in such publications as The Atlantic, The Believer, and Boston Review.

18% Gray

Zachary Karabashliev

CO-WINNER OF THE 2012 CONTEMPORARY BULGARIAN WRITERS CONTEST Distraught over the sudden disappearance of his wife Stella, Zack tries to drown his grief in Tijuana, where he encounters a violent scene, and trying to save a stranger's life, nearly loses his own. Escaping with the van of his attackers, he makes it back to the U.S., but only to find a bag of marijuana in it. Using this as an impetus to change his life, Zack sets off for New York with the weed and a vintage Nikon. Through the lens of the old camera, he starts rediscovering himself by photographing an America we rarely see. His journey unleashes a series of erratic, hilarious, and life-threatening events interspersed with flashbacks to his relationship with Stella. The story shifts from present day California to Eastern Europe in the late eighties, flows briefly through France, and climaxes in a penthouse above Manhattan. A suspenseful, darkly funny love story, 18% Gray won both the Bulgarian Novel of the Year Award and the Flower of the Readers Award when it was first published in 2008. Zachary Karabashliev is a writer and editor at the largest publisher in Bulgaria. His debut novel, 18% Gray, was chosen as one of the 100 most loved books of all time by Bulgarians in the BBC «Big Read» campaign. Angela Rodel earned an M.A. in linguistics from UCLA and received a Fulbright Fellowship to study and learn Bulgarian. In 2010 she won a PEN Translation Fund Grant for Georgi Tenev's short story collection. She is one of the most prolific translators of Bulgarian literature working today.

More Moaning

Karl Pilkington

After going on a journey of discovery in The Moaning of Life, the enlightened one – otherwise known as Karl Pilkington – finds himself back on the road.
In his search for the answers to life's big questions, Karl has therapy in Tokyo to try and reduce the size of his head, he spends time in California with a man and his five wives, in New York he tries his hand at painting with his own vomit and travels to Berlin to have his future predicted by a blind man, via his bum cheeks.
Will his travels around the world bring him any closer to the meaning of life? Find out in his hilarious new book.

Hamlet: Globe to Globe

Dominic Dromgoole

In the middle of the sprawling Zaatari refugee camp, Dominic Dromgoole watches from the makeshift wings as Hamlet delivers one of his celebrated soliloquies. Four years earlier, Dromgoole, the Artistic Director of the Globe, had come up with a wildly ambitious idea . . . to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death by taking his most famous play to every country on the planet.
Over two full years, Dromgoole and the Globe players toured all seven continents performing Hamlet in sweltering deserts, grand Baltic palaces and heaving marketplaces – despite food poisoning in Mexico, the threat of ambush in Somaliland, an Ebola epidemic in West Africa and political upheaval in Ukraine.
Hamlet: Globe to Globe tells the fascinating story of this unprecedented theatrical adventure in which Dromgoole shows us the world through the prism of Shakespeare's universal drama. We see what the Danish prince means to the students of Cambodia, the effect of Polonius on the citizens of the tiny African nation of Djibouti and how a sixteenth-century play can touch the lives of Syrian refugees. Shakespeare's timeless power to transcend borders, to touch the human heart, and to bring the world closer together, has rarely been demonstrated in such a bold and brilliant way.

At the Water's Edge

John Lister-Kaye

For the last thirty years John Lister-Kaye has taken the same circular walk from his home deep in a Scottish glen up to a small hill loch. Each day brings a new observation or an unexpected encounter – a fragile spider's web, an osprey struggling to lift a trout from the water or a woodcock exquisitely camouflaged on her nest – and every day, on his return home, he records his thoughts in a journal.
Drawing on this lifetime of close observation, At The Water's Edge encourages us to look again at the nature around us, to discover its wildness for ourselves and to respect and protect it.

An Island Odyssey

Hamish Haswell-Smith

In An Island Odyssey Hamish Haswell-Smith casts off in his forty-one-foot sloop Jandara, armed with his sketch pad and a route map of a journey first taken by Martin Martin in 1703. Haswell-Smith sets sail on a voyage that will take him to fifty-two different islands around the Scottish Coast, from Ailsa Craig in the Firth of Clyde to St. Kilda, Fair Isle and Bass Rock.
Filled with natural history, local legend and landscapes and accompanied by the author's own distinctive sketches and watercolours An Island Odyssey is a delightful way to discover or rediscover the romance, beauty and inescapable magnetism of the Scottish Islands.